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  • Dealing With Spiritually Toxic People

    Dealing with spiritually toxic people can be a difficult and draining experience. These individuals may have deeply ingrained negative patterns of behaviour and attitudes that can be hard to change. However, there are steps you can take to protect yourself and maintain your own spiritual well-being while interacting with such people. Unfortunately, even in a community that is supposed to be supportive, caring and compassionate, you're still going to find the occasional twat waffle. It's sad but true. The thing is, we are all human beings, and even people who have attained a great deal of spiritual understanding and knowledge can still be dickos. I have seen more than one person become totally disenchanted with the idea of belonging to a "spiritual" community because they had come to realize it's not always love, light and bran muffins. Usually, this occurs because they run into someone who appears to represent all the good and gracious things about the spiritual circle they belong to, to have them suddenly act like a high school bully. Petty jealousies, lies, rumours, manipulation, elitism, energetic vampirism, and a whole host of other unconscionable behaviours seem to appear as their mask suddenly slides off, leaving the person they've hurt feeling like a huge asshole for not seeing it coming, not to mention supremely hurt. However, just because douche canoes exist (even in places you think they wouldn't), there are ways to deal with Spiritually toxic people. It just means you have to adjust your perceptions a little bit when it comes to human behaviour. Understanding that when you deal with these kinds of shitheads, there are at least a baker's dozen of genuinely good humans that you can explore the wonders of the universe with. Here are a few steps to help you manage: NUMERO UNO - Recognize the signs of spiritual toxicity. This can include judgmental or critical behaviour, manipulation, a lack of empathy or understanding, and a tendency to blame others for their problems. Judgmental or critical behaviour: Spiritually toxic individuals may have a tendency to judge or criticize others, often based on their own personal beliefs or values. They may make others feel guilty or ashamed for not living up to their expectations. Manipulation: Spiritually toxic people may use manipulation tactics to control or exploit others for their own benefit. They may use guilt, shame, or fear to control others or to get what they want. Lack of empathy or understanding: Spiritually toxic people may be unable or unwilling to understand or relate to the feelings and experiences of others. They may be indifferent to the suffering of others or blame them for their problems. Self-centeredness: Spiritually toxic individuals may be highly self-centred, focusing on their own needs and desires above all else. They may have a lack of concern for the needs and well-being of others and may engage in exploitative or selfish behaviour. NUMBER 2 - Take care of YOU! There is nothing toxic or self-centred about ensuring your own safety. The main thing you have to do is participate in your own wellness. SET BOUNDARIES -It's important to establish clear boundaries with spiritually toxic individuals and to stick to them. This can include setting limits on the amount of time you spend with them, avoiding certain topics of conversation, or limiting your availability to them. Practice self-care. Taking care of yourself is essential when dealing with spiritually toxic people. This can include setting aside time for meditation, journaling, or other activities that help you to connect with your inner self. Seek support. It can be helpful to talk to a therapist or counsellor who can provide guidance and support as you navigate your interactions with spiritually toxic individuals. Joining a support group or workshop can also provide valuable perspective and help you to feel less alone in your experiences. Practice forgiveness and compassion. While it's essential to protect yourself from the negative impact of spiritually toxic people, it's also important to practice forgiveness and compassion towards them. Remember that these individuals may be dealing with their own struggles and insecurities and that their negative behaviour is a reflection of their own pain. Let go of trying to change them. Remember that you cannot change someone else; ultimately, the change has to come from within them. Focus on your own spiritual growth. Rather than getting caught up in trying to change or fix others, focus on your own spiritual growth. Work on developing healthy relationships, building a strong sense of self-worth, and connecting with your inner sense of purpose. Be mindful of your thoughts and emotions. Remember that your thoughts and emotions have a powerful impact on your physical and spiritual well-being. Practice mindfulness and be aware of any negative thoughts or emotions that your interactions with spiritually toxic individuals may trigger. Seek guidance and wisdom from a higher power. Remember that you don't have to navigate this journey alone. Seek guidance and wisdom from a higher power, whether it's a spiritual teacher, a religious figure, or your own inner wisdom. Dealing with spiritually toxic people can be challenging. Still, by setting boundaries, practicing self-care, seeking support, practicing forgiveness and compassion, focusing on your own spiritual growth, being mindful of your thoughts and emotions, and seeking guidance from a higher power, you can protect yourself and maintain your own spiritual well-being. Remember, you are not responsible for the toxic behaviour of others, but you are responsible for how you respond to it. Oh, and if you happen upon one of these smooth-brained shit biscuits, remember, they do not represent the majority, so don't get discouraged. Love You Mystic! In my career, I am what you might call a professional mystic. I teach and work with spiritual seekers from all over the world. My love and passion for the mystic arts are what drive me to keep creating, sharing and educating others. I love to bring my diverse knowledge of metaphysical knowledge and depth of experience to my clients and students through providing intuitive and spiritual services. I'm Known for my ability to blend fun with professionalism, and I'm proud to offer nearly three decades of esoteric experience, which includes the co-creation of the Sirian Starseed Tarot, several books, classes, manuals & the Seekers Oracle. In my professional practice, I am a master tarot reader & teacher, second-generation traditional western astrologer, numerologist, certified professional past-life regressionist, Reiki Grand Master Teacher, Certified Life coach, author, artist, and founder of North Star Mystic Academy, which opened in 2019. I live and work in Ontario, Canada. Email: Classes & Courses: Private Readings: Books: Become a Patron:

