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  • Buckle up baby 2020 is gonna be a ride!

    Happy New Year!!! Holy smokes things are gonna kick into high gear in 2020. We have 6… oh yeah SIX eclipses this year, retrogrades form all the planets in our solar system and so much more!!! Lets talk about the eclipses coming our way! Eclipses have always fascinated human kind as far back as there have been humans to observe them. Our collective relationship with this celestial phenomena has evolved over recorded history. We have always stood in awe when the Earth, Sun and Moon all align, especially when the skies are darkened and life seems to stand at still attention for a few heartbeats, jaws agape and wonder in our eyes. Its as if for a brief moment we are reminded of our tininess on the universal stage. In the almost imperceptible space between breaths we become aware of just how small and vulnerable we are. However, I also believe we can, for just a second, be in the presence of something greater than ourselves; something that is unfathomable, yet universally felt. What may seem as strictly part of the great clockwork that is ever ticking forward in a natural progression of the physical world, seemingly also has metaphysical, spiritual and esoteric significance. "In Astrology, we see Eclipses as a portal so to speak; a conduit through which a special kind of energy will pass from the Illuminating celestial bodies of the sun and moon down to us humans." The Universe loves to send us opportunities to enact change in our lives, and Eclipses are the fastest, most potent way to get our often meandering attention. Eclipses shake us a little bit. Rattling us, surprising us and getting us out of our respective ruts. All of this is intended to lead you to evolve and become a better more mature version of yourself. You are here to grow expand and reach for a higher plane of spiritual awareness and these eclipses are the gateway through which super charged transformation energy is sent to you me and every other sentient being. Interestingly, eclipses always travel in pairs, synchronizing with new and full moon phases, as solar and lunar eclipses, respectively. Eclipses always arrive in a sort of family of signs that are joined on the same axis. In other words, eclipse families come in pairs of signs that are found exactly opposite each other (six months apart) on the horoscope wheel. To help you understand the mechanics of this celestial phenomena, a solar eclipse occurs when the moon lodges between the Sun and earth, blocking all light of the light of the Sun. This is what we typically think of when we use the word “eclipse,” with the moon covering the Sun. Additionally, a lunar eclipse happens when the earth comes between the moon and the Sun, blocking all the light of the Sun from the moon. Remember, the moon has no light of her own, her place in the cosmos is to act as the great mirror of the sun. Also, a lunar eclipse is always a full moon and usually marks endings or culmination points. So to put it in perspective an of any kind eclipse is a significant event in the in our star system. To put it in basic terms, a solar eclipse is really a new moon on jacked up on steroids and a lunar eclipse is a full moon on performance enhancing drugs. I have read somewhere that they have the strength of three new moons or full moons…. So yeah they are pretty intense! Even though our first eclipse is still a bout 10 days away the feelings, sensitivities, and effects are already being felt by many people. If you have noticed feelings are cropping up then here are some points to help you understand WTF is happening. Keep in mind, not all things are bad, in fact even difficult experiences are intended to help you move forward in your life in the most positive way. So here are a few things to be aware of - You are very likely to be feeling more emotional, Intuitive and sensitive than usual under a LUNAR eclipse... Like this one. Ok, maybe you're feeling more moody, weepy, grumpy, agitated, or just weird.. Totes Normal!!! Yeah, you will be feeling a bit out of sorts. Emotions may run a little higher, or a little deeper. You might be so sensitive you can hardly stand the sound of someone breathing two rooms away. You might cry at the drop of a hat. You might want to run away...elope… quit your job or even divorce humanity. I get it, I really do, but don’t do it. That is just emotional sensitivity talking. Instead, try to take some alone time. If you can, try to separate your feelings from your fears/ fantasies and just sit on the bench for a while before making any life altering decisions. Wait, breath, wait some more. The Veil will be a bit thinner… For some of us, it will feel like the veil between the physical world and the spiritual world is inordinately thin. You may notice that your dreams are more vivid, psychic senses are sharper and your intuition will kinda be on fire a little bit - a lot. The Lunar eclipse happening on the 10th of January is in the sign of Cancer. With the energies of Cancer influencing this eclipse, you may have dreams, or messages from loved ones that have passed over, especially from Moms, Grandma’s Aunties and sisters. Cancer is a feminine water sign and is naturally ruled by the moon so you can expect the special bonds you hold with those you felt the most protected and nurtured by will be activated to help you grow into your next phase in the coming decade. Even if the eclipse does not to fall in your sign or rising sign it will still have an affect on you. Ok, lets say that the eclipse is happening in the sign of Leo and you happen to be a Capricorn and you have read that all fire signs will be affected by the eclipse, that doesn’t mean you get a free pass. Equally, it doesn’t mean you will be hit any harder than anyone else. The main thing is don’t think that you get to sit the eclipse out if your sign isn’t mentioned or directly activated. You may instead find that you are going to take a short trip that changes your life in some way. Maybe you will start a job or quit one. Or perhaps you will get some unexpected news suddenly. The main thing to understand is your Sun or Ascending sign doesn’t have to be directly involved to have an event triggered that just might change your life. One Door closes and another one opens with all Eclipses…. And new opportunities arrive with Solar eclipses! When Eclipse energy is active it can make you feel a little unstable. As if you are a new born baby Bambi attempting to walk on very rubbery inexperienced legs. You feel unsure if the Eclipse energy is here to support you or tear you to pieces. However, once given tie to acclimate you will discover that your legs work just fine, they are strong enough to hold you up. When you take your first steps into the world on the other side of the Eclipse you will discover that not only are your legs going to hold you up they will take you wherever you want to go. It’s amazing how once we go through an eclipse, nothing is ever the same. Believe it or not this is usually always good (of course this depends on your mindset and circumstances) because in some way you are being propelled forward. You can’t go back, and nor should you. Even if a part of you misses “the good old days” it’s better to forge ahead we can never go back to the past but that’s exactly what the universe wants and it is the natural order of your progression up the ever ascending spiral of consciousness. Just know that the only direction with an eclipse is forward. In some cases the changes can happen instantly, or they can gradually occur over a period of several months, growing ever more defined with each successive eclipse. Nonetheless, the changes can initially come as a shock. Just do your best to trust the process. Even i you don’t understand the why of what is happening, it will unfold and eventually become clear. Trust the process my dear mystic. Solar eclipses tend to create new beginnings and bright new opportunities. More often than not Solar eclipses bring excitement and positivity into your life. There is an element of excitement and sometimes wonderful news just seems to drop out of the sky unexpectedly However, it is very important to look at the relationship or aspect the sun is making with the other planets in the soar system to truly judge the quality of energy the solar eclipse brings. In some cases, there can be challenging aspects that can somewhat dampen the positivity a solar eclipse normally gives. Your best bet is to see how the transiting eclipse affects your natal planets and what kind of aspects are made between your natal chart and the day or night of the eclipse. This will tell you how you will be affected personally rather than just the general themes the eclipse gives all of us. Lunar eclipses are more emotional, bringing nostalgia, sensitivity and final endings. Lunar Eclipses have a very distinct feel compare to a solar eclipse. As the moon rules our emotions, the subconscious mind and our default patterns… you know, the things you do unconsciously. Also, the moon has an influence on your sense of the passage of time, thus making you feel sentimental. It is important that you are aware that a full moon lunar eclipse is almost certainly going to be an especially emotional time. Things from your past may come back to the surface and dreams come to you vividly and with sometimes feeling nearly physical. Special messages may come from unexpected sources and the veil between this world and the spirit world will feel especially thin. From this, eclipses often bring things to a close, tying up lose ends and completing cycles that you have been in. Letting go and finding closure is often the them with Lunar Eclipses. The prime directive of an Eclipse is to reveal the truth by injecting your life with a lightning bolt of truth. No part of your life will remain untouched and you will be forced to release any illusions that you have held. Eclipses are like a big spot light into your life. Illuminating the truth and also uncovering the source of any illusions or untruths. Your shadow, the shadows of others and even the shadow of the worlds collective consciousness revealed. This is not an act of cosmic punishment or shaming, no, if fact it is like opening the curtains in a darkened room. Everything is brilliantly illuminated, revealing a truth that until now you have been blind to. Suddenly with new clarity, you can look at things critically and transform, release or even adopt a new way of going forward. For many people what is revealed can be shocking enough that they are ready to make dramatic changes in order to accommodate what new knowledge they have. This energy can be used as a powerful tool to direct your course of action toward aligning you with what you truly want. Just remember eclipses always come as your ally, even if you lean a scary, or uncomfortable truth, it is always in effort to guide you toward a better version of yourself.

