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  • How To Protect Yourself Against Energy Vampires

    Energy stealers are everywhere! They are your family members, your friends and they are your co-workers and YOU may even be one yourself. A more common name is an Energy Vampire and we all know what vampires do! In this case, the vampire is sucking our vital energy, depleting us and causing us to become unhealthy emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. Spiritual purification and cord-cutting are some tools that can keep the vampires away! What does the term Energy Vampire mean anyway? An Energy Vampire is a person that steals other people's energies because they are living their life in victim consciousness and believe that everything happens to them. Living in this manner is very disempowering. Therefore in order for them to feel better about themselves, they need to attach themselves to another person's energy field. In order for an Energy Vampire to attach themselves to your energy body, they form cords attaching the two of you together. These cords are not visible to the naked eye but they can be seen with the psychic third eye. When they need a boost, they unconsciously steal your energy instead of using their own! These cords are also like highways and run both ways! That means that you will also receive their energy whether it is positive or negative. If they have a headache, you may also develop a headache. If they are depressed, you may become depressed. If they are angry, you may become angry and so on. As you can see, this can be very detrimental to your health. At an unconscious level, you have allowed the vampire or vampires to attach themselves to your energy body through these cords. These cords prevent you from really being the real you! It is imperative that these cords be severed and sometimes a spiritual purification is required for your well-being and also for the growth of the other person. How do we recognize an Energy Vampire? Some traits of the dis-empowered energy stealer are: - Constantly Feels lonely or abandoned despite the presence of supportive friends & family - Feels they have been rejected even if they have been invited or welcomed in - Never feels satisfied despite being successful - Highlights flaws in everything - Doesn't reciprocate - They have a poor me attitude - Is a drama king or queen - Never allows you to speak - Will not allow others to have different opinions - Holds others to higher standards than the one for themselves - Needs you to be their therapist or rescuer fixing their problems - The blamer making you feel guilty about things - Vindictive by putting you down - Unnecessarily competitive - Tries controlling you or your life - Manipulates you to get things their way - Cannot tolerate your success or happiness - Some who is a "Frenemy" - Always seeks advantages over others -Sees Collaboration as competition How do I know if I am being psychically attacked? You may experience: -Dizziness -Loss of energy -Muscle tension -Mental confusion - Significant drop in your self-esteem - Sudden loss of self-confidence - Feeling "unwell" when around the person - Feeling anxious before you know you are going to see that person - Feeling the urge to avoid that person - Headaches - Chronic fatigue - Sleep disturbances - Nightmares/ frequent waking - Irritability - Depressed mood - Physical illness - Small diminishing aura - Leaks, holes and/or tears in your aura -And a whole lot more! I know, you are now thinking that almost everyone is alive! Unfortunately, too many people are simply not aware of their energetic bodies and how they operate. Once people start taking responsibility for creating their own lives and taking back their personal power this will not be as prevalent. (Granted other conditions also can be the cause of these symptoms besides being energetically attacked.) Either way it is detrimental to your health, in all areas of your energetic being, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. How do I protect myself from this? First, you need to become aware of which individuals deplete your energy and limit your contact with them. But simply not being in their physical presence does not stop them from draining you! You need to release all the negative emotions that you carry within yourself. If you hold anger, hurt, jealousy, etc. inside your being, it is like you are shackled to a ball and chain, holding you hostage with your own creation! Releasing all negative emotions brings freedom as fear is the robber of peace. Why must I do this? Because any disharmony in our four energetic bodies will cause us to be vulnerable so that darkness and confusion can enter. Being aware of this is empowering. I stress this, do not go into fear now that you are aware of this. Simply take the steps to protect yourself. Darkness consists of anything that is of a lower/heavier vibration such as anger, fear, depression, jealousy, hatred etc. When angry thoughts are directed at you, they can penetrate your weak and vulnerable areas like arrows. What happens is they take away your clarity and fill you with confusion and drain your energy. The following are some tools to empower yourself from Energy Vampires. Here is a simple cord-cutting exercise. Cord-cutting should be done on a daily basis and much more often when we are going through a stressful period in our life. These cords should be cut from our loved ones as well. No cord attached to anyone or thing is good! -Take some deep cleansing breaths. In through the nose and out through the mouth. Call upon Spirit and your Spirit Guides and ask for assistance in cutting all cords that are attached to your being. Visualize Spirit and your Guide’s positive energy swirling around your entire being severing all the cords. Know that no cord can remain intact and they are returning to where they came from. When you feel the process is complete, thank Spirit and your Guides for their assistance. It is done. Here are some physical steps for purification: Burn all relevant photographs or objects holding memories of the person, place or situation. Write down all feelings of frustration, anger, hurt, fear, etc., and burn the paper or bury it. Please don't give it to the person! Repeat this step as often as necessary. Clear all the clutter from every room of your home. Rule of thumb. If you haven't used in 6 months it's not likely you will! Get rid of it. Clean and if necessary redecorate your home. Bringing nature indoors is wonderful energy! Check there are no books in your bookshelves or pictures on your walls that have negative energy. Surround yourself with high vibrational objects, spiritual books, spiritual pictures, plants, fresh flowers etc. Smoke Cleanse with sage, cedar and sweetgrass and invoke the help of The Divine Spirit, your Guides and your Higher Self. Cleanse and purify your crystals and dedicate them to the Light. Light candles and use high vibrational pure essential oils. You now have the tools and knowledge to take back your personal power. I invite you to empower yourself today!

  • What do you love?

    Dec 19th 2021 - Jan 2022 Venus Retrograde in Capricorn So you may have been feeling a little something rustling in the background of your life. Like a funny little tickle in the back of your neck, like when the tag from a sweater is scratchy and annoying you…. Like you can't ignore it even if you try. So it could be the altered energy of Venus in retrograde in Capricorn. If you have noticed your attention shifting to things like your relationships and your finances… this is most definitely why. Lets dive in a little further and I will tell you how this works. Venus, while being the planet of love, also has rulership in your finances. She doesn’t hold the purse strings per se, rather she influences how much money you are likely to have, and how you are inclined to spend it. She also has a say in terms of your values.. In other words, she helps you identify what you love and why. This retrograde begins with Venus transiting the second house, which is also one of Venus’s two homes, the other being the 7th house which is the home of Libra. The second house is where your astrologer will look to see what's going on with your personal wealth… or lack thereof. Depending on which planet is in your second house at birth and also what sign is on the house cusp, will go a long way in describing how you view and handle matters as it concerns your personal resources. Venus loves beauty, like that is her main gig! She wants everything to feel and look beautiful and she will urge you to make your surroundings lovely. But, when Venus is in retrograde, it’s traditionally thought its not an ideal time for investing or buying luxury items, even if you feel like it would make you feel better. Sometimes when Venus is in retrograde it can confuse your senses. Meaning you may see things as unattractive when in fact everything is just fine. You may even feel like you need to change your appearance through buying new clothes or changing your hairstyle. Again, I have to throw up a caution flag! Remember, there is a bit of distortion to contend with and trust me… as your astrologer friend, this is not an advisable plan! Please don’t hate me…but you really don’t want those orange plaid pants, or that mullet, or that brazilian butt lift right now. On that note, not only do we tend to think we need to improve our appearance, but we also tend to spend way more money than we need to! For this particular retrograde, Venus is in Capricorn which means to some degree you may notice that you are feeling more introspective. As Capricorn is not Venus's favourite sign. You see Capricorn is kind of serious by comparison. The goat fish wants you to be practical, grounded and above all... frugal. Like save your damn money… and don’t text your ex! Where Venus is interested in luxury, Capricorn is all about being conservative. And, because of this sort of opposite energy, you could find yourself looking back into your past, reminiscing. As a result of Capricorns serious and sometimes severe energy, you may be looking back in your past to times when you felt lonesome or instances when you felt abandoned by love. I’m going to be honest with you, this may be a hard Venus retrograde for some of us. On the up shot, you may discover that old friends, or lovers may resurface after long absences. It may even feel as though an element of fate is involved in their return to your life. They may come to you as a support or as a test of your resolve. In any case, you should take a moment to really go through the steps and checks and make sure that this person is really someone you want to re-enter your life. As an added element of interest, you might notice that relationships that have seemed to become distance reestablish themselves in your life. This could be a very healing experience for you if you allow yourself to work through the healing process. Last but not least… make sure that you take it easy in the spending department! I have been telling my clients and even my students that the next little while is going to be particularly challenging for everyone financially. This retrograde may have you really assessing what is a want and what is a need. This is not to imply that you should totally deprive yourself of even the small joys, but it does mean that you should be mindful of spending. Venus in retrograde can sometimes give you overly optimistic accounting skills. Follow the lead of Capricorn, be conservative. In total, Venus retrograde in Capricorn is really about finding satisfaction and contentment with that you have now so that you can create a more sustainable future. See how you can use your resources wisely and with an eye for creative solutions. Some times old is better than new! P.S. If you have to buy things… maybe check out antiques! If you would like to know more about Venus retrograde, here is a video