  • What The Fool's Journey Has Taught Me About Life

    Sometimes I forget just how much of an impact Tarot has had on my life. I know that can be kinda hard to believe since I talk about it, teach it, write about it and read it professionally. But on a personal level, the tarot has brought me so much about my spiritual growth and evolution. Particularly as it is contextualized to my meditation practice of The Fools Journey. Now, don't worry, I'm not talking about the kind of meditation where one sits trying to clear their mind of all thought clutter. Rather instead the kind of meditation where one purposefully allows the stream of thought consciousness to envelop the mind in an effort to distill some sort of meaning. That meaning can show up through the guidance, a lesson learned, catharsis or even epiphany. One of the reasons I love The Hermit is because that specific card is the archetype of the exact thing I am describing. The purposeful isolation that a person chooses so that they may study the secrets of the universe... uninterrupted. This study yields the one thing all people wish to achieve, and that is UNDERSTANDING. At first glance, many believe Tarot is only a pack of cards you use for fortune telling. Many people mistakenly believe that they are only for divination and that they hold some sort of each Tarot card containing an entire story. Archetypes are metaphors that are universally relatable. These metaphors can be used to help us understand ourselves and the world around us, and they often appear in our dreams. It's a bit like Jungian psychology on steroids. The Tarot and its illustrations are such a fascinating way to view the story of our lives in so many ways. The Major Arcana represents the larger life events. It’s stacked with archetypes such as The Lovers, The Hanged Man and Death. You may have heard of these cards before, but how can they relate to you? How do they correlate to the path you are on or to the direction you are going? Well, my dear Mystic, that is where the magic in Tarot truly lies! The more you study the Major Arcana, the more you will see yourself reflected in the archetypes depicted in each card. The trick is understanding tarot is to understand that all of the images, no matter how seemingly unrelated to you personally, are actually meant to relate to your personal lived experiences. The images are intended to evoke a sense of familiarity or resonance. You just have to learn how to see yourself in the images on the cards. What Is The Fools Journey Anyway? The Fool's Journey is a symbolic metaphor for the human soul as it experiences physical manifestation. Each step of the Journey from birth to death is described in each of the cards of the major arcana. However, that doesn't mean that the journey always happens sequentially in real life. As I often tell my students, because of its symbolic nature, The Fools Journey can be full of paradoxes and mysteries. In other words, it isn't necessarily something that happens in any particular order... but it also follows a pattern of progression. One step leads to the next. As you know, life has a funny way of aligning us with experiences as opportunities for growth; these can happen at any time or age. As you know, your life is full of events, people, relationships, and conditions of personal perspective that take you through a gambit of emotions which provide a medium for spiritual and personal growth. However, sometimes the situations and conditions of life you find yourself in can confuse you, leaving you hesitant to make decisions that will ultimately change your life. Things like beginning or ending a relationship, changing your career focus, relocating, having a child, investing money, beginning a new creative project, and or attempting to draw meaning and or purpose for the direction of your life, any of these circumstances create a need for loving guidance. Tarot can become an indispensable guidance tool once you understand how to integrate its wisdom into the narrative of your life. The Fools Journey is a story that takes you deep inside yourself by using the archetypal energies of the 22 cards in the Major Arcana. Each card is a metaphor filled with symbols and a deeper kind of wisdom which can serve as that loving guide to help direct your steps toward personal development, intuitive clarity and spiritual enlightenment. The Fool is a metaphor for the human condition. He represents totally potential. He is not yet defined and is newly born. At the beginning of his journey, he is unaware of dangers and hardships; he is in a pose that indicates an openness to all potential. The Fool starts his journey with no knowledge or experience, so he has to learn everything along the way. This can be compared to being born into this world without lessons from our parents or grandparents before us—we must learn everything for ourselves! The Fool's goal is self-discovery which leads to maturity and spiritual expansion. Throughout his journey, he encounters many obstacles which represent challenges we are faced with faced in life—from work stressors that make you feel like quitting your job; relationship problems that make you want nothing more than to forget about love; money issues that leave you wondering if there will ever be enough cash flow coming in so you don't starve while paying off debts...the list goes on! Each card in the Major Arcana represents a step in The Fool's Journey. Let's dive a little deeper! The Magician is a creator, a manipulator of the elements The Magician is a creator, a manipulator of the elements. The Magician is a symbol of power and influence. The Magician is also a symbol of creativity and inspiration, which equates to intelligence and wisdom. He’s the guy who can make things happen—and he usually does it effortlessly! This card speaks to me about my own journey as an entrepreneur in many ways. When I was starting out on my path to entrepreneurship, I knew nothing about business or entrepreneurship; I barely even knew what those words meant! And yet somehow, despite not having any formal training or education on how to be an entrepreneur or business owner (at least not at first), I managed to build up my business from scratch into something that has now grown into a successful and thriving brand! The High Priestess guards the mysteries of life and death The High Priestess is a keeper of secrets. She represents intuition, inner wisdom and the mysteries of life and death. She is the thin veil between the physical and non-physical worlds. She represents the gateway between that which is known and that which remains mysterious and unseen. In many ways she reminds me that I am connected to something greater than myself. I am part of a larger whole. The High Priestess is also a symbol of the divine feminine; she represents the wisdom that tells us when it's time for them to step back and let other people take over (because she knows that faith is the key to intuitive actions). This card reminds us that we are all connected to a source of knowledge and wisdom greater than ourselves, and if we allow ourselves to feel our feelings without getting caught up in them too much, perhaps we can have better control over our lives. She reminds us to have faith and trust the process of life despite not knowing everything, as even some things are meant to remain hidden until the timing is right for them to be revealed. The Hierophant is the teacher who finds more profound meaning in life through religion, tradition and ceremony. The Hierophant often represents the wise old man or woman. They are a spiritual leader, and their role is to help others find their way through life. They show us the "right" path to follow in order to achieve our spiritual goals. However, sometimes the Hierophant can represent people in our lives or thought processes that are dogmatic and rigid. He can also show you where you are being inflexible and unduly conservative or which areas of your life need structure and order. Strength deals with harmonizing strength and power with softness and gentility. More times than I can count, I have heard people say that the Strength card represents - strength. Whether mental or emotional, the thought is that strength represents the side of you with endurance and resistance. To a greater or lesser degree, this is actually true. But that is just a surface understanding of this archetype. As mentioned before, Tarot is illustrated in the language of symbols. What you see on the surface of the card is only the beginning! Strength is the perfect example of this. Where it is easy to look at the card and see the apparent strength of the maiden or the lion, you may be surprised to learn that this card is really about harmonizing the strength and power of your instinctual nature with your reason and logic so that you can overcome your baser urges. In Tarot, one of the many things Strength represents is restraint and self-awareness. In this stage of The Fool's Journey, he is learning about self-regulation and controlling the urges that arrive when faced with events or situations that spur strong reactions from him. Instead of barreling into the fray of life guns a blazin' he has to confront his challenges and obstacles with grace and gentility. This is no easy task, as his instincts are strong! I'm sure you, like me, have had lots of things happen that you've wanted to react to with dragon fire and worse, only to discover that you can't. You've had to restrain that very powerful urge to yell at someone who has done something rotten enough to deserve your ire. Those are the moments that require STRENGTH! This is the meaning of the card. This archetype isn't just about holding back; it's also about finding a better way... more diplomatic way! "The best way to find out how strong we by seeing how much we can endure." - Charles Dickens. Justice represents fairness, impartial truth and equal treatment for all people. Justice is more than just following the rule of law; it means that every person should be treated equally under the law with fairness. The idea of justice also implies inherent freedom from oppression or persecution. This can refer to a government protecting its citizens from harm or failure; it may also mean that people have access to food, shelter and other necessities for them to survive comfortably. Justice is one of many virtues which are essential aspects of human behaviour; when someone has acted justly, then they have demonstrated good morals towards others through their actions towards others' needs as well as their own personal needs, such as being able to eat something nutritious rather than just eating junk food all day long because you don't want anyone else eating it either! The other side to Justice is its dispassionate nature. Justice is only concerned with facts. It is not about the subjective perspective that is rooted in emotion. The reason for this is that emotion creates bias, whereas facts are immutable truths. For the fool, the first stage of his journey brings him to a time of soul-searching and self-examination. He takes stock of what motivates his choices and who he is as a person. This is a necessary step towards understanding that life can be both complex and simple simultaneously. He is made to look at what qualifies as objective truth versus what can be categorized as subjective bias. He is made to recognize the falsity of his beliefs and made aware that, for him to move forward on his journey, he must look within himself for objective truth. I know in my own life, I have had to take a long hard look at the facts more than once. It can be really hard to be objective, especially when your feelings are intense. Nonetheless, Justice signifies the need to remain objective and fact-oriented. If you can, think back to a time when you had to put aside your feelings and focus on the facts only. This will help you to understand the meaning of the Justice card. Life is full of change, sometimes painful change, but there are always lessons to learn from it. Life is full of change, sometimes painful change, but there are always lessons to learn from it. We all go through the process of learning and growing in our own way. The Fool's journey, which, as you've learned, is a metaphor for life's stages, can reflect how we move forward and what we want out of life. The journey we are on is one of discovery and growth, and knowing how to navigate it keeps us moving forward. The Fool's Journey helps you to understand who you are and what you need to reach your goals. You are the greatest mystery you will ever solve. The greatest mystery you will ever solve is yourself. In this world of uncertainty, Fool's Journey reminds us that life is a journey. It's a journey of discovery and growth. We're all on it together as we discover our true selves through the cards and archetypes of life. The only way to uncover your true nature is by examining every aspect of yourself with complete openness and honesty; just like The Fool, you have joined life with total potential, and every step you take that progresses you further into life's experiences can be described in any of the Major Arcana cards. If you ever find yourself in the midst of changes that you need some guidance or insight on, try this exercise. 1. Separate the Major Arcana from your favourite Tarot deck 2. Think about the life situation you need guidance on. 2. Lay out Three cards Card 1 represents the stage of The Fool's Journey you are on as it concerns this situation. Card 2 Represents what you need to recognize about the situation to help you move ahead more smoothly. Card 3 represents the outcome if you take the advice of card 2. *** Even if this card is reversed or a card that represents more difficulty try and think about how you can use the energy that the card represents to your advantage. Hope you have enjoyed this blog, and THANK YOU for reading! If you would like to know more about Tarot Reading, check out my book Essential Tarot Mastery If you have wanted some Tarot Buddies to hang out with, join my FREE tarot group here I would LOVE you to join our growing community. It's important to have like-minded people to practice and play with! Also... if you want to take some Tarot Classes, check out my events schedule for upcoming classes and certification courses here Hope to see you soon! In my career, I am what you might call a professional mystic. I teach and work with spiritual seekers from all over the world. My love and passion for the mystic arts are what drive me to keep creating, sharing and educating others. I love to bring my diverse knowledge of metaphysical knowledge and depth of experience to my clients and students through providing intuitive and spiritual services. I'm Known for my ability to blend fun with professionalism, and I'm proud to offer nearly three decades of esoteric experience, which includes the co-creation of the Sirian Starseed Tarot, several books, classes, manuals & the Seekers Oracle. In my professional practice, I am a master tarot reader & teacher, second-generation traditional western astrologer, numerologist, certified professional past-life regressionist, Reiki Grand Master Teacher, Certified Life coach, author, artist, and founder of North Star Mystic Academy, which opened in 2019. I live and work in Ontario, Canada. Email: Private Readings: Books: Become a Patron:

  • Dreams Are So Damn Weird... Here's Why you Should Interpret Them

    You ever have a dream so weird that when you wake up, you're a little haunted by it? Like it follows you around all day like the smell of bacon in your hair? Yes, I know that was a weird comparison, but let's take a moment to appreciate that the whole concept of this blog is about weirdness. As far back as there have humans have dreams, there has been a deep desire to understand their meaning. People have always wanted to unravel the cryptic, strange and weird messages that show up in the landscape of our unconscious and dreaming minds. There is a sense that the abstract and absurd contain some elusive wisdom or guidance that can be applied in waking life. And while this can be true, it is very difficult to understand why one may dream of their teeth falling out or showing up to an important event naked and where is the only one who can speak English. The thing is, even science is unclear on the reason why we dream, let alone the purpose of our unconscious meanderings. Some say it is a function of the mind, detangling itself from the events of the day or even the past. Others conclude that dreams are merely a nonsensical firing of nerve cells in the brain, expending excess energy. Some even say that there is no apparent reason for dreams and that they aren't anything to take notice of. In any case, the common thread in this kind of thinking is that dreaming is only a biological function of the organic human machine. But, if you're here reading this, I think we can continue under the assumption that dreams are made up of more than just unused electrical byproducts of the busy modern brain. If you're like me, you know there is more to it. There is something underlying the biological functions of a resting brain. Like you, I have had dreams that clearly connected to events in my waking life. Things that were happening in the conscious world that my dreaming mind redressed in weird and unusual metaphors. Then there have been times when I dreamt things that I couldn't understand. There wouldn't be an obvious connection to an event in the past or the present. In other words, there would be no bunny trail in the snow for me to follow. No clear path to an answer or, at the very least, something I could make sense of. So, that led me to dream interpretation. Learning to examine, analyze and demystify the often cryptic contents of my sleep time adventures has helped me to navigate my waking world with an extra level of awareness. Also, it's just super fun to analyze my dreams because sometimes I get unique advice, messages or event spirit visitation. Dreams Provide Guidance - Sometimes, the things you dream about are actually meant to be interpreted as a sign. They can be a way for your subconscious to give you a message or an indicator of something coming up in your life. For example, if you're dreaming about moving away from home, it could mean that you're ready for a new chapter in your life. It could also mean that you're yearning for change and must make big decisions about moving forward. If you have recurring dreams, it could mean something in your current situation needs to change. For example, if you have a recurring dream where someone is standing over your bed while you sleep, this could tell you that someone close to you is trying to control or influence your decisions without letting you know what they're doing. Dreams Can Protect You From Danger When we sleep, our minds are more open to the world around us. Our minds are also more receptive to the supernatural—which means that when we're dreaming, it's easier for us to connect with our spiritual side and receive messages from beyond. Have you ever had a dream that was so vivid it felt like it was real? You were running from something, or you saw someone trying to hurt you. It felt so real that when you woke up from it, your heart was racing, and your body felt like it couldn't breathe. Well, turns out there's a reason for that—and it's not just because you had an anxiety dream about your test tomorrow! Dreams have been used for centuries by people around the world as a way to protect themselves from danger. In ancient cultures, people believed that dreams were messages sent by spirits and gods. The Celts thought fairies would appear in their dreams to warn them of danger. They also believed that dreaming of someone who had died meant they would die soon. The ancient Egyptians believed that dreams were messages sent by the gods. If someone dreamed about an enemy, they often interpreted it as meaning that their enemy was planning something bad against them or their family. They would then take precautions against whatever danger they thought might be coming their way based on what happened in the dream. Dreams aren't just for interpreting what might happen in the future—they can also help us avoid danger right now. Dreams Can Help You Resolve Problems We all know that dreams can be powerful. They can help us explore our deepest desires, unearth hidden facets of ourselves, and generally make us feel like we've got a little more control over our lives. But did you know that dreams can also help us solve problems? In fact, some studies have shown that dreaming about a problem actually helps people resolve it. The logic is simple: dreaming about something that's bothering you allows your brain to process it while you sleep. And when you wake up in the morning, your brain has already worked out a solution! This isn't just a theory—it's been proven in numerous scientific studies. For example, one study found that participants who were asked to write down their thoughts on an issue before bedtime were much more likely to come up with creative solutions during the night than those who didn't write at all. Another study showed that participants who wrote down their thoughts on an issue before going to sleep had significantly fewer nightmares than those who didn't write anything down at all! So next time you find yourself struggling with an issue or problem in your life, try writing down what's bothering you before bedtime so your brain can work through it while you rest. Dreams Can Inspire Artists, painters, and writers throughout time have used their dreams as inspiration for their work. Many have even documented the dreams that inspired them to create a particular piece of art or literature. The following is a list of famous people who have been inspired by their dreams: Leonardo da Vinci - The artist was known for his detailed sketches and paintings. He was often inspired by his dreams, which he would record in his notebooks. Walt Disney - Walt Disney used his dreams as inspiration for creating some of the most iconic animated films of all time. His dream about Mickey Mouse prompted him to create "Steamboat Willie," which was released in 1928 as one of the first Mickey Mouse cartoons ever made. Pablo Picasso - Pablo Picasso used many different sources for his artwork, including classical paintings from museums around Europe and Old Master paintings from artists such as Rembrandt van Rijn and Francisco de Goya y Lucientes. He also drew inspiration from his own dreams and visions when creating new pieces of art during this time period. Dreams can also inspire writers! Edgar Allan Poe wrote many of his short stories after having vivid nightmares that inspired him to write about them later in his life. For example: "The Tell-Tale Heart" was inspired by a nightmare about being buried alive in someone else's grave, while "The Fall of the House of Usher" was based on a dream about being trapped inside a dark house filled with rats and spiders with no way out (and no one to help you). The point is dreams can be powerful inspirations for artists of all kinds. If you are interested in interpreting your dreams and exploring your subconscious mind, then keep a dream journal by your bed. This will help you create the habit of remembering your dreams and trigger a deep analysis. There is no better tool to explore the things that matter most to us than our own imagination. Dream interpretation is a journey of discovery and an invitation to be more present in your life. What insight have you gained from your dreams? Share them in the comment section below. In my career, I am what you might call a professional mystic. I teach and work with spiritual seekers from all over the world. My love and passion for the mystic arts are what drive me to keep creating, sharing and educating others. I love to bring my diverse knowledge of metaphysical knowledge and depth of experience to my clients and students through providing intuitive and spiritual services. I'm Known for my ability to blend fun with professionalism, and I'm proud to offer nearly three decades of esoteric experience which includes the co-creation of the Sirian Starseed Tarot, several books, classes, manuals & the Seekers Oracle. In my professional practice, I am a master tarot reader & teacher, second-generation traditional western astrologer, numerologist, certified professional past-life regressionist, Reiki Grand Master Teacher, Certified Life coach, author, artist, and founder of North Star Mystic Academy, which opened in 2019. I live and work in Ontario, Canada Email: Classes & Courses: Private Readings: Books: Become a Patron:

  • Why You Should Start Dream Journaling Now

    There is a guiding principle to dream interpretation, and Edgar Cayce said it best when he called for us to interpret the dreamer and not just the dream. Dreams are a tool, like the proverbial finger pointing to the moon. Don't focus on the finger, or you will miss out on all the celestial magic. Dreams are the finger, and they are pointing to the dreamer. Interpreting your dreams is an exercise in self-discovery and self-growth. They almost always refer back to you, and every character, image and emotion usually refers to various parts of your psyche. The primary purpose of dreams is to attempt to balance the psyche. Keeping this in mind will help you understand the meaning of your dreams and prevent you from getting way off track in your interpretation. Trying to understand one dream in isolation is like trying to understand a person by spending one day with them. By recording all of your dreams in a dream journal, you will, over time, find it easier to understand individual dreams you have in the future. Dreams are like plays or movies that we create every night, and they have a similar structure. It can be helpful to look for this structure when trying to understand your dreams: Location: Where does the dream take place? How do you feel about that place? What emotions arise within you as you think about it? Does it have any relationship with a real place you know? Characters: Who are the characters? How are you presented? Who is the antagonist? How do you feel about each of those people (including the presentation of yourself), and how do they relate to parts of your own personality or to people you know? Plot: How does the plot unfold? There is usually a beginning (where the story is established and begins to build), a middle (where a crisis peaks), and an end (where the crisis gets resolved though sometimes dreams don't provide the solution and end in the middle of the story because it is up to you to provide the resolution). Sometimes (rarely), dreams can be very literal and easy to understand. There is nothing wrong with asking whether the face value of the dream may have meaning for you. Most often, however, dreams are shrouded in symbolism that points beyond the literal image. They can be trying to communicate a very specific message that applies to your waking life, they may be merely trying to balance your emotional life, or they may just be hinting at some thoughts or emotions in progress without any final resolution yet in mind. Dreams are often messages from our subconscious mind that are resisted by our conscious mind. For this reason, the subconscious often cloaks the message in symbols so the conscious mind can't immediately reject or simply avoid the dream. Unravelling these symbols can be very difficult but also a lot of fun. It's the ultimate mystery and the most elaborate puzzle, but the answer is always within you. Sometimes the answers are as simple as consulting a dream dictionary for the meaning of common symbols and archetypes. However, each person is different and has their individual dream dictionary. To make things even more interesting, your personal dream dictionary can change over time. Interpreting your dreams can provide you with a lifelong quest that goes way beyond the puzzle-solving of the Da Vinci Code but can also be much more rewarding. Oh - Here's a bonus - My two favourite crystals to enhance dream recollection are amethyst & tourmaline. Amethyst is an excellent crystal to use when you want to remember your dreams, as it has been found to enhance recall. It's also helpful in helping you stay calm so you aren't waking up in the middle of the night feeling anxious about not remembering your dreams. Tourmaline has many properties related to dreaming. It helps you stay focused on your goals and ensure that you don't let anything distract or derail them; this is important if you want to remember your dreams! Tourmaline also helps clear away negative thoughts so that only positive ones remain—and a good dream requires positive thoughts! If you want to learn to interpret dreams, sign up for my Dreamwork course! In my career, I am what you might call a professional mystic. I teach and work with spiritual seekers from all over the world. My love and passion for the mystic arts are what drive me to keep creating, sharing and educating others. I love to bring my diverse knowledge of metaphysical knowledge and depth of experience to my clients and students through providing intuitive and spiritual services. I'm Known for my ability to blend fun with professionalism, and I'm proud to offer nearly three decades of esoteric experience which includes the co-creation of the Sirian Starseed Tarot, several books, classes, manuals & the Seekers Oracle. In my professional practice, I am a master tarot reader & teacher, second-generation traditional western astrologer, numerologist, certified professional past-life regressionist, Reiki Grand Master Teacher, Certified Life coach, author, artist, and founder of North Star Mystic Academy, which opened in 2019. I live and work in Ontario, Canada Email: Classes & Courses: Private Readings: Books: Become a Patron:

  • Why Everyone NEEDS To Read The Kybalion

    The Kybalion is a book about the seven "principles" of life: The Principle of Mentalism, The Principle of Correspondence, The Principle of Polarity, The Principle of Rhythm, The Principle of Cause and Effect, The Principle of Gender and The Principle of Vibration. it was originally published in 1908 and is a collection of "immortal truths," which are different from religious beliefs. We all walk around thinking we know what's happening in the world. We think we know how things work and why they're happening. But do you really? The Kybalion is a book that aims to change that. It teaches you how to understand everything in the universe, from its origins to its nature—and it shows you how to use this knowledge to make your life better than ever before. These principles were developed by Hermes Trismegistus, or Hermes the Thrice-Greatest, who was an ancient Egyptian priest, philosopher and astrologer. He is believed to be one of the founders of Western alchemy and magic. In addition to its practical applications, The Kybalion also serves as a philosophical introduction to esoteric wisdom. Every day we are bombarded with negative information from the news, social media and even those around us. This can cause us to be stressed out at work or school which then causes problems in our relationships with others. We all need tools to help us stay calm under pressure. These seven principles are used as a foundation for understanding the true nature of reality and it’s relationship to human existence. This In this book you will learn how these principles can help increase your happiness level by showing you how each one affects every aspect of your life. The seven principles it teaches are: 1. The Principle of Mentalism: "All is mind; there is no matter." 2. The Principle of Correspondence: "As above, so below; as below, so above." 3. The Principle of Vibration: "Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates." 4. The Principle of Polarity: "Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same." 5. The Principle of Rhythm: "Everything flows out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left—the rhythm compensates." 6. The Principle of Cause and Effect: "Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; things happen because they were predetermined to happen; nothing can happen without a cause." 7. The Principle of Gender: "Everything has its masculine and feminine principles; sex is the manifestation of polarity in nature, and as above, so below. My favourite book for beginners If you are just beginning your spiritual journey, The Kybalion is a great book to start with. It's an ancient text that has stood the test of time and will help you develop a sound foundation for your growth. It's based on the principles of the Hermetic philosophy, and it's a great introduction to these. It helps you develop a healthy understanding of the universe and how things work in it. The Kybalion is one of those books that's super easy to read and digest in small chunks. The Kybalion was written by three unknown authors who were called "the Three Initiates." They have remained anonymous because they did not want their names to become more important than the work itself. However, they felt it was important enough that they should release it into the world so that others could benefit from the knowledge contained within its pages. If you're ready to go further, check out The Corpus Hermeticum The Corpus Hermeticum is a book written by Hermes Trismegistus. It consists of 14 books, which were written between the 2nd and 4th centuries CE. This book contains a series of conversations between Hermes and his son Tat. The Corpus Hermeticum is about magic, alchemy, astrology and other topics. This is a book that goes deep into the central tenets of Hermeticism, and it's been around for thousands of years. It's been translated into dozens of languages and has influenced countless thinkers and philosophers throughout history. The oldest fragment of this book dates back to the 2nd century CE. In addition to being written in Greek, there are also versions of this book that have been translated into Latin and Hebrew. The content of these texts are similar and they contain many religious beliefs including Gnosticism and Neo-Platonism. You can get a copy from the Tiny House Shoppe Here Alysa is a professional mystic, who teaches and works with spiritual seekers from all over the world. Her dynamic personality and passion for the mystic arts are infectious. She loves to bring her wealth of metaphysical knowledge and depth of experience to her clients and students through providing intuitive and spiritual services. Known for her ability to blend fun with professionalism, Alysa offers nearly 3 decades of esoteric experience which includes the co-creation of the Sirian Starseed Tarot & the Seekers Oracle. In her professional practice, Alysa is a master tarot reader & teacher, second-generation traditional western astrologer, numerologist, certified professional past-life regressionist, Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Life coach, published author, artist, and founder of North Star Mystic Academy which opened in 2019. Alysa lives and works in Ontario, Canada Email: Classes & Courses: Books: Become a Patron:

  • The Akashic Records - What they are

    What Are The Akasic Records The Akashic Records are a spiritual record of the entire human race, containing all thoughts, words, emotions and actions since the beginning of time. They are believed to be one of the most powerful tools for healing, self-awareness and personal growth available today. As we live our lives on Earth we create an energetic blueprint that is recorded in the Akashic Records. This blueprint contains everything from our past lives (including karma), present circumstances and potential future outcomes based on our current choices and actions. The Akashic Records are not organized in a linear fashion like a text book or encyclopedia—instead, they are organized by vibration, meaning that you will find memories and experiences related to your own personal vibrations. If you resonate with a particular memory or experience that is not your own, this means that it is still relevant for you to explore further. Healing the Past This is a great way to get a handle on the past, whether you are looking for healing or understanding. By accessing information in your Akashic Record, you can learn where it is coming from and what needs to change in order for you to move forward with your life. This also works when looking at your purpose as well. If you have been feeling lost in life, then this is something that may be affecting your sense of purpose and direction. The Akashic Records can help you discover where that disconnection lies for you so that it can be resolved during this lifetime and beyond. Accessing the Akashic Records for Spiritual Development and Guidance Many people use their Akashic records to access spiritual development and guidance. Accessing the Akashic records for spiritual development and guidance can be a great way to get in touch with your higher self and learn more about your purpose. You may also gain insight into what experiences are coming up for you in the future so that you can prepare accordingly. When you ask your questions in the records, sometimes when the answers are given you may see images or words that appear as if you were looking at a movie screen or reading a book. These images can give insight into past events that have shaped who you are today and how they can help shape your future. When seeking guidance in the records, It's important to remember that these answers aren't necessarily going to be literal; they can be symbolic or metaphorical. They might point you in the direction of what needs to happen next in your life, but it may not be clear exactly how it will happen or when it will happen. Opening the Akashic Records Opening the Akashic records is relatively easy. Anywone can learn the process to do it. However, many people soon discover that once they have learned to enter the Askasha it is a little different then what they expected. or instance, when you ask your questions You may receive a response immediately, or it may take some time for you to become aware of where you are and what is happening around you. When you have successfully opened the records, you will notice the energy will shift as soon as you ask for guidance on a specific question or request for information from the Akashic Records. This may feel strange at first, but once there, be open and receptive; allow whatever comes through with ease and grace. If an image comes into your mind's eye (or appears before your inner eye) allow yourself ample time and space to absorb all that is being offered at that moment—there may be much more than one message presented at any given time! Feel free throughout this process of exploration into past lives/lives lived elsewhere in the universe/other dimensions. Karma and Past Lives Karma is the energetic residue of our actions. We all have karma, which can be cleansed by forgiveness, prayer, meditation and other spiritual practices. The goal of these practices is to bring about more peace in your life. This energy does not go away until it has been confronted and forgiven. If you have not confronted your karma, it will continue to haunt you in this life and future. In order to move on from something that happened in a past life, try writing down all the details of what happened and how it made you feel. This can help you release negative emotions attached to the memory so that they no longer hold power over your present-day emotions. Viewing past lives while accessing the Akashic Records is a quick way to gain insight into your life purpose, relationships with others, or any other area where clarity may be needed. You may see yourself as a person who looks or acts very different from you do now—maybe they have a different complexion or different hair, or maybe they're a man and you're a woman, or vice versa. This is because we all have many lives, and many bodies, and over time we've experienced many things. We can also choose to remember some things and forget others.These past life visions are often accompanied by vivid emotions: joy, anger, peace. Sometimes these emotions are felt strongly enough that you can actually remember them later on—and this can be incredibly helpful in understanding yourself better! Some Ground Rules For ASking Questions in The Akashic Records The records are not a crystal ball or fortune-telling device. They are the invisible, timeless, and universal storehouse of all thoughts, words, emotions, and events that have ever occurred in your life and the lives of your ancestors. The Akashic records are a sacred space, every thought holds a memory in the Akashic records. Your family lineages are recorded there as well as all past lives. All that you think or feel is recorded forever in this field of energy. Before you begin your journey, here are a few do's & don'ts The Do's 1. When you access the records, it is always best to be in a quiet place. You should be in a state of serenity and peace before you attempt to access the Akashic records. 2. You must enter the Akashic records with an open mind and heart. 3. The Akashic records are not meant to be used for selfish purposes or to manipulate others in any way. They are meant to help you better understand yourself and your place in the universe, so that you may serve others more effectively and with greater compassion and love. 4. Remember that what you see is only one piece of the larger puzzle, so try not to make rash decisions based solely on what you find in the Akashic records; remember also that sometimes it takes many lifetimes for us to learn our lessons, so if something seems too difficult for you now, don't give up hope! 5. Do rememberto close the records once you have finished your trip there. Remember to thank your guides and the other attendant beings in the records before you leave. The Don'ts Don't ask for information you don't need. Don't ask for data that is not relevant to your life. Don't ask for information that is not relevant to your healing. Don't use it for revenge or other negative purposes Respect the Record's wisdom and power Returning the Reords again and again Visiting the Akashic Records is safe, and anyone who explores their records is sure to gain insight and understanding of their souls journey.Each time you access the Akashic records, you gain insight into what has happened before in your life and why you are where you are today. You'll gain clarity about your purpose on this plane and how to live according to it. You'll also be able to see how past experiences have influenced who you've become today—and how they can be used for good now instead of being held in the past. If you would like to become an Akashic Records Reader please visit the link below. In my career, I am what you might call a professional mystic. I teach and work with spiritual seekers from all over the world. My love and passion for the mystic arts are what drives me to keep creating, sharing and educating others. I love to bring my diverse knowledge of metaphysical knowledge and depth of experience to my clients and students through providing intuitive and spiritual services. I'm Known for my ability to blend fun with professionalism, and I'm proud to offer nearly three decades of esoteric experience which includes the co-creation of the Sirian Starseed Tarot, several books, classes, manuals & the Seekers Oracle. In my professional practice, I am a master tarot reader & teacher, second-generation traditional western astrologer, numerologist, certified professional past-life regressionist, Reiki Grand Master Teacher, Certified Life coach, author, artist, and founder of North Star Mystic Academy, which opened in 2019. I live and work in Ontario, Canada Email: Classes & Courses: Books: Become a Patron:

  • The 5 Crystals EVERY Reiki Healer Needs!