  • The Fine Print

    I think a lot… I mean ALOT. I contemplate, muse and ponder everything all the time. Whether it is something someone said, something I have observed or even a passing thought, I spend time puzzling over the puzzle that is life. I am also a HUGE watcher. I listen and look, and I take in all that is said, done and demonstrated by other human beings; some of whom I know, some I don’t. Either way, I consciously work to notice everything, especially what isn’t said and that’s because I like the details. I like the fine grain of life and seeing what often goes unnoticed. The artist in me is forever in awe of the subtleties that often lie in the unawareness of others. The way people touch their hair when they are nervous. Or even the way that people apologize when they have nothing to be sorry for. It’s not really the apologies that fascinate me… to be honest, it is the subtext of the apology that engages my curiosity. Why do people say sorry for offering opinions, ideas or just speaking? I think it has less to do with being regretful and more to do with attempting to be unimposing. I think most of the time people don’t want to intrude or force their presence or take up too much space in a conversation, a room, or even in your schedule. I think it is a way of attempting to be humble. Social media and the internet is interesting because it gives us all a chance to be anonymous voyeurs. We get to look at other people literally without them noticing. You get to form opinions, about other humans and what they do, say or think. The internet allows you to invite people in or shut people out. It allows you to inhabit another person’s “world” undetected, while stealthily collecting opinions and biases. The truth is you really know nothing about the person you are watching. You only see what they choose to show. The rest my dear Mystic is YOU. Everything else you feel or think about another person is all based on the perceptions you have. What is so fascinating is that somehow we convince ourselves we know someone based on what we think we see. Whether the object of your attention is REAL, authentic and everything they seem to be is an unknown, there is no way to qualify their identity or the traits they seem to have that attracted you in the first place. None the less, we invest a great deal into the beliefe that is built around the person being watched… or followed. You just don’t know the total truth of who anyone is. PERIOD. Yeah, I know this is sounding pretty effing dark.. But trust me it’s not. Scroll on intrepid adventurer, there is a love note ahead! First of all, let’s think about this a minute. Why do you follow a person on social media? What is it that keeps you engaged, interested and ready for more? What keeps you feeling bonded to a person despite not truly knowing them? I think it is because you recognize something… You recognize something that you wish to emulate or maybe its that you identify something in yourself as familiar and reflected in the image of them that you see. In other words, they have something you want to have within yourself or you see something reflected back at you, that you already possess. Or you hate them and you just want to watch what they do so you can hate them more. HAHAHAHA didn’t think I was gonna mention that did you?! Seriously though, the thing I want to bring to your attention isn’t so much about what other people are doing, or whether or not you should be anonymously (or not) watching them from afar. To me, those points are only smaller parts of a much larger equation. The questions I’m interested in asking delve into you. I want to inspire you to look deeper. I want to invite you to ask yourself, what in me aligns with them? What in me is attracted to them? Is it something I see in myself or something I would like to emulate in my own life? Taking a mindful approach, it is important to understand why you follow or support people on social media or who are in the public eye. It’s a good exercise to really examine your relationship with them or what they represent. The reason for this self-examination is that sometimes you can find yourself following someone for reasons that might not even be your own. I’m sure that sounds weird, but the truth of the matter is that we as human beings like to feel acceptance from other human beings. We all like to feel acceptance because with acceptance comes the relative assumption of being liked and or loved… and everyone loves to be loved. Because of this human need for acceptance, you can find yourself following someone because your friends do or if not because of your friends, then maybe because there are enough people that agree that the person being followed represents something in alignment with a certain set of beliefs or values. But is that enough to make the person being followed a real role model? So why am I throwing all of these deeply philosophical questions at you? Ha! Because I can… kidding… ok not kidding. None the less I’m glad you “asked”! You see my dear Mystic, times are a-changing’! I like to think for the better, but while these changes are happening there is much to be discovered and even more to be questioned. For some of us who have been walking a certain path of spirituality that was not so mainstream even ten years ago, it is an exciting time! We are seeing things that we couldn’t or daren’t even speak about in certain company become increasingly mainstream. People are talking crystals, tarot cards and astrology like “no big deal.” Whereas before you were “weird” or worse. There was a time not too long ago that if you even hinted at the fact that you were into occult practices… oh yeah, I said OCCULT! There was something dark and dangerous about you. On many levels this is great, it’s wonderful to see the diversity of beliefe emerging and becoming more and more acceptable. I love the fact that we are alive during a time that we get to witness a shift in the thought and belief paradigm that is only rivalled by about 2000 years ago when a certain sandaled rebel pissed a lot of people off. We, my dear, are in a renaissance and I couldn’t be happier! None the less, I have to take pause. I have to wonder if all of this newfound excitement for alternative spirituality is more than just trendy? Are people really shifting and adapting to a new era of human expression or is it just the influence of a fad in pop culture? Or worse… a way to make a quick buck and grab a ton of followers? Do these folks actually study and practice what they are talking about? Good question huh! I hope that people are truly finding themselves closer to The Creator of all that is as well as themselves. I genuinely hope that as trends change that people will be a more evolved and enriched version of who they are experimenting with now. So this is why all the questions. For my own part, I study relentlessly. I love to learn and my bookshelves bow under the weight of all that I’m working to learn. My practice is by no means new, even if it is more public than it was a year or 5 ago. Personally, I have been excited by more than a few people I’ve seen on social media talking about all the stuff I love… from sacred geometry to astrology, to energetic healing and light work, all the way to different forms of divination and healing practices. Only to see them fade away or worse demonstrate that they were not really who they wanted me to see. Bums me out, but this is the way it goes when people are trying to find themselves I guess. In response, I’ve had to look very closely at what people are saying and DOING when it comes to all of this “spiritual” stuff. Now, I’m not judging, I’m not even condemning anyone. I’m just observing. If the person or group of people I’m following begin to show behaviours or practices that don’t align with my own personal growth, truth, values or morality, I stop engaging with them. Not in anger or judgement, but in an act of self-preservation. I say it this way because everyone is on their own journey and will get to where they are intending to go in their own time despite my feelings. I always ask myself how following someone makes me feel. Do they uplift others? Do they withhold information? Do they heal and help? Do they misdirect the truth by blaming others or circumstances? Do they act with integrity and accountability? Or do they avoid responsibility? Most importantly… what does my gut say? Now I know this was a long read, and if you have made it this far you are truly a determined soul, and I thank you for your attention to my thoughts. The reason for sharing all these thoughts is to provoke questions, discussions and perhaps an examination of self. The invitation to look deeper into your social circle, your teachers, role models - guru’s, is not to judge them, rather it is to become more clear on your own path. If you can, take a good long look, scroll back through your feed and see if those that you follow are consistent, see if their message still vibrates in your heart or if something has changed. Don’t worry about what others may think… even what I think, just seek the truth of your own heart, because it is the seat of your joy. Thanks for reading… and I hope I’m still someone you wish to share space with. Much love Alysa

  • I don't wear masks.