  • Things you may not know about Past Life Regression

    5 things everyone needs to know about past life regression You may have heard about Past Life Regression… or maybe you haven’t Either way, I’m sure you might be a little bit curious about it. Over the years I have been doing Past life regressions, I have learned a tremendous amount about the soul and the human experience that it carries from life to life. The memories that are contained in your soul are seemingly limitless, the experiences are varied and profound person to person, soul to soul. As you are reading this now, you're collecting far more than just information. As your eyes take in the words I’ve written, your subconscious mind is collecting emotions, memories and impressions. It's taking in all the details of your experience and secretly, quietly weaving them into the consciousness of your very essence… Stored within your soul is a tapestry of experiences from different times, different places and different interpretations of events, all of which are perceived through the eyes of your body and embedded into the fabric of your soul. You are the awakened dreamer, collecting experience for the pleasure and expansion of The Divine - sounds like a big job, doesn’t it. :p The benefit of past life regression is it sheds a soft healing light into the shadow shapes of your soul's memory, helping you to release and resolve many things that are otherwise inaccessible. 1. You don’t need to believe in a certain religion for it to work - Many of my clients have asked me if they have to believe in a certain kind of religion in order for them to have a past life. Let me put it to you this way…NOPE! While many religions support the concept of reincarnation, there are several ways in which these religions approach the way and the reasons that reincarnation happens. Also, there are some religions that don’t agree with reincarnation at all. What I have found is that despite a person's religious beliefs (I’ve regressed atheists and devotees alike) the common thread isn’t in what they believe. The commonality in all regressions is best compared to muscle memory. Everyone who has ever ridden a bike and stopped or played a musical instrument, or is an athlete, or does anything to do with movement knows about muscle memory. Just like muscle memory, we have spiritual memory, and exactly like when muscle memory has triggered the motions that you trained your muscles to perform come flooding back even if it has been decades since you last did the thing. Similarly, there is spiritual memory that is woven into your very being at the soul level that travels with you life, after, life. When it is triggered you will “remember a place, a feeling or even a person’s energy. That’s why sometimes feel like “OMG… I feel like I’ve known you forever.” or when you’re like “I'm terrified of boats, I wonder if I drowned in a past life.” Chances are… you’re right, you just need to find the origin point in your soul timeline to confirm and define what you feel! 2. People aren’t making it up - In my experience, this is one of the biggest concerns people have when they decide to have a past life regression. The question I am most often is asked is -” Alysa, how do I know I’m not imagining things?” My answer is that during a session you are in a deep state of trance and the critical and logical side of your mind is very relaxed. This trance state is one that every human enters into naturally all the time. Think of every time you’ve driven a familiar route only to arrive at the destination not remembering the details of the trip. That is a light state of trance! When your logical mind is in a state of relaxation, the memories that come forward are not influenced by their environment or the distractions created by critical analysis. In other words, the experiences that people relate in a session are coming from a place beyond where the limitations of where the physical experience can take you. In truth, past life regression is very much an experience that can only come from a very spiritual source. 3. Hypnosis is the gateway - The first thing I always tell people when they ask me about how hypnosis fits in with past life regression is that Hypnosis is used as a tool to relax the critical, analytical and logical side of your mind enough that the subconscious mind is accessible. It's actually through the gateway of the subconscious mind that a connection is established with the higher mind or soul. Additionally, hypnosis is extremely safe and truthfully, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. What do I mean by that? Let me tell ya… There are several states or levels of consciousness that we are in throughout the span of a day. For example, think about when you are shopping for groceries; at that level of consciousness, you are wide awake paying attention to your environment. You are looking for specific items, and you are constantly taking in information that helps you to decide what actions to take and what things to avoid. That level of awareness is known as the beta brain wave state (12 TO 38 HZ). The more relaxed you become, the more your brain waves slow down, allowing less and less external stimulus into your awareness, which in turn creates a meditative or dreamless state. Once you are deeply relaxed and in theta brain waves (3 TO 8 HZ) you are at the gateway of memory, and intuition. For some people, it feels very dreamy and flowing even though they are awake. In theta, our senses are withdrawn from the external world and focused on signals originating from within. It is the twilight state in which the deep soul memories are recorded and can be accessed. Using hypnosis is the safest and easiest way to go inward and retrieve these memories, simply because you have a guide to help you every step of the way. 4. Regression has been around longer than you might think - Regression work has been around a long time. Clinically, regression is used to help people access memories that may have been buried deep in the recesses of their subconscious minds. Age regression has been used by therapists since at least the 1970s. Past life regression has a history that goes back to ancient times. Some recorded examples of regression practice during ancient times include Greek dream incubation centers, Greek and Egyptian Mystery schools, there are references of past-life recall also exist in Buddhist Scriptures. In the 20′s and 30′s, Edgar Cayce brought about increased awareness of past lives by channelling the past life information of people. In 1927, Paul Brunton wrote about a technique that the yogis developed to tune into past lives. In modern times, over the last several decades there has been continued practice and research conducted from a more scientific-based approach by contributors such as Ian Stevenson who pioneered the research related to the spontaneous recollection of past lives, specifically in children. Also, I should mention the invaluable contributions made by Dr. Brian Weiss. His book “Many Lives, Many Masters” which everyone should read, gives validation to healing through past life regression! So as you can see, this past life stuff has been around for more than a minute. 5. It is transformative - Have you ever thought to yourself… WHY am I so scared to____ or I must have done something in a past life to deserve this sh*t. Or my personal favourite, In my next life I hope I come back______. The most amazing thing about past life regression is how life-altering it is. Everyone I have ever had the privilege to regress has emerged from the experience with a deeper understanding of their own soul’s journey. It doesn’t seem to matter what the reason for regression, there is always a link from a past life that connects into the experiences and circumstances of the present. For some people, they have come just wanting to see what might happen and others come because they feel like there is something they need to understand, and they just can’t put their finger on it. Some people come for regression to heal a wound or to release a karmic debt or pattern. It never ceases to amaze me how personal, intimate and unique each person's experience is with past life regression. After the session is over, I love talking about the regression with my clients. Each one will tell me how they experienced their memories in great detail. I’ve had people tell me they had visions as clear as if the events had happened only a day or two before. For some people they just have impressions; like they just know a thing happened or they remember a person's energy. I’ve even had clients that are shivering as they remember a cold winter in their past life. I had one client who could see the faces of people she knew in this life right beside the people’s faces from a past life, and she knew they were the same souls in a different body. They were people who are in her soul group (that’s a whole other conversation) that she has reincarnated with several times. It’s just mind-blowing! I hope I have opened a pathway for you and that as your spiritual journey continues to unfold you know that there is yet another tool to assist you in unlocking your truth. To delve deeper, to discover and affirm the memories held in the secret places of your soul with a past life regression, click here.