    Hey Mystics, I just realized something interesting. I'm always looking forward. Looking for the next hill to climb or mountain to conquer. Most places I have been in the past, are left right where I found them. I tend to "pack lightly" through life. Only taking what my heart needs in the moment. Mostly because I know that not everything you find isn't meant for you to hang onto forever. I dont often talk about my personal journey. Instead, I talk about learning new things, the new projects I have on the go, and all the cool stuff I wanna share with you... but rarely do I open a window for you to view my past. Some people may think that I present a mask to you. That perhaps there is something in my life that I dont want you to see. I can assure you that is not the case! I am very much a what you see is what you get kind of person. If you ask me something I will gladly tell you. If there is something I dont know, I will humbely admit it. I dont wear masks because there isn't anything about me that I feel the need to hide from you. In truth, I've seen alot of talk about the hiding people do, how they feel like they have to come clean and show up authentically. I applaud their bravery, but I have to admit, I've never really felt that way. If you meet me at the store or in my home you are meeting the same person that you meet when I'm live on Facebook or you come to me for a reading. I've always shown up as me... warts and all. When I was about 14 I gave myself a mohawk. To be honest it wasn't my best look but I liked it. It felt cool and it freaked people out. When I got a little older I was the first one of the majority of the people I knew to get a tattoo. I used to sword fight in the park whith my friends when I was 17. At 36 I started pole dancing and at 37 I started cosplaying villains and antiheroes. Because it was fun and creative and it made me happy. Each chapter of my life has brought me lessons, adventures and more opportunities to express more of myself. My ever evolving and changing and maturing self. I've had highs and lows and everything in between. I'm just like you...only really, really me. I always seek to help and heal. It's my labour of love. My sacred duty. So, while I dont wear a mask I do have many facets, many perspectives and points of view. With this little realization, I've understood that you might like to know more about my experiences, the places I've been and why I come to you as the person you see now. In other words, I'd like to share with you - a little more of me. To say I've worked hard to get where I am is no understatement... equally it is not a banner of qualification. It's just my story.. or more accurately, a part of it. When I was 15 I moved out of my mother's home. I was very angry, ready to fight and looking for myself in the same way Indiana Jones chased the arc of the covenant. I was on a mad mission to assert myself into the world. The reason for this early departure, is I wanted to be someone that there was no room for in my childhood home. To be honest, I grew up fast. Like real fast. I had a lot of responsibility really early on... but that is a story from another time. After I left my Moms home, I lived between my boyfriend's house at the time, and my Dads place. That might not sound too outstanding but to be honest it was. When I "moved in" with my Dad I was moving in with a stranger. I had been raised up without him in my life. I saw him a grand total of 2 maybe 3 times before the age of 6, and that was it till I was 15. My parents were together for about 7 years and once I came into the equation, it was about 8 months before my Mother packed me up and left. To say my parents had a volatile relationship would probably be a softened description of what their life together was. To be honest with you, I never heard much in the way of a description of their life together beyond the talk of fights, violence and infidelity. Basically I was painted a pretty ugly and sad picture which to this day is still very obscure. So the first time I met my Dad, he was a stranger to me. But he represented an undiscovered country, in that he was part of me, but he was also very much a mystery. Everything I knew about him was that he was a Vietnam veteran and that he was dangerous. He was someone who I needed to fear and loathe. At least according to the tales of woe told to me by my very wounded Mother. I dont blame either of them for their split. They were young. They loved each other the best they could... they were just inadequate to the task. Like so many of us, they started with a dream that brought them to a very harsh reality. I feel sorry for them both. So as I said, when I moved in with my Dad I had a lot of learning to do. I will never forget my first night in that little 16' x 12' cabin on the side of Mt. Hull in the Okanogan Highlands. It was February and as cold as you can imagine. I had never lived with him and had certainly never lived In a place like that cabin. Oh boy.... I remember pushing the wooden door open and walking into this cold little box. There were bullet casings on the floor everywhere, little trails of gun powder that lead to a reloading machine. There was a big McDonalds flag that served as a curtain over one of the windows and firewood heaped up next to an old barrel stove. There were piles and piles of books lining the walls and an old C.B. radio on a shelf next to the other big window. There was sage bundles, olive drab millitary water tanks and all manner of riff raff everywhere. There was no running water or even a well, no indoor plumbing and no electricity. In all of this there really was no room for a 15 year old girl. It was in that moment, standing in my father's mountain side cabin that I realized I was in for an education. I was a little scared but not enough to go back to my Mother's. I stayed and I learned more than I had a right to expect. It was in that cabin that I learned to build a fire with wooden matches and kindling I chopped myself. It was in that cabin that I learned what the weight of a flak jacket felt like and how M.R.E.'s taste. I learned how to shoot a gun, a rifle, and a bow. I learned how to flint Knapp my own arrow heads and how to harvest bitter root if I ever really needed to eat it. I was taught how to scrape, tan and stretch a hide. I learned how to wash my hair in a creek before school and how to drive on dirt roads. I learned how to read stars, talk with spirits and glimpse the unseen. I learned how to listen very quietly to whatever the wind wanted to tell me. I learned to haul water, cook on a propane stove and run a gasoline generator. I learned to bend willow saplings into a sweat lodge and sing and pray to a Spirit that had been waiting for me to call its name. All in a tiny cabin with a very grumpy old man who loved me, his very angsty, firey and rebelious daughter. There are lots of stories I could tell you. Many adventures I can share. But I think the most important thing is that I show you a little bit about me. Something intimate and unknown. And now... back to your regularly scheduled Alysa. Much Love.

  • When the universe is talking to you… LISTEN

    In my work, I am fortunate enough to see people through various stages of their life’s journey. Some are looking for affirmation that they are on the right path, and for others, they are just beginning on the path of discovery, becoming more familiar with the various sides of their own consciousness. For me, it is always fascinating to watch a person unfold every layer of self and to be a part of that process. Every person has an extremely unique life and collection of experiences. I hate the fact that the term snowflake has become a common way to refer to someone who is thought of as being overly sensitive and weak. I like to compare people to snowflakes in a different way. To me, it describes the idea that everyone is different yet still made of the same stuff, and for this reason, I think the term snowflake is perfect. What the hell do snowflakes and the universes talking to you have in common? Glad you asked! So here’s the thing, the Universe or Spirit, or whatever else you want to call in, talks to you all the time. Like literally all the time. The Tap - You get the tap when you aren’t in alignment with something you are doing. This doesn’t mean it’s something you are doing by choice, sometimes it is something that you FEEL you have to do out of obligation. I like to use the example of a job you HATE. You have to work, you have to earn a living, but sometimes it’s not where you should be. Sometimes your job is making you miserable but you can’t leave … after all the bills ain’t gonna pay themselves. Do you get The Tap? The Tap usually shows up as negative emotions. You get anxiety when you think of the thing you don’t want to do. Or you get angry and irritable just talking about it. In the worst cases, you start to feel depressed. In any event, the message is that you aren’t in alignment with what you are doing or what is happening around you. The Tap is given as a gentle (ish) invitation to leave the situation, to readjust your trajectory if you will. Hopefully, you will stop right there and change directions so as to avoid more intervention fro the Universe. The Slap - If you haven’t listened to the warnings that the universe has been whispering in your ear… she will get LOUDER. Oh yea, she will become direct and very stern, just like when you were a kid and you weren’t listening to your mom. The universe has a way of being very persistent when aligning you with your highest good, it will set things in your path to derail you from anything that isn’t in perfect harmony with your truest self. You will lose jobs, friends and lovers. You will experience delays, blockages and things that seem to stop you from making progress; most of all, you will feel as though you are always fighting to get anywhere with anything. This is yet another way the universe tries to inform you. The problem is that many of these signs are easy to ignore because they feel like bad luck. So, often people misinterpret “the Slap” as cosmic punishment or even just plain old bad luck. As you might guess, if one doesn’t find the direction they need to go; or worse ignore the universes less than subtle nudge’s, shit get’s REAL. Getting knocked the F**K out - I think we have all been laid low by the universe once or twice in our lives. There is an event or something that happens that just knocks you down and lays you out worse than a high school parking lot fight. You find yourself disoriented because the world is spinning and you keep trying to figure out what the hell you did to deserve getting hit by the proverbial karmic truck. See, the universe knocks you out as a last resort. As I mentioned before, literally every experience you have is intended to bring you to the highest expression of yourself, not just the potential, but the actual fulfilment of your soul's purpose. When a person continues to ignore or subvert the authentic expression of who they are, or what they need to be healthy, the universe will force you to stop whatever you were doing. It will force you to the ground and make you take a long hard look at the reality of your life. Your choices will be forced down a channel that compels you to reexamine what you really want and who you really are. When the universe knocks you the fuck out you get major illnesses, accidents, and sometimes you get a little too close to death. Mind you, that doesn’t necessarily mean YOU will die, it just means something happens that feels like a death. I have been there a few times in my life. Each time, I had been totally turning a blind eye to the jumbotron sized red flags, and ultimately the only answer was to undo my world. So the universe did. I won’t go into detail about all the ways the lessons were taught to me, but, suffice to say getting knocked the fuck out gives a girl pause to reflect on all the things that could have been done differently. Naturally, most of us want to be doing the right thing, we want to be on the right path and know that it is purposeful and has meaning. But, for most of us, there is a great deal of trial and error getting there. Often times we have to push past fear, the desire for acceptance and of course the understanding of those we love and respect most. However, the call of your soul purpose rarely will include please all the people all the time. So, as you can see, the universe communicates to you in ways that are sometimes misinterpreted but always sending you signs to redirect you when you are off course. It’s not just a nicety, its a natural law. Nothing in the entire universe exists without a purpose and that includes you. So when the universe tries to get your attention by sending you a tap...or a slap, please listen before you get knocked the fuck out. Alysa Is a second generation traditional western astrologer specializing in Natal, synastry & Business astrology. She is also a Tarot veteran, a practicing mystic, offering Astrology, Tarot, Holistic Healing and many other mystical modalities from her Hillsburgh, Ontario offices. Known as The North Star Mystic, Alysa is passionate about all thing esoteric, metaphysical and spiritual. She is honest, funny as hell and always shares her guidance with heart centered For more information or how to book a service or session visit