  • An ever-expanding dimension.

    Hey Mystics There is something to be said about following your own internal compass. There will be circumstances, and events, and even sometimes people who will attempt to undermine you. People may not like what you are doing or how you do it. Life events may slow you down or even stop you for a minute. It will hurt, it will be scary, but you can't listen to the fear! You cant allow other people to project onto you what fears they hold within themselves, nor can you let the circumstances of your life keep you captive in the land of "what if". It's hard, I struggle with it too sometimes. Nonetheless, I push forward, I integrate all of my experiences into creating more of what I want, and less of what I don't. My inner child loves to learn new things! She loves to play with concepts and interacts with people who love to learn as well. That little girl is bombastic sometimes, but she is excited and looking for the next butterfly to chase. She loves her friends, she loves her toys and she loves you. Like for reals! But she is also small, and vulnerable. She hates loud voices and yelling. She shudders at the thought of being the source of another's pain. She wants bright colours, warm weather and comfortable;e places to be with her friends. She wants her Mother's pride and her Father's support. My inner Elder reminds me to cool my jets and simmer down when I want to be reflexive and react. Oh and she also reminds me of the value of an open, loving and forgiving heart.... especially when I feel wronged. That one is hard. My inner elder is that soft place to land when my wings get tired or bent. She reminds me that time is everything.... and nothing at all. She shows me the stars and tells me that everything is written there by the hand of God. Everything that is, was or shall be is there and God wants me to look and see what is there for us all. Not just me... I have learned, and continue to learn to use all sorts of tools to deepen my understanding of self and the meaning of life. I always endeavour to share what I know with the full knowledge that there is always more to be learned. I'm lucky that way... I've chosen things that will always evolve and teach me with an ever-expanding dimension. I will never become stagnant. I will never be the Guru. I will always seek the light, and I will always find it. In me. In you. It is resident, and resonant. I learn, and I teach. I thrive and sometimes I fail; but all in all, I have learned to walk my own path, to live in the light of who I am... warts and all as my Grandmother used to say. My goal is singular. My focus is myopic. I want NOTHING more than to have made people feel loved and supported as they grow and ascend their own spiral of evolution. That is the legacy I will leave. That is my journey. That's it. Pretty simple. Let me hear you say LOVE!

  • The Healing Dance

    Healing- It is best characterized as a dance. Sort of a delicate tango. Whether the injuries are to your body or your heart the process is the same. You start in a place of unimaginable pain, it is profound and shocking. You are enveloped in it, like sitting in a bath that is too full. You wonder if you will drown, you wonder if you will ever recover. Then bit by bit the pain subsides. No one can predict how long it will take. No one can prevent you from having the experience. Sometimes you are able to numb it. Sometimes you can pretend the pain is not there. Sometimes you have to try to mask your pain with thinly painted smiles to hopefully relieve others. Some days you are actually ok. It is surprising and hopeful when the acuteness seems to have wained. Then at other times, you find yourself suddenly sensitive to the slightest touch, insanely aware that you are not fully healed; reminded by the lightning bolt of pain that arrives uninvited. This is the dance. This is where time slows and becomes thick and tarry. You can't heal fast enough. The irrefutable truth is that time is what is required. It is strange that the one thing that is needed is the one thing you cannot control. But here my friend is the music of the dance... When you heal, which you will; you will come to see that there was a specific purpose for your pain. That purpose will unfold with time. Maybe it is having insight that helps someone. Maybe it is knowing that you're stronger than you thought. Maybe it is a deeper appreciation and respect for the thing that catalyzed your injury or your healing. Whatever you do with your healing, use the experience of your pain and what it has taught you to heal another. This is the lesson. This is the healing dance.

  • Acing Tarot - Easier than you think

    Tarot tells a story, it paves the way for questions to be asked and answered. It opens the door to the mystical, the deep subconscious... It opens a channel that the awakened dreamer can share its wisdom to the seeking soul. If you are a card reader or have had your cards read by a Tarot professional then you will know that you are in the presence of something magical and otherworldly. For those that are learning and for the uninitiated the signs and symptoms old in the cards are mysterious and hidden. This is why they are Occult. And, just so you know, the Occult is nothing to fear. The word itself only means beyond the range of ordinary knowledge or experience; mysterious. It originates in the Latin word Occult which means secret which was often used alongside the word occulere which means ‘conceal,’ based on celare ‘to hide’; the adjective and noun from occult- ‘covered over,’ at one time even what we know are the roots of modern medicine were once considered occult. So there is your vocabulary lesson for today. But what I actually wanted to share with you is a little bit of insight into the Tarot. As a long-time reader, I have been asked by many people what is the best way to learn Tarot. Honestly love, I have a hard time answering that in one or two sentences. I personally feel that you will learn Tarot first in bite-size chunks. And as you grow and deepen your practice you will add to, and accumulate a great body of knowledge that will keep growing and fanning ever outward like a Fibonacci spiral. So, to help, I thought it might be fun to talk about the ACES... oh yeah (cue Motorhead's Ace of Spades) I sometimes think that the Aces deserve a bit more attention because they are often overlooked at the very least of somewhat disregarded importance. That is to say, often readers will acknowledge the goodness of seeing an Ace in a spread, but why is it good? Or conversely when you see a card inverted (upside down) why is it problematic in a reading? It is the subtle details that give Tarot such depth and nuance. You can finesse much meaning from the symbols that are hidden within the artwork of the card if you know where to look. So, my love, I will give you an in-depth tour of each of the Aces to deepen your understanding of them. Always remember that all the cards in Tarot have a somewhat fixed meaning as well as symbols that make the cards malleable that is then adapted to the question that your reading is answering. Please feel free to ignore the goobery look on my face :) and check out the video below :) Aces set the tone for the minor arcana. They give you a sense of what the entire suite holds in terms of energy and the mode in which that energy is expressed. The Ace is the beginning of the suit as you know, it initiates the spark of energy for each suite and from which it will continue to build in intensity with each card. The progression of energy and experience that is described in the pictures of each of the pip cards as they ascend upward towards the court cards is all hinted at with the aces. As you learn to read the cards learning the connection between the suites and the elements they represent is the key to understanding how the Ace of Wands - Associated with Fire, Aries, Leo & Sagittarius Wands represent - Spirit, the force of will, the force of life, The creative spark; a new project or creative endeavor; a passionate union; a new start; willpower; inspiration; virility; spiritual insights; the vital life force; impetus. Key Smbols: Wand = Power, Link between spirit world and mundane world Hill with castle at the apex = Achivements in the physical realm through effort Young Green Leaves = New Growth/ Life force energy Right Hand = Indicates Yang polarity - expressive nature Clouds = Hidden source of energy, mystery, unrevealed potential Hill/ Mountain = obstecles, challenges Ace of Pentacles - Associated with Earth - Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn Ace of Pentacles Represents Foundations, practicality, mundane life, resources of a physical nature, physical body, that which is established in the physical world. The beginning stages of something tangible; prosperity; growth; material abundance; new enterprise; improving finances or wealth; a solid fruitful foundation; a promotion; a pay rise; good luck; unexpected money. Key Smbols: Pentacle = signifying the fourelements and the human soul, mundane concerns Hedge = Veil between the physical and non physical worlds Lilly = Purity, Innocence, rebirth Road = Directing oneself toward a goal. Additional work to be done. Transition and or change Left Hand= Indicates Yin polarity - receptive nature Ace of Swords - Associated with Air, Gemini, Libra & Aquarius Swords Represent thoughts, intellect, communication. The mental body. Ideas, attitudes, changing fortunes scattered energies, creative ideas; the sword of truth; gaining clarity; a brilliant idea; justice; mental strength; divine inspiration; quickfire thoughts and ideas, rational thought. Key Smbols: Sword = Intellect, communication, logic and rational. Workings of the mind and thought. A tool for conquest, destruction. Honour & impartiality. Laurel = Victory, accolades, honours Mountains = Challenges, adversity, growth and improvement in the self after overcoming an issue. Olive Branch = Represents Peace, resolution, completion of a promise, hope Yod = The 10th letter of the Hebrew alphabet that indicates the presence of the Divine. Right Hand= Indicates Yang polarity - expressive nature Ace of Cups - Associated with Water, Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces Love in its purest sense; its connection to the divine source; increased psychism & intuition; mind, body & spirit in union; abundance of emotion; a new relationship; birth or pregnancy; sensual passion; inspired creativity. Sensitivity, being impressionable, felt senses, emotional awareness, compassion, empathy Key Smbols: Chalice = Represents the feminine polarity. Signifies receptivity, containment or void depending on its orientation. Also symbolizes emotion, intuition and adaptability. W/M = W= Wisdom M=Mary (Mary Mother of God) Dove = Purity, peace and messages from The Divine. Communion Wafer = The Eurchrist - Body of Christ. Meeting between Earth & Sky or Male & Female, or Physical & Non-physical Dew Drops/ Yod = Existence or Aleph in disguise. Light hidden in manifestation. It shows itself to be based in a union with archetypal resistance. Left Hand= Indicates Yin polarity - receptive nature Lotus Flowers = Regenerative symbol of the soul. As you can see, these cards are so rich in expression and much can be gleaned from them to help you interpret their meaning. I always tell my students that even though there is a "fundamental meaning" for each card in the Tarot, it is more important to learn the meaning of the symbols. It is those very symbols that give the cards any power and relevance to their use. I hope this hs helped you and if you would like to learn more about Tarot, I teach classes for beginners all the way up to Certification level with N.S.M.A. Thanks for reading! All my LOVE Alysa Alysa Bartha is a professional mystic, who teaches and works with spiritual seekers from all over the world. Her dynamic personality and passion for the mystic arts is infectious. She loves to bring her wealth of metaphysical knowledge and depth of experience to her clients and students by providing and teaching intuitive and spiritual practices. Alysa brings nearly 3 decades of practice reading tarot which includes her unique experience as the Artist and co-creator of The Sirian Starseed Tarot which enjoys a global distribution In her professional practice, Alysa is a master tarot reader & teacher, second-generation traditional western astrologer, numerologist, certified professional past-life regressionist, 7th degree Reiki Master Teacher, certified Life coach, published author, artist, and founder of the North Star Mystic Academy which opened in the fall 2019. Alysa’s client’s and students return again and again because of her straightforward, honest and accurate readings and engaging teaching style. She is known for her ability to balance fun with professionalism Alysa lives and works in Hillsburgh, Ontario