  • October 13th Hunters Moon in Aries

    I LOVE the smell of fall air. It's like the sweetest and most subtle incense drifting on the air. There is something truly grounding about the smell of wet leaves and wood smoke from the fireplace. It just makes me feel secure, and so connected to the cycles of the planet. October just brings me to my happy place, and that's not just because of Halloween! This October the First Quarter Moon rests in the sign of Capricorn. Capricorn energizes you with the desire to consolidate, organize and get all of your duckies in a row. If you feel like you have been herding cats for the last little while, this Earth signs influence will help you to stabilize your energy. The first Quarter Moon is fantastic for making you feel a bit more feisty and even energetic. You want to get cracking on things, not just sit there and watch the world go by, you might find yourself feeling like you are ready to close the gap between your dreams and your reality. Focus on advancing your career, be bold and reach for the brass ring! Just be careful not to be too rigid in your beliefs. Capricorn is pretty serious and like everything to be just such a way, you just have to remember to remain flexible while you move toward completing your goals. The Full moon in October is The Hunter's Moon. In the old days, this was the time when hunters would go out in hopes of catching enough game to sustain their families during the winter. This year, the Full Hunter's Moon Falls in the sign of Aries. The light of the Full Moon is perfect for illuminating what has been blocking your progress in self expression. You will be able to see what, where and how you have been getting in your own way. You may be finding that the time for excuses is running out and that with every passing day your instinct to just do the thing - whatever it may be, is getting harder to ignore and even harder to hide. Aries energy is perfect for breaking away from old habits. Aries loves new everything, new habits, belief structures and even new chapters of life. Aries and the Full Hunter's Moon can embolden even the most timid heart, especially if you let its energy help you to hunt down the true source of your fears. Home and family will also be a point that attracts much of your focus. You will likely feel a strong desire to set yourself apart from your family, claiming your independence and marking your territory. You may have felt rejected by your family or even as though who you are isn't aligned with who they wanted or even told you you should be. None the less, you should still guard against impulsiveness. That's hard to do especially when you are ready to break free. Just remember that there is time to get what you want out of life but you will only get it if you choose to step into the light of who you truly are. Here is a quick and easy Hunter's Moon ritual For this full moon practice get the following Mystic Materials: Pieces of pyrite, red jasper, citrine, black tourmaline or obsidian and clear quartz. Pen and paper Sage Feather Abalone shell or other such fire proof bowl Clear water Pouch Arrange these stones on image I've created above - CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD - in the following way Begin by using smudging yourself off using the sage, feather and abalone shell to catch any ashes. Once you have smudged off, place your pyrite, citrine, red jasper and black tourmaline or obsidian on the four corners of the arrows. You can use as many of those stones as you like. write down the goal you wish to accomplish on the piece of paper. Fold it four times and place it over the image of the full moon. Take your piece of clear quartz and put it on top of your paper. Sit with your grid/ alter for a few moments and visualize yourself completing the goal/ project you wish to accomplish. Drink the water Once you have finished the water take your stones from the four corners and place them in the pouch, then the clear quartz and finally your intention paper. Once you have collected your stones and your intention in your pouch, you may choose to say a closing prayer. Share your pictures in the North Star Mystic facebook group - Click here to join. On October 21st the Waning Crescent Moon is in Leo, again you may feel a bit more energized, ready to have some fun and take in some R & R. You may feel the need to be acknowledged for something you have been working on and finally completed. You may also feel like it's time that others take notice of just how far you have come... only thing is, you may not want to ask for the praise you really want. That's ok, don't stress about it, but as you are hunting for NEW ways to be an even better version of yourself. At the end of the day, Leo wants you to take charge and be the authority in your own life... and that's exactly what you should be doing. Just be mindful that your pride doesn't prevent you from asking for help... or saying NOOOOOO! Last but not least.... the NEW MOON... of yes, the Dark Moon will be mingling her energy with Scorpio. So, this could be rather interesting! With Venus just entering Scorpio and the New Moon energy combing with that of Venus and Scorpio.... oh honey! See this is the perfect storm (in a good way) for really empowering your sexual energy. There have been some demons romping around in your head, scratching and clawing the walls of your imagination... You may feel like provoking, getting the attention of every wandering eye and maybe even challenging anyone who gets in the way of your mission to conquer - yourself. Oh yeah this is all about self satisfaction. Only it is the kind that comes from understand why you are the way your are and then transforming what was into what is meant to be. Scorpio will force you to flush out any self-deceit, The New Moon will bring all the subconscious goop that has been smiting your ability to self actualize and together, all of this energy can culminate into you revealing yourself to the world... unapologetically. Shake your money maker baby! The most important thing to understand about this particular New Moon is that it is once again an invitation to go into the underworld of you. You can only do that by pushing aside anything that is untruthful, unreal, or toxic. You have to not just play with your shadow or make friends with it... you have to make love to it. You have to embrace your imperfections, your darkness, your ugly - whatever that is. Because once you love even the unlovable, wounded fucked up parts of yourself, they can't control your enlightened mind. So use what the scorpion and the eagle offer, the archetypes of danger and liberty and set yourself free. Thanks for reading, that's all for now. If you would like to learn about how your Moon is influencing you book a birth chart reading here! Please subscribe & share. Love you! Alysa Is a second generation traditional western astrologer specializing in Natal, synastry & Business astrology. She is also a Tarot veteran, a practicing mystic, offering Astrology, Tarot, Holistic Healing and many other mystical modalities from her Hillsburgh, Ontario offices. Known as The North Star Mystic, Alysa is passionate about all thing esoteric, metaphysical and spiritual. She is honest, funny as hell and always shares her guidance with heart centered For more information or how to book a service or session visit