  • WTH is Mercury doing anyway???

    I always find it interesting how people react to Mercury when it's in retrograde. Mercury is the planet that rules communications, travel over short distances, transportation, language, writing, and education. He also oversees contracts and commerce among several other things. Mercury is a "neutral planet" it can be either an evening or morning star, meaning that the way mercury expresses its energy can shift according to these conditions. By day Mercury is more expressive and extroverted. He likes to talk and read and pass messages from one party to another. By night, as an evening star, Mercury can be more pensive, introspected, and loves to contemplate and strategize. He is a complex character and his Airy nature can make him a little hard to keep up with because he wants it all done quickly and precisely. I often think about Mercury as my natal chart is heavily influenced by his energy. As my Sun, Moon, and Mercury are all in one of the signs he rules, which is Virgo. I think about how all of that Mercurial energy is present in my personality and how his retrogrades affect me. Because Mercury is our first PLANETARY neighbor (we aren't counting the Moon at the moment) he is very personal in all of our lives. Mercury is felt directly and his presence is quantifiable. Think about how you communicate. Do you speak with lots of hand gestures? Do you say your thoughts melodically? Do you tend to drone with a monotone? These are all hints as to how Mercury is present in your style of communication. What about how you learn? Did you get all the math and science down easily? Did you find that reading was simple? Or did you struggle and have to redo a grade? Did you find that it was hard to integrate ideas and concepts the first time, needing to return to the subject at hand time and time again? The last one was me. But, Mercury is retrograde in my chart, and he is super close to the Sun, so that made it difficult for those things to be noticed. I was a super social little girl. Chatting with my friends, painting pictures with my expansive vocabulary. That was easy for my teachers to see… that was the Sun shining on Mercury in my chart. But, sometimes when the light is TOO bright on a planet, it can also work to "blind" you from what some of the planets are doing in your life. So in my chart, my Mercury is both super close to the Sun AND in retrograde, which makes the chatty, sociable, verbose aspects of my personality shine brightly. However, once you get to know me, you will learn that I'm dyslexic, I have to re-read things SEVERAL times in order to fully integrate even things I understand well. So, get this! Every Mercury retrograde for me I feel it pretty intensely because of HOW it is in my natal chart. As mentioned, I was born with it in retrograde, so I often experience these periods as 1 part challenging and 1 part affirming. It's like I'm getting a little energy boost. My brain is ready to take in a TON of information and I always feel super poetic. But, I also know… I have to work TWICE as hard to communicate clearly. So here's the clincher. When Mercury goes retrograde, it's not a BAD thing. Equally, it's not a good thing. It is just a shift in the energy that if you know how it affects you personally, you will know how to manage during that period. That's why it's more important to know how YOUR Mercury is situated in your chart and what kind of condition he is in. Then you can anticipate what Mercury is going to activate in your chart. If anything, just know that you shouldn't be fearful, or feel as though Mercury is a total dick trying to shit up your life. And, more often than not, if you are feeling the retrograde energy in a super negative way, there is more being activated in your chart than just Mercury. Hope that helps! All my love Alysa

  • Advice for the May 26th TOTAL Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius

    Once again it is eclipse time and the energy of the year is about to shift. But, that shift doesn't take place without a little bit of work on our part. On May 26, 2021, the Full Flower Moon will be totally eclipsed by the shadow of Earth. This will cause our nearest neighbor to turn a "bloody" shade of red for approximately 14 minutes. This first lunar eclipse of the year takes place in the firey sign of Sagittarius just a few hours after the Moon reaches perigee, or what is the closest point to Earth on its orbit. Lunar eclipses operate in a way that works to dissolve the past, making an eclipse a brief but extremely potent lunation. The phenomenon of an eclipse is called an "occultation", which is an event that is defined by the Moon, or any planet, eclipsing a star or another planet making it temporarily invisible. Historically, lunar eclipses were the first major celestial events that ancient astrologers learned how to predict. They would use historical events and visual observation to predict them. Now, you may have noticed there has been an intensifying charge in the air, making us all feel like something is about to change. That is because the effects of a forthcoming eclipse can be felt up to six months before and after the actual date of the eclipse. Many people tend to be fearful of eclipses because they are linked to the transformation of circumstances. However, we are usually the ones to catalyze or to initiate those changes because our “inner guides” know that some things gotta give. So, my dear Mystic, just because eclipses are known to bring about a crisis of sorts, it doesn't mean it's gonna be all bad. In fact, the events or circumstances you are faced with can just as easily be very positive, creative, and expanding. This first lunar eclipse also marks the beginning of series eclipses in 2021. Look to your natal chart to see which house each eclipse falls into forecast what events may be triggered in your life. Lunar Eclipse May 26th in Sagittarius 11:13 am EST Solar Eclipse June 10th in Gemini 10:52 am EST Lunar Eclipse Nov 19th in Taurus 8:57 am EST Solar Eclipse Dec 4th in Sagittarius 7:43 am EST This time around the moon and sun will be in the sign of Sagittarius, which is ruled by Jupiter. Sagittarius rules your personal belief structures, your desire to explore and discover foreign places, religious beliefs and personal philosophies, higher education, your morals, foreign languages and cultures, personal truths, sharing ideas, and publishing issues will be in sharp focus. This lunar occultation may bring challenges to these matters and present opportunities for new beginnings in your thought paradigm. While you work to navigate all this changing energy, here are a few pointers to help you along. Take a Bath - Washing away stagnant energy with a ritual bath can be a wonderful way to emerge from the lunar eclipse with renewed vitality. Your mind, soul, and physical body are all affected by the powerful eclipse energy, bringing forth things within you that may have gone unexpressed. Or if not unexpressed, perhaps unknown to you. When those things surface and become visible, you will need to process them. This can sometimes lead to discovering the need to change something and with that transformation, a cleansing to remove any residual energetic gunk. Besides... baths are pretty nice anyway. As a suggestion, any of these can be nice in a bath. Just be sure you are not sensitive or allergic to any of the following before using. Pink Himalayan salt Add between 1/4 and 1/2 cup witch hazel to the bathwater Chamomile Eucalyptus Basil Lavender Lemon Balm Meditate - Of all times, meditating during the period of an eclipse can be most beneficial. As the Moon overtakes the sun, you become even more sensitive than usual. If you are a person who is already very empathic with a heightened level of sensitivity, meditating can be a way to process your feelings more effectively. The Sun represents our mind works. How we think about things and how our thoughts move us in our lives. Whereas the Moon represents our emotional works and how our emotions guide us toward action. And, the Earth is directly associated with our physical bodies, the vehicle that moves us through life on the physical plane. During an eclipse, meditation can help you to bring all of these facets of yourself into a moment of alignment. Sometimes adding music can help increase your meditation Try these - Solfeggio tones Binaural beats Find Stillness - This can seem impossible for many of us. With work, family and other demands tugging at your proverbial shirttail, finding stillness is often the hardest thing to do. Nonetheless, finding stillness during the duration of the Eclipse can help you to understand your own needs. The quiet that you cultivate consciously during this time can help you unravel some of the more challenging emotions that may surface for you. Considering that this energy precedes revelation and transformation, you will most definitely benefit from having some space to digest your feelings and thoughts. Stillness can be created in any number of ways. You don't have to sit in the lotus position like a monk! You can find stillness by Sitting quietly Yoga Nidra Meditation Prayer Don't Eat - During an eclipse, the Sun, Earth, and Moon are all in conjunction or what appears as one straight line for a period of time. A total lunar eclipse can last up to nearly 2 hours. As a result of this combined alignment of the luminaries and our home planet produce a heightened magnetic force. The alignment of these celestial bodies has a significantly strengthened energetic impact which can be observed in natural phenomena such as the high tides produced in the ocean. Since ancient times the period during an eclipse was a time in which people would pull back from their daily lives to meditate deeply. As a result of the increased biomagnetism within the physical body, the depth of which your meditations can reach is intensified greatly. Therefore, because some forms of deep meditation are better performed with an empty stomach, the increased celestial magnetic field made by the eclipse is very conducive to achieving deeper more profound meditation. If you must eat during the period of the eclipse be sure to - Eat whole foods Eat foods with high water content Avoid fast food Avoid excess sugars Don't Charge Crystals - Here again, it should be taken into account that the magnetic forces between Sun, Moon & Earth are increased and that can have unwanted effects on your favorite minerals! Because many of us use crystals in our spiritual and even professional practices, I advise waiting until the eclipse has passed by a day or two. While it may seem like a good time to charge your crystals because an eclipse is a special event, it should in fact be avoided. Now even if this seems a little silly, take a look at the natural world. Notice that many animals act agitated and unusual. According to "Some spider species begin to break down their webs during an eclipse, as they typically do at the end of the day. Once the eclipse has passed, they begin to rebuild them again, possibly lamenting the lack of rest in between. Similarly, fish and birds that are active during the day head for their nighttime resting places, while nocturnal bats appear, seemingly tricked by the sudden darkness." Eclipses in astrology function as karmic activators or suppressants. So instead wait until the celestial energy stabilizes to charge and or cleanse your crystals. Don't Cleanse or charge your Sacred items - According to Babylonian scholars, eclipses could foretell the death of the king. In ancient times the death of the king could plunge a nation into war and chaos! An eclipse was seen as inauspicious energy as it was considered disruptive energy and could bring on a crisis for the people. The reason for this is because the Sun was associated with the king, just as the Sun is the center of our solar system, the king was the center of the nation. When the Earth would pass between the Sun and the moon causing the earth's shadow to be cast on the Moon, making the moon unnaturally red or bloodied. The energy reflected from the Moon back to earth is again made unusual and destructive. In the ancient world, people would make substitute kings that would absorb the wrathful energy of the eclipse in place of the actual king. So, the reason I advise against charging and or clearing your sacred items or tools is that it is better to NOT expose them to this discordant energy. As you can see, looking at what is happening in the natural world is important, not just because of the beautiful effects it may have on the environment, but also because of the energy that is transmitted to us on the planet. As human beings we are subject to both physical and metaphysical energies and it the importance of having an awareness of the energies at work cannot be overstated. I hope that you have found this helpful. All my love, Alysa Alysa is a trained Astrologer practising a fusion of modern and ancient traditional techniques. She specializes in Natal & Transformational astrology. In her professional practice Alysa is a Tarot reader & Co-creator & Artist of The Sirian Starseed Tarot Reiki Master Teacher, Past Life Regression fascilitator, Certified Advanced Eriksonian Hypnotist, and the Founder and Head Instructor of N.S.M.A. - North Star Mystic Academy. She works and lives in Hillsburgh, Ontario with her family and two cat overlords. She loves to collect more books than she will ever read and to share knowledge, support and guidance to all those who seek it. Book your reading with Alysa here.