  • Seven things your birth chart will tell you

    Why would you get your birth chart done by an astrologer when you can just read your horoscope for free? I LOVE this question! You know how sometimes you think to yourself what the hell is going on, why do I feel so weird today? You take stock of all the possibilities… you ate breakfast, you took your multivitamin… hell, you even had a healthy dinner last night. Nonetheless, everything is all out of sorts. So then you pop online or flip to the horoscope page in your favourite newspaper or magazine so that you can possibly bring some sense to an otherwise whacked out situation. Only when you start reading your horoscope, you read something that was clearly written for someone else and not you. Because obviously that so-called horoscope was written by someone who had another person in mind. It’s not a great day for love, no you didn’t get a raise and dammit you still just feel weird. And then… there are those times when you read the horoscope and you nearly stop breathing for a second because it's so dead-on it’s freaky. The problem is you just never really know if it’s going to be right… wrong or somewhere in between. The fact is, pretty much all horoscopes you read, no matter how good the astrologer is that wrote it, it is written for one-twelfth of the population. These back of the magazine horoscopes are calculated for a whole entire sun sign rather than for you as an individual with your specific and unique birth data. Taaah Daaahhh now you know the reason!!! Your birth chart is as unique as you are. Even if a person is born on the same day at the same hour, if they are born even 20 miles away this will place differences in the chart of them and you. So what is the point? What can you get from your birth (natal chart) that is going to be any more helpful than reading your daily, weekly or monthly horoscope? Glad you asked. In the simplest terms, you were born with a purpose, drives, fears, parental relationships, siblings, children, psychological patterns, your soul's karmic path and more and it can all be visualized in your natal chart. Your natal chart works kind of like a map and a personal profile all at the same time. Different symbols are used to indicate where and what kinds of influences you have working in your present and toward your future. Basically, astrology is the study of the soul and its evolution using the language of the stars. 1. Your birth chart will definitively show your unique strengths and weaknesses... and then how to leverage or heal them! Essentially, a comprehensive analysis of your natal chart will help you understand your innate talents, but also where you have to work a little harder to get the results you want. It’s like having a cheat sheet for your own life! Every person has strengths... but sometimes you might not be aware of them or better yet, where to apply them to the greatest effect. Like, you might know you are a great writer... but maybe you don't know that your writing talents might bring you a lot of fame or fortune if you start to write about cooking. As far as weaknesses are concerned, you have them, you are probably aware of may of them, but wouldn't it be nice if you knew how to transform them? Like if you know your not a strong baseball player, wouldn't it be great to know you can turn that weakness into a strength by coaching instead of playing? 2. Your Natal Chart is a POWERFUL tool for finding the best career choice. I think for many of us there is a point in time (or in my case several) where you wonder if you are on the right career path. For me, without a doubt, my natal chart was the difference between doing what I love and settling for what I thought I HAD to do. True story - when I saw that my natal chart described my ideal job with all the things I loved doing most in detail... I nearly spit out my tea! My Birth chart literally spelled it all out for me! I wasn’t meant to sit at a desk or ring-up groceries, I was meant to read the stars and help others find their purpose! Needless to say ever since that moment, I put all of my energy into North Star Mystic and haven’t looked back. I’m now my own boss… FULL TIME! WOOOO! 3. Your birth chart will show you that you are more than just a one trick pony! You probably have already figured out that you have more than one side. You act one way in public and maybe another way when you are comfortable at home. Your natal chart explains this as easily as water rolling off a duck. You know how you hear things like Scorpios and Leo’s just don’t get along only to discover that you are a Leo and your life long best friend is a Scorpio? Then you wonder… who the hell came up with that rule? To put it simply, it’s because you are waaaaay more than just your sun sign! You have several facets to your personality and your natal chart shows you just how that plays out. Your big 3… Your rising sign, your sun sign and your moon sign all describe different elements of your personality… and you need to know! 4. Your birth chart explains how planetary placements, alignments and positions affect YOUR ENERGY and personality. Ok, so you have no doubt heard about Mercury retrograde, or even the moon being full in some sign or other. Have you ever wondered just how much these things really affect you? This is where your Natal chart really shines. When you see your birth chart and discover what influences the planets in our solar system have given you, you will start to truly understand your own nature. Just like the moon affects our tides, animals, weather and even people, each of the planets gives their own special influence that affects you on a deeply personal level. Want to know what pisses you off or inspires action - look at your Mars placement. Wonder how other people perceive or see you? Look at your Ascending sign. Want to figure out what your supposed to be learning in this life? Look at your Lunar Nodes! It's all there and more! 5.Your birth chart reveals what karmic lessons you need to learn in this life. There are just somethings that need more explanation then that's just the way the cookie crumbles… or that was the hand you were dealt, so grin and bear it. You came into this life with lessons you are meant to learn and you are presented with experiences that will help you to learn them. However, even if you know that sometimes you can still feel very confused as to what the lessons are for. Why certain things have happened in your life or even why particular patterns seem to show up over and over again. Your birth chart very clearly shows you what those lessons are and also what you can do to make them easier. 6. Without a doubt, Astrology is the most complete way to reveal who you truly are, who you're intended to become… and how to do it! This is where you see just how powerful Astrology really is. So far in my career, I have worked with people from every walk of life. I have been fortunate enough to work with people who make millions of dollars every year, getting to look at their natal charts and what is in them that makes them different. I have worked with people who have seemingly ordinary lives on the outside only to discover that the have some very unusual talents. Of all the people I have worked with the ones that make my heart beat a little faster are the charts that I get to read for people who have an AH-HA! Moment. It’s so exciting to sit with a client who is feeling confused or a little afraid to embrace who they truly are and go for what they want in life. Your Natal chart can offer you not just affirmation, but in many ways PERMISSION to pursue your true self and the dreams that go with it. This is why I do what I do… nothing gives me more joy than empowering a person to be who they are intended to be! 7. Your birth chart can improve your relationships Imagine if you knew what makes your spouse, child, parent, pet, boss or friend tick? How good would it be to finally understand why they are the way they are?! A natal chart is an unparalleled tool for getting a clearer understanding of yourself and the people & even pets you love most. I personally have used my whole family birth charts to make our home life soooo much more manageable. I understand why my brilliant 17-year-old daughter is so very timid even though she is incredibly artistically talented (she has a rare Pisces rising) I discovered that my son is very sensitive and is happiest at home with his family (Cancer Ascendant) … which help me to stop worrying about him socially. There are more ways and reasons than I can easily give you to see just how much astrology can improve your relationships, parenting and even social life. At the risk of going overboard, I would venture to say that the ways you can benefit from having a personal birth chart are nearly limitless. It was Johannes Kepler who said, “The soul of the newly born baby is marked for life by the pattern of the stars at the moment it comes into the world, unconsciously remembers it, and remains sensitive to the return of configurations of a similar kind.” and I think that sums up all the reasons you need to take advantage of your own personal users manual. If you are ready to uncover your purpose and live it more consciously click here to book a natal chart reading. Option 1: The chart only option in this you receive ... a fully interpreted report, this includes your birth chart and a delineation of all your planetary placements, house cusps and lunar nodes, aspects, Chiron & Dark Moon Lilith delivered to you in a beautifully designed PDF which I write. ☆☆☆ $79 CAD ☆☆☆ Option 2: A 120 min one-to-one reading in person, over the phone or by video. You get all the above plus a 2 hr reading with me 😊 where I go over everything in your birth chart point for point and you can ask questions while getting really in-depth insights. This is a perfect reading for those Mystics who really want to get down to the nitty-gritty. ☆☆☆ $$155 CAD ☆☆☆ All I need is to create your chart is the date, time and location of your birth. From that information, I will create your natal chart and provide everything you need to fully understand what the stars say about you. Thank you for reading! Love ♡♡♡ Alysa Bartha