  • Uranus Stations Direct In Taurus Jan 14, 2021

    Soooooo.... here we are 2 whole weeks into 2021. I don't know about you, but I have felt hopeful one second and then completely shocked at what I see on the news and on social media in the next. It's like every time I turn around there is a new WTF going on. There are changes happening all over the world, and in our own homes with what feels like a sucker punch. Catching you off guard and unprepared. This my dear Mystic, is the hallmark of Uranus's energy. This distant social planet loves nothing more than to catch us by surprise, and I'm sure my dear Mystic that you can agree this past year has been full of sudden shocks and astonishments. Now more than ever, we as a global community, are being tested and checked for the tenacity to pursue new ways of society. Over the entire globe, all over the world, it has become stunningly clear that humanity's resources come into focus. Because of this, it is important for us to take stock of what we truly care about. What our specific values are, who we are as human beings who share the planet, nations, cities, towns and households. Who are we now and who do we really wish to be? So let's break this down a little bit more. Every planet in our solar system with the exception of Earth will go into apparent retrograde motion... or look like it is moving backwards compared to its normal path through the sky. When a planet goes retrograde, its normal energy alters. Instead of the energy of the planet flowing easily and radiating unobstructed... it moves a lot like water trying to pass through a hair-clogged drain. It doesn't move "well" it has a level of resistance that makes it hard for the planet to express its energy. So, that energy affects us humans, by turning our attention inward. We are guided into those internal spaces where our truest selves reside. It is when we come into contact with the most essential self that we have to then "sort our SHIT". Uranus is an odd and excentric planet, I often compare it to the electrical genius, Nicola Tesla. He, much like our buddy Uranus was obsessed with all things electric and experimented with it. Additionally, like Uranus, we were a man possessed of a humanitarian genius. He wanted all of humanity to benefit from his innovations. He was unusual, brilliant and altruistic. These are all things associated with Uranus. Tesla was also known to be... weird... like really weird. He fostered several habits that sidelined him as an odd duck. In fact, in the later years of his life he "married a pigeon" having been quoted as saying that he loved his little bird as a man love a woman.... Ummm ok? In any event, you can see that the energy of Uranus changes things, suddenly with lightning and the clang of symbols and gongs! These changes are impossible to ignore. Now, put your cake down and let's take a minute to look more closely at the energy of Taurus. Energetically, Taurus has a very stabilizing influence. It is methodical, slow and meticulous. It is by definition, an energy that is determined and deliberate. Taurus rules the second hose that is in many ways associated with all material things. Things that are tangible, things that we feel we own. This includes actual physical possessions like your car, your home, your clothes and even your own body. The second house is also concerned with your values! The things you believe in which give you a sense of ownership over your life and the circumstances of your environment. Any way you slice it, Taurus wants to be comfortable in a nice house with lots of food, no debt and above everything else SECURITY! All in all, when you combine Taurus's requirement for security and Uranus's tendency to instigate sudden change, you can see how this relationship can be a bit challenging. However, this energy has actually been pretty good... you know in the same way that ripping off an old icky band-aide is good. It's scary, it's gonna hurt, but once it's done you can see the full extent of what you need to heal. Sooooo, here we go! Now if you haven't noticed, we have been called to task not just by the circumstances we are faced within our individual lives, but en masse. The whole damn world (Uranus is a transpersonal planet, affects EVERYONE) has literally and figuratively had to cast its vote for what we feel best represents who we are as human beings. This has come through to us as one slap in the face after the next. Not one, but several calls to action. I think there was a young woman who scolded the entire world at one point, stating fiercely ...."YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE!" Whether you personally believe in environmental changes or not, quite frankly it doesn't matter.... because there are enough people who do. And, because of this, changes to how we live on this planet have been demanded of us. We must change, like it or not. And... to be totally transparent... I think that even if you don't see any evidence (baaa hah ahh ah aaahh) of these environmental changes, what's wrong with being more careful with our resources? What's wrong with trying to live more cleanly? After all, do YOU shit where you eat? Jus' sayin'. This is Uranus in Taurus Retrograde in action. Your security of thought, belief and literally your life is being openly challenged. You, me, and everyone else have had to re-assess what it means to feel like we have enough of everything we need in order to continue our lives. We have had to go inward - courtesy of Covid-19 - and ask some really critical questions about what we own, what we need and who we are. We have become more reliant on technology (Uranus rules tech) as it has now become our lifeline to all which we believe makes us secure. Ordering groceries (food = Taurus), working from home, going to school or even communicating with loved ones are all being done remotely, and BOY are we feeling it. How many times have you thought to yourself... gee, I've taken all of my freedoms, all of my loved ones, all of the easy access I used to have to things that ensure my security... for GRANTED!!?? See that is you looking inward (retrograde) at what you value (Taurus). And the list goes on... and on, and on. Now that Uranus is stationed direct, things are going to shift yet again. The drain (remember the one I mentioned earlier) is unclogging. Energy is going to begin to move more directly and dynamically. So, in response to this my sweet Mystic, you get to answer some of the following questions - How do I feel about the state of our environment? How do I feel about my country? How do you I about my Government? How do I feel about my body? Do I need all this shit I ordered from Amazon? Do I need to change how I look at my spouse, children and aged family members? Am I really, truly secure? And let me tell ya, the answer isn't a nod of your head. It's not a statement or a social media post. It is in your actions. It is how you demonstrate your values through your behaviour and actions. It's not enough to declare your feelings and set your intentions... no darling, you have to act in alignment with the truth! There is no room for bullshit, no room for anything other than what you are ready to OWN! It's time for your own INNER REVOLUTION! Change bravely and seek a better world. Be brave, I'm with you. I'm having to adapt my angle of approach too. I'm pivoting my behaviour and the things I stand for and against, same as you. We are all in this together. (don't you roll your eyes at me! HAHAHAHAA) All my love! Uranus retrograde is a regular cycle lasting 155 days each year in which the planet moves four degrees in reverse through the zodiac. Retrogrades are a time of inner change in response to external changes in your life. To understand how this particular retrograde affected you personally, check out what aspects and house placement transiting are created in comparison to transiting Uranus.

  • January Capricorn New Moon

    There is something that just seems so fitting about the new moon being in the sign of Capricorn. I don't know what it is, but when the Moon is in the Dark of her phases it's like a softness wraps the silence of the night. The New Moon is a time to go inward, and dream, finding the creative place where potential begins. This Moon phase could have you feeling the need to leave a legacy in the world, this totally gets along with the agenda of Capricorn. Capricorn wants you to do something notable, worthwhile and most of all important. Don't stress though, this doesn't mean you have to secure the next moon landing or start a new fortune 500 company! Rather, use this energy for planning, plotting and imagining all the things you wish to accomplish. Build the energy in your mind, in your heart and eventually that energy will be so strong that it can't be contained by Capricorn or the New Moon! Even though the last year has been a time of constriction, the New Moon in Capricorn could have you feeling a creeping sense of urgency, like there is something you need to finish before the clock runs out. This is "normal", that agitation is a result of the Moon's energy being obscured by the Earth causing it to eagerly seek the Sun's revitalizing light. Or in other words, it is like drawing back the string of the bow, building the tension that will help you release all that has held you back. You know... if you are ready ;) While the Moon is dark, you are ending a karmic cycle –re leasing the bonds of the past and embracing the potentials of the future. This can sometimes be a little painful as may need to go inward to uncover the REAL reasons you have held onto things that hurt instead of heal. Be brave dear Mystic and do the hard work so that you may emerge into the world a newer, fresher version of yourself. It's all about preparing yourself for a whole new phase, completing karmic contracts so that you may go forward with no loose ends. You may have noticed that you are feeling HIGHLY SENSITIVE and perhaps even a bit more psychic during this time which can sometimes make it difficult for you to exist in the "normal" world. If you WORK to harmonize your sensitive feelings with a practical approach to the situations you're faced with, you will find it easier to protect yourself while also uncovering a sense of fulfillment. Additionally, you also may notice that you have a heightened ability to understand complicated concepts, which can be used to help others along in their own journey to awakening. Helping others up my dear Mystic is the fastest way to make Capricorn happy because through helping others, you elevate yourself. Your beautiful radiant light shines all the more brilliantly when you are using what you know for the benefit of your fellow Mystic... or non-Mystic... or your cat. During this period you may feel more secure when life is structured, or you are working hard. This helps you to make sense of a world that seems to have spiralled out of control and into cray-cray town. While you are focusing on your plans, organizing your world or plotting the course of action that will deliver you to success, you could little emotionally distant or cold to those around you. You might even get a little melancholic or grumpy. Soften this for those around you with communication. Relationships will need a little extra care during this time. It is easy to become very absorbed in your own reality and forget that others may need your attention. You just have to be sure to let the ones you love know that they are important to you... but for now, you need to focus on taking over the damn world. Spiritually speaking this might be a good time to look at your own behaviour, have you been responsible? Do you have any debts of service? Is there anything you could do to make anyone's life better? This is also a good time to study, look at where your beliefs come from, locate the point of origin for the values you hold. Clean out anything that isn't in alignment with the person you wish to be. Sounds like a lot of work doesn't it? Well, it is a lot of work and that's what Capricorn likes! To help you lighten up, use Sunstone, a bright Clear Quartz or a warming Carnelian or take a lovely salty bath! All my love to you <3