  • The New Moon in Libra Sept. 28th

    I don't know about you but for me there is something inviting about the calmness of a quiet night. You know, the ind where the loudest noises you hear are the crickets singing, the breeze through the trees, your own thoughts and your heart beat. Those are the dark nights where the only thing to light the sky are the stars and planets that dot the blackness like innumerable offers of potential. In those nights there is something scared at work. The deep magic that every living being is tethered to, in the same way that a mother is tied to her child, is felt as a subtle resonant awareness. The infinite umbilicus of akashik memory ties everything that ever was to everything that ever will be, and you are in the center of it. On September 28th we are all invited into that dark night as the New Moon takes dominion over the skies. The new moon happens each month when the sun and moon have the same ecliptic longitude, in other words they are arranged in just such a way that the Earth casts her shadow upon the moon, darkening Gaia and allowing us to take an inward journey. If you have ever wondered, the New Moon is just as important and profound as the Full Moon. It is the subconscious or instinctual invitation to begin something new, a primordial effort to direct your path consciously by communing with the subconscious. It is the darkness of the New Moon that reveals what is normally the subtext to the conscious narrative that motivates your actions. As the New Moon visits the sign of Libra your inner most thoughts will turn to defining and understanding the true nature of your partnerships. The key to using the energy of this specific new moon is to find that sense of inner balance within your relationships. Because Libra rules partnerships, you are likely to feel particularly sensitive to the connections you have with other people, especially your closest relationships. You may want to look at just how you see yourself and feel about yourself relative to the ones you are nearest to your heart. You should take time to check what you are contributing to your partnerships, ask yourself if you are giving enough to your relationship, or if in fact you have been self centred, or sometimes even narrow minded. If you have been accused of being too impulsive or even insensitive there is an easy fix for that... hiding under your bed. Ok maybe not. What I would recommend is taking a look within. As hard as it is, you should examine your emotions, do your best to use your intellect and see if in fact there are areas where you may lack in lack objectivity and perspective. In this case being critical will work to your advantage. Don't worry, if you realize that maybe your dark side has been hanging out, it happens to us all. Just tuck it back in where it belongs, and work on keeping it under control. Nothing undermines your personal happiness more than when a person's dark side is dragging around behind them out in public. New Moon in Libra Practice for Healing Your Relationship Now I wouldn't leave you to battle out these vibes all on your own! Because I love you I'm going to offer you a practice you can use to clear out the old gunk of the last month and bring in some new energy for the next Lunar phase. You're gonna need a few goodies to help to enhance the potency of your intentions. Get the following crystals: Rose Quartz- For universal kindness and unconditional love Clear Quartz - to magnify your intentions Red Jasper - To help keep you grounded Selenite - For cleansing and purification Black Tourmaline - For protection Hematite for reflecting negative & destructive energies. Loose Herbs: Sage - For purification Lavender - For inviting in balance, loving energy and spirits Rosemary - For Healing and Clarity Cinnamon - For protection Bowl or shell for burning Glass of water Paper Pen Candles: Pink candle Black candle White Candle Now, onto setting your intentions for the next cycle: Choose a time when you will be alone and you can quietly reflect on your relationship or partnership. You may choose to do this indoor our outdoor, either is fine, just be somewhere where you can focus. Take your candles and place them on a fire/ heat proof surface Arrange your crystals around the candles in whatever way you like best Carefully light your candles Take one part of each of the herbs (about a pinch) and mix them evenly. Place herbal mix in the bowl Light the herbal mix with a match or a lighter... let the herbal mix smoulder Write down your intentions for what you would like invite into your relationship on the paper As you hold this sacred space drink the water you have, thinking or meditating on what you would like in your closest relationships. When you have finished drinking your water blow out your candles. Then place your folded paper with your intentions under your crystals and place all of the items somewhere you will see them. This completes the practice. The inset chart is for the New Moon In Libra Sept. 28, 2019 The Moon will start it's journey through its New Moon Phase in the sign of Libra in the 12th house. If you are curious about your natal moon, and what house your moon is in, please visit the services category by clicking here to book a 1 to 1 natal chart consult or order your personal horoscope. If you enjoyed this please subscribe or become a site member! Alysa Is a second generation traditional western astrologer specializing in Natal, synastry & Business astrology. She is also a Tarot veteran, a practicing practicing mystic offering Astrology, Tarot, Holistic Healing and many other mystical modalities from her Hillsburgh, Ontario offices. Known as The North Star Mystic, Alysa is passionate about all thing esoteric, metaphysical and spiritual. For more information or how to book a service or session visit

  • When the WALL comes tumbling down

    Hey Mystic, Not sure if you have noticed but the world seems to be spiraling... but is it spiraling in or out of control? That is the question. Let me shed some light on why..... You don't have to be an astrologer to see that something is changing.. something big! For starters, on a personal level you may have found yourself feeling rather overwhelmed with all the intense energy over the last 5 months, courtesy of Pluto in retrograde. It has likely felt as though you have had to make some major decisions about the direction your life is taking. You have had to look at your belief structures and strip away every scrap of illusion, facing the harsh facts of what works... and what you have to dissolve. This may have sent you into a bit of a crisis, maybe even a sense that something is dying off. Well, sorry (NOT SORRY) to say it, but you are not wrong. Something is dying off... the old you. You are in the midst of a transformation, you have been in the crucible of change, becoming refined through pain and fire. Cue dramatic music... cause it's dramatic! However, those changes aren't limited to you... oh no honey, you aren't alone in this glorious sea of misery! Nope, you have the whole world for company! Wait, what?! Alysa, you mean I'm not alone in this shit?! No, no you're not! Basically over the last 5 months we all have been enjoying the rumbling, grinding, persistent, evolve or die kind of vibes. It's been intense, and we are all being forced to eliminate what is unsustainable... especially as it concerns our individual as well as collective thinking. You me and everyone you know has been having a subconscious existential crisis of sorts. Depending on where Pluto has been transiting your chart this retrograde you will know where your personal philosophies, beliefs and sense of power are being challenged. That's what Pluto does, it upsets your apple cart, forcing you to swim or ... well, drown. I'm confident more than a few of you have quit jobs, marriages, moved out or gone into some form of self imposed isolation when April, brought spring and Pluto into it's backward dance across the sky. Not just on a personal level, but on a global level we are seeing major, major shifts. World leaders are being called to task in front of a watching world, all of their dirty deeds are being uncovered and their hidden agendas coming to light. Take for instance the current sitting president of the united states. Since 2016 people all over the world have been polarized by his actions, tweets, values and more than anything, his promises to change the way that the U.S. operates as a nation and as a people. Normally I avoid talking politics like most people avoid wiping their nether bits with poison ivy - yes, I find it that detestable. But, in this case I feel it is necessary to point out the most interesting effect that our current astrological weather has on the very fabric of our reality. After nearly four years of tweets that echo the rhetoric of a fully unhinged toddler and the tantrums to match, we are seeing The Wall that Trump has built around himself beginning to crumble. Bullshit brick, by bullying bullshit brick, Trump's wall of bigotry, sexism, racism, xenophobia, and elitism is falling apart under the weight of his own blind megalomania. In other words, people are like seriously done with his shit. When even those in the party of opposition (democrats) who have up until recently subverted or avoided ousting a former reality T.V. bully are now giving way to the cries of a disenfranchised nation with the announcement of the impeachment process about to begin... you know shit is going down - BIG! This my dear mystic, is Pluto coming out of retrograde and going direct! Pluto FORCES transformation. Now, what's even more interesting is that when Pluto Stations direct, it will be in the sign of Capricorn in the 9th house, you will see even more changes and revelations in the coming months. So let me break it down for you. PLUTO STATIONS DIRECT IN THE 9TH HOUSE IN THE SIGN OF CAPRICORN Inspires a powerful drive to discover higher meanings in life, we are no longer satisfied with the unsustainable ways that government, society and our environment have been being handled. We are both collectively and individually transforming into a higher octave of conscious expression. Like, even Bernie Sanders is proposing a "Wealth Tax" that would cut billionaire's fortunes nearly in half! “Which would substantially break up the concentration of wealth and power of this small privileged class.” (Totally a Pluto move.) None the less we must be cautious that our thirst for justice and order don't become dogmatic as we seek to develop new more egalitarian philosophies. Additionally as this shift crystallizes, it is important to be aware that Pluto takes around 248 years to make a complete cycle, spending 12 to 32 years in each sign. Which is why we are likely to see a significant change in world government. As you can see my dear Mystic, this is an era of intense changes as it concerns everything we believe in. Nothing is left untouched by this energy. But, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and the good news is it isn't the train. Before every great transformation there is destruction. The archetype of the phoenix teaches you this. The beautiful bird is born of ashes, grows into a magnificent bird and then burns brightly, consumed by the heat of its own flames; only to endlessly cycle through birth, death and regeneration. In much the same way, we as human beings do this on a personal level as well as a collectively and each time we are brought to critical mass, destruction and finally a new paradigm in which we may act out the Divine plan again and again. Pluto stations direct on October 3rd 2019 in Capricorn and remain so until April 25th, 2020 when it enters retrograde once again until stationing direct on October 4th, 2020 in Capricorn. Thank you for reading! If you would like to know where Pluto rests in your Natal chart and how it's energy helps you to transform, please click here. Alysa Is a second generation traditional western astrologer specializing in Natal, synastry & Business astrology. She is also a Tarot veteran, practicing, Astrology, Tarot, Holistic Healing and many other mystical modalities from her Hillsburgh, Ontario offices. Known as The North Star Mystic, Alysa is passionate about all thing esoteric, metaphysical and spiritual. For more information or how to book a service or session visit

  • Feeling is believing - and standing up.

    So, my Reiki journey began with a back ache… ok maybe back ache is a little bit of an understatement. Somehow or another I had managed to pull my back muscles so badly that they went into a full scale revolt and refused to support me in a standing or sitting position. I was concerned enough with the pain that I went to my doctor hoping to be given some insight that would provide some directions as to how I might find some relief. Sadly the best the doctor could offer was a round of muscle relaxers and a suggestion to stay off my feet. Um yeah duhhh. Needless to say I hobbled my ass out of that office no better for my visit. I spent the next three or so days in intermittent states of agony and sleep with no relief in between. Then on the third day a friend who at that time was a skilled healer called me on the phone. She said that she had been thinking about me a lot. Hearing my thin pain filled voice she of course asked if I was ok. I responded with a nope… feeling pretty rough. She then told me that she would be in town and asked if I would like her to stop by and give me some reiki. I gave her a yes - a skeptical yes, so she agreed to stop in. So here is where I tell you that all my previous experiences with reiki were nothing short of disappointing. I had encountered reiki healers before, all of which touting the miraculousness of reiki and how it could heal so many things. But to be honest with you not a single solitary one of them were able to convince me of the miracle of reiki. Far as I was concerned, it just seemed to be an imaginary routine that people did to make themselves feel as if they had control over their circumstances. Turns out my limited experience led me to have a rather limited opinion. Funny how despariation can be the first step that puts you on the path to growth, expansion and a pain free lower back. As it goes, my friend ended up coming over and showing me the truth of just how powerful reiki can be. Inside of 20 or so minutes I went from being in pain and about as mobile as a rusty set of roller skates to feeling nearly normal. The whole experience was something that was unexpected. The healing was simple and gentle. As I lay on my bed in pain waiting for nothing to happen, I gradually became aware of a sensation that I didn’t expect. If you have ever held your fingers in a stream letting the weight of the water press between your fingers, just enough that you feel the resistance of the water, that’s what I felt. I was surprised to say the least. I didn’t expect to “FEEL” anything let alone an actual physical sensation. I don’t know how long the treatment lasted, I didn’t even understand how it could work so fast and so easily… but it did. After I was able to stand up for the first time in like 3 days without feeling like I was gonna die, I knew I had to learn how to do this jedi magic, voodoo, sorcery. I have always been motivated by curiosity and in this case my interest was more than just a little piqued. Buuuut, I didn’t seek training right away. Two years after the experience I just shared I went on to earn my first degree in reiki and followed it up a few months later with the second degree. Over the next few years I learned so very much through the practice of treating others with reiki. I learned that healing is something that takes place on more than just the physical level. I also learned that everyone’s experience with reiki is unique and intimate. I discovered that reiki doesn’t require you to believe it works in order for it to work. I learned that the reiki path is more than just a thing you learn when you are initiated with attunements, rather it becomes a way of seeing the world and engaging with it in a more aware and mindful way. People often ask me what reiki feels like when you’re channeling it. From my experience I feel the heat emanating from my hands and I will often get a tingling sensation. When I’m working with someone I will often get a “pulling” sensation that seems to gravitate my hands toward an area that needs extra attention. Sometimes, I can feel reiki tingling in my feet which is interesting to say the least. What is consistent is that whenever I’m using reiki I feel something good; I feel connected to the source of all energy. It took me several years of practicing reiki before embarking on my master teachers path. I always feel deeply honored and connected to my reiki family, my lineage when I am able to teach others and when I practice healing others. The best part is while I hold space for that curative energy to pass through my body and into that of another, I get to receive healing as well. Not just as a byproduct of being in the healing energy conduit, but as an intention of the method of healing. The healer is healed. Reiki is for everyone. Anyone can learn. It is a system that allows healing to be given and received with energy that is available to us all with the benefit of not depleting one's own energy. To experience it Click Here To learn Click Here

  • July 31st New Moon is the Cats Meow

    New Moon July 31st 2019 Isn't it interesting how the New Moon always grabs our attention and imagination. I think it's because its a little bit spooky and magical when the night sky is the darkest but also when the stars are most visible. Astrology teaches us that when the face of the Moon is obscured by the shadow of the Earth there is a special kind of energy that influences our lives. The New Moon or sometimes called the Dark Moon symbolizes a time when you can begin to channel energy in a new direction or at least channel energy in the same direction in a new way for the next 28 days. However, you can direct or channel your energy in more targeted ways by knowing just how the energy of this New Moon will influence you. So to help you better direct your focus my dear Mystic, let me give you some pointers that will hopefully help you to surf those energetic waves. With Leo season is in full swing The July 31 new moon brings a Venus/ Moon conjunct which effectively spurs a realization that you are in need of a renovation in your love life and finances. Over the Next 4 weeks look over the details of your love life in the same way you would when preparing to write a review for your latest purchase. Be critical, but don’t be unkind. Look at what YOU bring to the relationship as well. Leo loves to be in charge, and because of this you will likely see an element of this need in the way emotions are felt and expressed. You may feel a bit more reactive or touchy during this period. You could even be feeling uncertain and as if there is an underlying tension between you and your lover that you just can’t put your finger on. This my dear Mystic is an open window of opportunity for things to get frustrating and complicated if you aren’t careful. My advice, take all that need for power and control that Leo wants and invest it in leadership rather than dominance. See what Leo wants us to do is to be the benevolent monarch. Leading with love, creativity and romance. However, if you aren’t feeling any of those things in your relationship, the shadow side of Leo will find a way to make an ugly ass appearance. That energy, when not expressed in a love vibration, becomes haughty, jealous and arrogant. It shows up in its archetypes shadow, pissing on the metaphorical screen door like an angry Tom cat instead of a purring kitty. So this is where you will want to exercise a new way of approaching vulnerability. Protect your feelings but make sure you give room for others to protect their own. Oh and to make things even more fun... the New Moon is also in square to Uranus which is the influence that brings uncertainty, tension and the potential for unexpected changes. This particular combination of aspects seems to affect people with a tendency toward impulsive reactions, rebellion, and aggression. In other words, expect moodiness and full diva mode activation. Patience and cooperation are absolutely vital to avoid relationship instability. If you start to feel stressed and anxious, slow down, meditate and listen intently to your intuition because it will help you to navigate the tricky waters that you might find yourself dead man floating in. Or come see me ;) In terms of finance, you will want to be extra careful when it comes to impulse spending. I don’t know if it is because of the need for retail therapy in response to the emotional dramas that are floating around, or if it is just the way this energy affects us. Either way, it is important to just choose wisely right now. You might do well to pull out the calculator and the books and see just where the money is coming and going. This will give you an opportunity to use that New Moon energy to approach old money habits with new strategies. Lastly, on a more intuitive level I would like to take a moment to offer one more little tidbit. I feel as though this Moon may bring some revelations. Something that has been hidden from you will be revealed. The funny thing is though, it is something that you have been feeling a long time and probably just been afraid to act upon because of feeling uncertain. As our Moon darkens and her face is hidden from our view, something else will become seen. Almost as though the darkness allows this thing to come out from the inky black shadows of secrecy and emerge into the light of truth. I’m not sure exactly what that looks like for you, but be prepared to be confronted with a deep truth that will catalyze a change… more like a determination. It’s like if you have had a choice you’ve been needing to make, this energy will help you to crystalize your conviction. You will be more comfortable, bold and empowered which will allow you to make this decision and stand behind it. Something just feels different and I think it will be easier for you to make your choice now then without the forthcoming revelation. That’s all for now my dear mystic. I hope this helps you and that it serves you well. Until next time Love, Alysa