  • What is done in the dark, becomes visible in the light. New Moon Solar Eclipse

    New Moon Solar Eclipse in the archer's sign Sagittarius! Now the energies from the luminaries bring us into a space where you may experience a considerable, expansion, metamorphosis and even some sudden changes… fair warning they may feel like a disaster but will in fact bring an explosion of growth. During the Dark or new New Moon phase, new energy is emerging. Growing in the space if a completed cycle, where one thing has died off in your life it leaves an open space where something new may germinate. While in the sign of Sagittarius, you are likely feeling like something HAS to change. Like the itchy old too tight sweater your life has become, must be ripped from your body so that you can be free. You may not feel it from your outside circumstances… rather it is likely that this "discomfort" is coming from within. Which can make it difficult to understand just why you're feeling that way. You know you have had to change many things in your life in response to the conditions of the outside world… but that ain't it. It's bigger, more compelling and impossible to ignore. So what do you do? How do you change all those itchy, chaffing feelings? How do you get outside and run free? Good question… I'm glad you asked! Start with reevaluating your goals and intentions from the past six months. What is thriving and what is laying collecting dust? Decided what you want to nurture and what you are willing to release. Another thing to consider is that this New Moon will be partnering to a certain degree with the Moon’s South Node in Sagittarius. The tail of the dragon, or the South Node, tells us of our past lives, karmic cycles we are engaged in, and the nature of the energies you brought with you or have mastered in your past life. The North Node, on the other hand, is your life mission, the lesson plan for your current life and it signifies where you need to grow and improve so that you may master the lessons of this lifetime. So, New Moon Solar Eclipse is a HUGE window of opportunity that you may use to readjust your pathway going forward. You may choose to adapt your intentions, or even set NEW ones. My dear Mystic, now is the time to make a fully conscious effort to shift your ATTENTION to healing wounds... New or old... and free yourself from the restraints of your past and end old karmic cycles. Basically… get your shit together and get down to the business if being the badass I know you are. For some of you, this new moon eclipse energy could have you feeling extremely emotional. You may feel as though you can't keep up with the demand of all the pressure that seems to have been building higher and heavier with every passing day. Sagittarius wants FREEDOM. Not just your -"I get to do what I want when I want" brand of freedom. True liberty is what the centaur wants. Freedom of thought, movement, creativity and of course emotional freedom. This strong influence will have you bucking against anything that seems to be a mechanism of control. You want to hurry your hooves into the chest of any oppressor - real or imagined. All I can think about is Daenerys Stormborn demanding that everyone "bend the knee" The good news is that with eclipse energy something WILL change. It may seem sudden or even disastrous, but please, if you can remember that this proceeds the transformation that will inevitably bring joy. Freedom. During this time, I suggest you do very quiet grounding activities. If you can, meditate, practice yoga, breathwork, take a purification bath, sleep or find a way to just be still. Create stability and inner quiet and connect with your soul and your heart centre. Try to establish clarity on what it is that would allow you to be fully happy and fulfilled. Don't judge what comes to you, simply observe. Use the increasing Sagittarian energy to see the bigger picture, it just may really help you uncover what is truly for your highest good. You may discover that you must shift your perspectives on life, that what was true six months ago is now somehow different. Don't view this change as a loss… see it as an evolution! You may also find that consciousness upgrades occur as a result of your new-found clarity. Remember that nothing is permanent, fortunately, everything is ALWAYS changing. This is an opportunity for you to consciously embrace that awareness. For some of you, you may realize that your spiritual beliefs are changing as well. You may notice that your capacity for understanding and integration is also expanding. The borders of what you could accept are now increasing to include things that were unknown to you only a short time ago. This rapid transformation allows you to set new goals for your development and to make space for yourself to heal and honour your feelings. You are literally being called to know yourself on a deep, more holistic level. Additionally, this is also the final New Moon of the year, bringing completion to a full lunar cycle! Reflect on this past year, how far have you come? How many obstacles have you overcome? How many wounds have you healed? How much have you learned? Use this energy to see yourself as you were, as you are now, and who you aspire yet to be. Lastly my dear mystic, this current Solar Eclipse is linked to the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius back in June on the 5th. It might be interesting to look back at this time. Think about what you were working to release, did you let it go? Think back on the changes you were working to make, did you achieve them? Think about what patterns were showing up in your life, where you able to rewire them? Going forward, think about how you can refine your intentions, how can you direct your energy now to help you transform and evolve? What waits for you as you pass over this threshold and into the next cycles of your life? And for Gods sake don't charge your damn crystals!! Or make moon water! In ancient astrology, an eclipse was said to foretell the death of kings! Save that for when the energy isn't so damned Eclipsey and intense.

  • How Saturn in Aquarius May Save Our metaphorical Steroid & Antibiotic Free Turkey Bacon.

    So today March 23rd 2020 marks Saturn's entry into the sign of Aquarius! For the first time in 26 years, Saturn, the planetary Lord of Karma visits the "water bearer" since 1994. Saturn will be staying in Aquarius until March 7th, 2023 this is good news my dear Mystic, Saturn's energy when in Aquarius begins to help us focus on much needed restructuring. But like big time though! If you have lived on this planet for more than 15 years, I'm fairly certain you are aware that the way things have been going we are in desperate need of change. Effectively, in most modern societies we have found ourselves self - painted into the proverbial corner. Many of our systems of government are overloaded with what feels like a general lack of concern for all of the areas of life it is supposed to preserve and serve. The environment has become strained to the point of near collapse, and yet there are so many people who still deny it. Socially there seems to be a resurgence of antiquated and hateful attitudes and behaviours… you know the classics - racism, religious persecution, classism, sexism, assorted LGBTQ+ phobias and so many more of humanity's favourite unevolved behaviours are currently on rotation. You can't turn on the news or scroll your internet feed of choice without the mention of the long list ills that plague humanity. Everyone has been talking, gripeing and throwing their hands up in the air as our collective frustrations drive skyward with all the ferocity of an intercontinental ballistic missile. Honestly, something has got to give! We know we can't maintain our current trajectory without rolling a critical hit and (dungeons & dragons death reference for my fellow geeks) biting the big avocado toast in the sky. Here is where Saturn, enters Aquarius, swooping in to save our communal steroid and antibiotic-free turkey bacon. You see, Aquarius as a sign has very unusual energy. It is rebellious, unconventional, innovative and eccentric. If I were to compare Aquarius to a person it would be Nicola Tesla. Nicola Tesla was one of the world's most innovative human beings to ever walk the earth. He was undoubtedly a genius, we can thank him for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system which allows us to plug in our favourite electronic devices at home… amongst other things. While Tesla was a genius, innovator and humanitarian (all very Aquarian) he was also seriously weird. He was prone to periods of intense isolation (low key weird) and was also known to have fallen in love with his pet pigeon…. Like literally. He is even quoted as saying "I loved that pigeon as a man loves a woman, and she loved me. As long as I had her, there was a purpose for my life." No judgement, but that is an impressive level of weird. The important thing about this comparison is to understand the nature of Aquarius. Like all air signs, it always leads with rational thought. It wants to use intellect to solve problems and design every aspect of life. Aquarius wants to modernize and lead humankind to an inspired future. But…. And there is always a but isn't there? In the previously mentions title, we also have to consider the influence of Saturn as it is part of this pairing. Saturn is not so interested in firing ahead into the great unknown. Saturn likes the comfort of the established order. Nothing makes Saturn happier than predictable results. (Saturn rules time by the way. And ageing) Saturn is concerned with the preservation of all things hierarchy, structure and orderliness. Saturn is a government, organization, and law and order. Not really the life of the party, but it does serve an important purpose. In Traditional Astrology, Saturn is referred to as the greater malefic - or in other more relatable terms… "The Big Jerk." Saturn teaches us the harder lessons that are intended to help us become responsible, mature homosapiens. in fact some of us will get to "enjoy" up to 3 Saturn returns in our lifetime. The term “Saturn return” refers to Saturn’s return to its exact location at the moment of your birth. For each of us, it's unique because Saturn takes 27-30 years, making a full turn around the sun. During your Saturn return there are usually significant (often challenging events) in your life. I had my second child during my first Saturn return...I was 28. Book Your Saturn Return Chart Reading So, as you can see, the combination of Saturn and Aquarius is an energetic collaboration that promises significant change. Call it what you like, we are living at a time that is undoubtedly positioned for impact and a spot in the history books. So, I'm sure (cause I would be too) you are wondering what effects you will witness during the coming years. Remember, because it takes Saturn right around 29 years to travel through a sign, many changes will be happening gradually… so no getting mad if it takes a little bit! On the upside, we are seeing the roots of the coming changes taking hold already! Changes in Government - Government will be overhauled, simply put. Mind you, it will take a while, but governments will be restructured in order to reflect our collective change in values. That is to say, the old regime, up to and including the practices of electing and administering government (all Saturn stuff) will be reformed (Aquarius energy for the win). You can see the cracks of change already developing. Look at Harry and Megan's relinquishing British senior royal titles and responsibilities. Younger people are choosing to take their positions in government with an eye toward representation rather than power. Like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for example. People are currently working toward creating a government that collaborates with people rather than attempting to contain them. The aim of future government structures will be concerned with sustainability rather than consumption. Book Your Year Ahead Tarot Reading Becoming more Spiritual - I'm sure you have noticed that crystals, tarot and oracle cards, mediumship, astrology, energy work, yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and many more formerly "new age weirdness" are enjoying mainstream appeal. You can go to just about any Mall in North America and find some sort of answer to the now trendy desire to be spiritual. While I remember when you had to be some sort of weird or creepy or… brace yourself… devil-worshiping, occultist to have had any knowledge of the aforementioned practices. Not that long ago you had to be ready to be socially ostracized if you were going to go against the mainstream monotheistic norms. Yet somehow, with much bewilderment, here we are in 2020 and you can buy astrology gear, sacred geometry tattoos, crystals for your drinking bottle and sage to smudge your apartment like no big deal! Wait, what? My gen X brain is one part hallelujah bitches, and one part...da FUQ? So much for being edgy. This is all the work of Aquarius shaking up Saturn. Aquarius is like hey, Saturn, I know you like establishments like church… but uhhh… yeah, like we aren't doing that anymore… that's so - 1900's. In the future, yeah, we just wanna, like, you know, be part of "All That Is". Cool? Cool! For many of us, its bye bye organized religion and hello finding your own spiritual path. I for one love this, but I might also add, as things progress be mindful to find guides not gurus! Regardless of your desire to learn, always be discerning and seek out teachers who encourage your growth without creating dependence! In other words darling, follow your heart over and above a person. Higher standards for human equality - The pursuit of civil and human rights is nothing new. We have been doing that the world over since one person decided they could define another person's ability to be self-determined. If not because of one's race, religion, language or port of origin, it has been gender, sexual identity, and even appearance. These are only some of the ways people have worked to avert the self-determination of… Well, other people. Yaaaay for philosophical evolution! So here we are in the twenty-first century barely out of the mental primordial goop. For some reason unknown to me, we are still working on accepting the idea that people are and should be unique. There are still a whole bunch of us that are the philosophical equivalent of a first-gen Pokemon…. Still waiting to take it's the final form. However, thanks to a nice middle of the spine shove from Aquarius. Saturn is being urged to recognize the need to reform it's the definition of human rights. Where we have kept people in strict and seemingly comfortable categories for generations, we are now confronted with the fact that in many ways we have had it all wrong. In other words, Saturn likes things to be neatly organized period. So Saturn creates labels and boxes and puts everyone in a neatly labelled and immutable box. Well, clearly that doesn't work with humanity's natural and intrinsic habit for self-expression. So Aquarius comes along, sits by Saturn and says…"Dude, relax a little, give the people the freedom to express themselves and they will organize, like totally organically. Trust the process homes, it works!" So once again the old structures are like totes shook and OMG people are self-defining… confusing the hell out of everything old school. At least for a while… till everything sifts into its new order… you know, like totally organically. Environmental preservation - This is where Saturn is all- "hold my beer!" Nothing, I repeat Nothing makes Saturn happier than preserving things. Like an Instagram model hoarding likes, Saturn loves to store up resources, carefully using them at the appointed time and in the correct measure. Conservation is the sweet poetry that Saturn craves. As Saturn is influenced by Aquarius, it elevates the preservation of humanity through the conservation of our natural environment and its resources. You see my dear Mystic, while some of us still cling to the idea that the environment is static and not changed at all despite industrialization and global trade, travel and consumerism… excuse me while I clear my throat of sarcasm… the rest of us have noticed that, well, we have been shitting where we eat and sleep for a really, really long time and now there's very little room to eat and sleep. Amid the recent declarations of social distancing and quarantine in response to the Covid -19 pandemic, Earth has quietly been healing herself. Dolphins and swans have returned to the canals of Venice, Italy because well, humans have been forced to stop crapping them up for a few weeks. Going forward (and it will take time) we will likely see this as less a phenomenon associated with a pandemic and more as evidence of our impact on our planet; our home. It is things like this that will spark a deeper sense of stewardship over the Earth and inspire humanity to preserve our home. Social integration - Social Media has morphed into something well beyond its original scope. Never before in human history have we had access to each other regardless of time or location. It wasn't too long ago that most people never travelled beyond ten miles of their actual home. Now we have gone from small tight-knit communities to a global civilization. All thanks to freaking Facebook! And others… but I like to blame Facebook. I remember, as I'm sure many of you do, when you had to phone your friends between certain hours, make plans to meet after school or on the weekend. I remember when you had to introduce yourself as yourself, and a time when you actually spoke to a human on the phone rather than a text message and a set of emojis. Now, we are on our way to finding our way back to each other. Like long lost lovers separated for years, we remember what it was like to interact face to face, but at the same time, it feels foreign and awkward. Yet we feel a longing for the kind of connectedness that wifi cannot give. We want to touch and feel. And Saturn in Aquarius will help us find each other again. Believe it or not, it is through the unintentional isolation that technology has brought us that we will come to desire more intimate social exchange. Technology is ingrained into life as sure as we breathe, and as we continue in our evolution. It will serve as a portal for bonding and bringing people closer together. Book Your Year Ahead Astrology Reading I think it would be hard to deny that it is absolutely an amazing time to be alive. We are witnessing our own Renaissance. As we grow into a global civilization, we will see many days ahead that challenge us and redirect our path. For many people, this is a time of uncertainty and fearful anticipation, but for me, I feel optimistic and peaceful. I know that there may be some who read this and it may sound a little bit naive or rose-tinted as I say that we are at the end of the dark night. When I look out on the world, I see just as many awesome and terrible happenings just as you do. I see the potential for even harder times ahead. But, (and the always is one, remember?) I also clearly see the thin bright light of a new day on the horizon, a destination worth seeking despite the darkling sky. I can write these things with confidence because I watch the wandering stars, feel the currents of subtle energy, and I know that you, me and all that is, is under the kind care of a great and loving consciousness. I am able to feel the calm of trust. I am able to sleep. I am able to be. That is all for now. Thank you for reading. My love to you. Alysa Alysa is a professional mystic, who teaches and works with spiritual seekers from all over the world. Her dynamic personality and passion for the mystic arts is infectious. She loves to bring her wealth of metaphysical knowledge and depth of experience to her clients by delivering a truly intuitive and spiritual learning experience. Alysa brings over 2 decades of practice reading tarot which includes her unique experience as the Artist and co-creator of The Sirian Starseed Tarot which enjoys over 8 years of success with global distribution. In her professional practice, Alysa is a master tarot reader & teacher, second-generation traditional western astrologer,  numerologist, certified professional past-life regressionist, Reiki master, certified Life coach, published author, artist, and founder of the North Star Mystic Academy. Alysa’s client’s and students return again and again because of her straightforward, honest and powerful teaching. She is known for her ability to balance fun with professionalism as she supports her students in their growth as independent spiritual and holistic practitioners. Alysa lives and works in Hillsburgh, Ontario

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