  • July 31st New Moon is the Cats Meow

    New Moon July 31st 2019 Isn't it interesting how the New Moon always grabs our attention and imagination. I think it's because its a little bit spooky and magical when the night sky is the darkest but also when the stars are most visible. Astrology teaches us that when the face of the Moon is obscured by the shadow of the Earth there is a special kind of energy that influences our lives. The New Moon or sometimes called the Dark Moon symbolizes a time when you can begin to channel energy in a new direction or at least channel energy in the same direction in a new way for the next 28 days. However, you can direct or channel your energy in more targeted ways by knowing just how the energy of this New Moon will influence you. So to help you better direct your focus my dear Mystic, let me give you some pointers that will hopefully help you to surf those energetic waves. With Leo season is in full swing The July 31 new moon brings a Venus/ Moon conjunct which effectively spurs a realization that you are in need of a renovation in your love life and finances. Over the Next 4 weeks look over the details of your love life in the same way you would when preparing to write a review for your latest purchase. Be critical, but don’t be unkind. Look at what YOU bring to the relationship as well. Leo loves to be in charge, and because of this you will likely see an element of this need in the way emotions are felt and expressed. You may feel a bit more reactive or touchy during this period. You could even be feeling uncertain and as if there is an underlying tension between you and your lover that you just can’t put your finger on. This my dear Mystic is an open window of opportunity for things to get frustrating and complicated if you aren’t careful. My advice, take all that need for power and control that Leo wants and invest it in leadership rather than dominance. See what Leo wants us to do is to be the benevolent monarch. Leading with love, creativity and romance. However, if you aren’t feeling any of those things in your relationship, the shadow side of Leo will find a way to make an ugly ass appearance. That energy, when not expressed in a love vibration, becomes haughty, jealous and arrogant. It shows up in its archetypes shadow, pissing on the metaphorical screen door like an angry Tom cat instead of a purring kitty. So this is where you will want to exercise a new way of approaching vulnerability. Protect your feelings but make sure you give room for others to protect their own. Oh and to make things even more fun... the New Moon is also in square to Uranus which is the influence that brings uncertainty, tension and the potential for unexpected changes. This particular combination of aspects seems to affect people with a tendency toward impulsive reactions, rebellion, and aggression. In other words, expect moodiness and full diva mode activation. Patience and cooperation are absolutely vital to avoid relationship instability. If you start to feel stressed and anxious, slow down, meditate and listen intently to your intuition because it will help you to navigate the tricky waters that you might find yourself dead man floating in. Or come see me ;) In terms of finance, you will want to be extra careful when it comes to impulse spending. I don’t know if it is because of the need for retail therapy in response to the emotional dramas that are floating around, or if it is just the way this energy affects us. Either way, it is important to just choose wisely right now. You might do well to pull out the calculator and the books and see just where the money is coming and going. This will give you an opportunity to use that New Moon energy to approach old money habits with new strategies. Lastly, on a more intuitive level I would like to take a moment to offer one more little tidbit. I feel as though this Moon may bring some revelations. Something that has been hidden from you will be revealed. The funny thing is though, it is something that you have been feeling a long time and probably just been afraid to act upon because of feeling uncertain. As our Moon darkens and her face is hidden from our view, something else will become seen. Almost as though the darkness allows this thing to come out from the inky black shadows of secrecy and emerge into the light of truth. I’m not sure exactly what that looks like for you, but be prepared to be confronted with a deep truth that will catalyze a change… more like a determination. It’s like if you have had a choice you’ve been needing to make, this energy will help you to crystalize your conviction. You will be more comfortable, bold and empowered which will allow you to make this decision and stand behind it. Something just feels different and I think it will be easier for you to make your choice now then without the forthcoming revelation. That’s all for now my dear mystic. I hope this helps you and that it serves you well. Until next time Love, Alysa

  • Staying balanced

    Hey Mystic, I’ve been sitting here in my little house thinking about the nature of the universe, reality, conscious thought and how energy moves. I was contemplating the idea of being balanced… and if it is really something that I am or am not. I read a lot and hear even more about how other people are either feeling out of balance or how to find more of it in their lives. There is tons of advice about how and where to get more of it and how to tell when you are out of it. Discussions about how the world lacks it and how our happiness depends on it. The thought that I settled on is that there is this natural flux and flow of kinetic and inert forces that seems to be in lockstep with the great breath of creation. Forever contracting and releasing. Building up energy and then letting it go. I know we are always seeking balance. That is what we want, and moreover that’s what we are told we should continuously strive for. Like in some distant location there is this plateau where we come to rest and are content and totally satisfied, utterly balanced and completely centered. In my minds eye I imagine that this place of total balance is pure white, glistening with boredom and drenched in doldrums. There would be the bland aroma of complacency hanging in the still perfectly unstimulating air. I imagine that the sounds of perfectly balanced land would be stunningly non existent, leaving you feeling absolutely, flaccidly meh. (yes I said flaccidly) Doesn’t that just sound like the picture of bliss? See, I think much of the time we are chasing something that literally cannot exist and be compatible with human life. When we seek balance, what we are actually asking for is predictability. We want to know that we will be able to maintain a certain feeling or state of being. A sort of anticipation of the expected leads nearly every action we make. Fact is… everything changes. Now you heard my rant last month about everything changing all the time… hold on to your doughnuts, I’m about to take you a little further. So here is the reality of reality…. Or at least my perception of it anyway (disclaimer: which may change without notice.) Reality, is as you know all about duality. There are all the old trope examples of black and white, chocolate and vanilla or Stranger Things or Game of Throne. Ok that last one doesn’t count. The point is, that’s the stuff that is easy to talk about, compare and understand. In any case there is a bigger discussion we need to have… collectively. I want to talk about the idea that maybe it isn’t so simple as just the obvious and stark contrasts. Maybe there is something bigger happening. Maybe, the concept of balancing these forces is in some ways a waste of time. Maybe there is less to balance and more to accept. What? What the eff are you saying Alysa? Insert dramatic eye roll. Ha! Glad you asked. So here’s what I mean. The illusion is that things are out of balance. No, seriously think about it. Everything has to be in balance in order to even exist. I think it was Nicola Tesla that said “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Take for example the act of walking. In order for locomotion to be possible we must disrupt balance. So taking the body from a state of apparent inertia into a state of imbalance creates walking. But the paradox lies in the fact that in order for the body to even walk it has to be balanced internally enough to know how to imbalance it’s respective parts in order to walk. All the muscles of your body are activated to shift and contract on one side and release tension on the other side. If your inner ear stops doing its job, which is detecting imbalances, you may not move or you may fall over. Either way the inner ear has to be in balance with your nervous system in order to facilitate walking. A perfectly beating heart must alternately squeeze and release so that blood can travel in and out of its precious chambers. The Balancing happens automatically. Ok so what about a heart attack? What about when I fall down? What about that Alysa, isn’t that a sign of imbalance? Huh?! Um…! So here is where we depart Newtonian science and trip the light fantastic diving heart first into the nature of REALITY. When something unexpected happens, or when a system fails, or when we sense there is something off… that my darling is not a symptom of an imbalance. Rather, that is a sign that something is shifting, morphing, evolving, developing or changing. Because even when something is uncomfortable it is still in balance. Pain is a perfect example for this. If you cut your finger and your brains pain sensors light up and you yell ouch! Dammit! You have to be in a state of balance to even experience any of those things. There are a million examples of things that I can show you where balance exists in a way you can easily agree with. But what about those things that defy an easy explanation? What about people who do terrible things? What about when the Earth’s climate is changing,? What about poverty, illness and crime? How are those things in balance with anything? They aren’t. Those things pull us out of balance; but not without purpose. Opposition, challenges, difficulties, hard lessons all pull us out of balance. And truthfully they are supposed to, they have to or we as human beings become stagnant and inert. Remember the comparison walking? Your body has to push/ pull itself out of balance in order for walking (localmotion) to even be a thing. The paradox lies in the fact that we are never truly out of balance - nor are we ever truly in balance, we are perpetually in a state of being that is both and neither. I’m sure there is some kind of fancy esoteric or metaphysical term for this… I have no idea what it might be. However, what I do know is that we should all be a little easier on ourselves and each other. We should all be way more understanding and compassionate when we are chasing something you can never catch…. Because you can’t catch what you already have. So next time you are feeling out of balance with things, or even yourself, maybe consider that you are actually not doing so bad… after all you have noticed that something is off… and in order to do that- something must be turned on and working correctly… you know, balanced.

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