    As a reiki healer, you're probably like me and constantly seeking ways to expand your practice and improve your results. I have found that crystals can help you bring an increased sense of peace and balance to your client's energy field. They offer vibrational healing complementary to reiki and just about every form of energy healing. Since crystals are natural, safe, and inexpensive, it's worth experimenting with them yourself. Here are five types of crystals that I recommend for every reiki healer. These crystals are sure to inspire if you're looking for a way to advance your skills, deepen your healing practice, and help you take your practice in bold new directions by opening up new dimensions of awareness and helping you see things from a fresh perspective. Selenite Selenite is an excellent stone to use when cleansing your space. It's also a powerful stone you can use to clear negative energy that might have accumulated in your home or office. Selenite is an excellent crystal to use when you're feeling drained, as it helps restore Qi by opening the heart chakra and raising overall energy levels. The cleansing properties of selenite are also helpful if you feel like there's some kind of blockage preventing you from moving forward with specific tasks or if you feel weighed down by an ongoing situation at work or in your personal life. Clear Quartz Clear quartz is a powerful healing stone that is commonly used in reiki practice. It is said to be able to amplify other stones' energy, making it a good choice for any healer who needs a boost. Clear quartz is also thought to help regulate the chakras and cleanse your aura. It’s important to note that while clear quartz can help those sensitive to energy, it can also make people more sensitive than they may want at the moment. This is because Clear Quartz amplifies energy. If you are concerned with this crystal amping up the wrong energies, pair it with a grounding stone that is appropriate for your work with your client. Goethite Hematite Goethite Hematite is a grounding stone. It helps to calm the mind and body and relieve stress and anxiety. Goethite Hematite can also aid reiki in removing toxic energies from the body. It is excellent for those who are experiencing trauma or depression! Hematite is an excellent stone for meditation, as it helps you clear your mind and focus on breathing. It can also be used to help relieve stress, anxiety and depression. Rose Quartz Rose quartz is a beautiful crystal that promotes love, healing and compassion. It is also used for self-love. It is also associated with the heart chakra, representing love and relationship. This stone has been used to heal emotional wounds in all areas of life, including romantic relationships. If you want to deepen your connection with another person or are working toward forgiveness in a problematic situation, rose quartz may also be a good choice. It can help to open your heart center so that you can receive more love from others—and give more of it as well! Additionally, rose quartz can help break through blocks around receiving love from others or accepting compliments from people around you (or maybe even yourself). Amazonite Amazonite is a soothing stone that helps with stress and anxiety. If your client is feeling anxious or stressed, amazonite can help ground them in the present moment by helping them let go of past issues and worries. Amazonite can also help you see the bigger picture by giving you more clarity of mind. It's great for anyone who feels overwhelmed by their own feelings or other people's emotions! Amazonite is also an excellent stone for creativity. It helps you tap into your imagination and come up with new ideas. These five crystals are useful for any healer or reiki practitioner. They can be used by themselves or in combination with other crystals to create a healing space that will help you clear energy, align with your higher self, and heal yourself and others from illness and disease. In my career, I am what you might call a professional mystic. I teach and work with spiritual seekers from all over the world. My love and passion for the mystic arts are what drives me to keep creating, sharing and educating others. I love to bring my diverse knowledge of metaphysical knowledge and depth of experience to my clients and students through providing intuitive and spiritual services. I'm Known for my ability to blend fun with professionalism, and I'm proud to offer nearly three decades of esoteric experience which includes the co-creation of the Sirian Starseed Tarot, several books, classes, manuals & the Seekers Oracle. In my professional practice, I am a master tarot reader & teacher, second-generation traditional western astrologer, numerologist, certified professional past-life regressionist, Reiki Grand Master Teacher, Certified Life coach, author, artist, and founder of North Star Mystic Academy, which opened in 2019. I live and work in Ontario, Canada Email: Classes & Courses: Books: Become a Patron:

  • 5 Tarot Tips for Beginners

    Tarot is more than a simple collection of 78 cards. It is more than the artwork on the deck and the explanations you may find within a booklet. Tarot is more than a source for guidance and divination or an Occult curiosity. It is more than all of those things because it is the story of the human experience. I remember the first time I heard Tarot referred to as the fool's journey. It confused me a bit but intrigued me even more. That tiny statement sent a cascade of questions tumbling from my mind and out of my mouth. Any time I had the opportunity to speak with someone who was seasoned in the use of those mysterious cards, I would ask as many questions as they were willing to answer. Thankfully, most of those folks were generous and happy to share their knowledge with a young seeker such as me. For my part, as my journey has unfolded over the years, I would come to understand that the Fool's Journey was, in actuality, describing the very conditions I found myself in. That is to say, I was living The Fool's Journey, not just in my learning Tarot, but literally in everyday life. You see, Tarot encapsulates the human experience in two ways. First, in the subtle mundanities of life. The daily tasks we all perform, the inconspicuous ebb and flow of life. This is represented eloquently in the minor Arcana, with subtlety and grace. The figures and their environments invite us to explore an outer realm that is intrinsically linked to our inner experience. Then, the second way is through the larger narrative of the themes and phases we each must: Take your time - I always tell my students that learning Tarot takes a lifetime. Even those who created the Tarot as we know it today were students of the Universe and its secrets. In other words, even the people who used their magical, occult and arcane knowledge didn’t have it all figured out. Tarot, in a way, is a living body of work and consciousness. Though it was created in antiquity, it is very much immersed in our contemporary stream of consciousness, evolving with practitioners; while simultaneously remaining a whole and complete work. So, if you are just starting out with the Tarot, remember that you don’t have to know everything by heart to give accurate, insightful, and relevant readings. Get lots of good books, take courses, and above all, don’t pressure yourself to learn too quickly. Learn the meaning of the symbols - When most people start out reading Tarot, they make 3 big mistakes. The first is that they believe that they have to memorize every single card in order to read Tarot accurately. Second, some people mistakenly believe that they can read Tarot strictly intuitively. Or third, they believe that the booklet/ book that comes with a deck will give all the answers needed to read the cards. The truth is that Tarot is a tool for guidance, direction and divination, and it delivers these through symbols. Those symbols act like an alphabet. Each symbol expresses a concept, thought, feeling or energy, which, when read alone or especially together, creates a statement that can then be turned into a story. I always tell my students that the cards have no wasted space. Everything from the background to the use of colours and even the way objects, figures and composition of the images in the cards have meaning. Learning the meaning of symbols in Tarot is the fastest and often the best way to learn to use the cards to their fullest potential. Read reversals - This is one of those points people tend to get rather heated over. Though it seems a small thing, reading reversed or upside-down cards in a Tarot spread is absolutely necessary. The fundamental reason for this is that the cards are intended to acknowledge and reflect the dualistic nature of life and the human experience. I’m sure you can agree that not every single day is rainbows and butterflies. Sometimes we find ourselves faced with difficulty, loss, defeat, and delays. Reversed cards can forewarn these experiences, thusly helping you to prepare or redirect when necessary. Not only can reversed cards warn us of not-so-good or worsening conditions, but they can tell us of release, freedom and renewal. Sometimes a reversed card is the best card in the spread. In any case, learning reversals can seem intimidating, making learning tarot seem even more discouraging. But, if you stick to it and learn, you will have not just 78 cards to work with but 156! Practice, practice, practice - This is the REAL key to learning Tarot. The more you practice reading, the more you will learn to interpret the symbols in the cards and apply them to the myriad of questions you will be confronted with. You will quickly see with more practice that the same card can come up in different readings and have entirely different meanings… or sometimes the same. Occasionally you will draw the same card for the same person on the same subject in a new and different spread. Practice teaches you how to read the cards with fluency that only comes from experience. It also helps you to build your confidence and accuracy! Don’t worry; you’re intuitive enough! Nearly every student I have taught, with only a few exceptions, has worried that they weren’t intuitive enough to read Tarot. Or, they worried that their intuition wasn’t strong or reliable enough to do readings. Another concern has been to worry about whether the intuitive “hits” were real or imaginary. Still, some people worry that even if their intuition is correct, they won’t be able to use it when they need it… or trust it. So, my dear Mystic here’s the thing; you are, in fact, very intuitive. You have an inner compass that will guide you if you ask it. You must learn how it “speaks” to you and then practice using it. Each person has a unique “frequency” they can use to tune into the collection and or super stream of consciousness, and you are no different. The main thing that divides those who work with their intuition and those who do not is, PRACTICE, FOCUS and CONCENTRATION. All of those things can be cultivated. And if you are afraid to trust your intuition because of a bad experience in your past or fears rooted in more recent experiences, that is understandable. However, you can always rebuild your relationship with your intuition by healing and creating a gentle practice. It is there, and it works. You only need to tap into it!! So, here are my 5 tips for beginner Tarot readers! I hope you find it helpful and are excited to read those cards! A little about me - My tarot practice started a little over 28 years ago when I picked up my first Tarot deck, which first belonged to my father. It was the Celtic Tarot, and I loved it. I worked with it incessantly for more than a few years before beginning at my husband refers to as an obscene collection of cards. Later my Tarot journey would take on a new dimension when I co-created The Sirian Starseed Tarot with Patricia Cori. This experience was what I would call a master class in Tarot, as I learned more about the symbols and subtleties woven into the images of these cards than I could have ever anticipated. I read for clients all over the world, from the UK to Australia, Italy, The United States and, of course, here on my home turf in Canada. I also teach Tarot from the beginner level all the way to the certification level. Tarot has given me soooo much, and I love to use it as a tool to give to others!

  • Transformation is the reward of Trust.

    The changes in thought paradigms, personal values, and belief structures that occur can be painful, as it is often a result of circumstances that force the burning off of all that is inessential. This refinement is necessary as it is the gateway to catharsis and liberty. However, that doesn’t mean that the path toward transformation is easy or even transparent. But hey, that's what makes it fun, right? After all, at the heart of things, isn’t what we all desire; freedom? Each of us reaching for a measure of personal liberty. Seeking The kind of agency that allows for self-expression and unmitigated self-actualization.... To live in the fullness of who you were created to be. I think that level of self-realization is much of what makes up the substance of both personal satisfaction and dissatisfaction in the way we view our lives. Yet, for many, there seems to be innumerable barriers and blockades at every turn. Many people are dogged by the nagging anxieties that plague the lack of measurable success. Moving forward becomes impossible when you get caught up in things like - What will my family think? How will my friends react? What about my partner... Will they leave… Or worse... Will they laugh? How will I survive if everyone I know looks at whom I've become and doesn't like what they see? Will anyone take me seriously? Or my personal favourite… who the hell am I to do or talk about any of this? All those questions are not bad, and they're not wrong to ask. They are perfectly rational and sensible questions. Wondering at the validity of your qualifications is, in my opinion, one point of measurable self-awareness. And, to be completely honest, this self-awareness is only attainable if you, in fact, are concerned with your impact on those around you. A.K.A. giving a fuck. You might be thinking… but doesn't that make me weak? Doesn't that mean I'm attracting the wrong things or sending out the wrong vibes? Doesn't that mean I'm giving my power away to someone else? Well, my sweet mystic, let me relieve you of that fear... HELL NO! Read that twice! HELL, NO, it does not make you weak, Nor does it mean that you are attracting more of what you don’t want, and it certainly doesn't mean that you are giving away your power. However, it does make you vulnerable! Now, before you pack up your sage and stop reading, let me expand on why being vulnerable, caring what others think (to an extent) and being sensitive is not only normal and healthy but absolutely critical to your success. Questioning anything is the beginning place of growth. Caring about what others think is an integral part of the system of your survival imperative. In other words, to some degree, caring about what others think can, in fact, make a difference in terms of your safety and survival. If you think back to when we lived in smaller communities or tribal groups, the thoughts of our caretakers were often born of experience, and we consulted with our elders and fellow community members in order to sustain ourselves safely. Like, imagine you and I are walking to the local watering hole. When we arrive, we see a really LARGE kitty. Now, I LOVE cats and pretty much want to pet all of them and give them snacky treats. So imagine if you told me, Alysa, I don’t think you should pet that kitty (in this case, let's pretend the kitty is a super hungry person-eating tiger. what? Tigers are kitties too); it will eat your face off. To which I look at you with a big disbelieving grin and say to you … I don’t care what you think, kitties are good and it clearly needs me! Then I proceed to go skipping over to said LARGE kitty, only to realize a second, and a face-eating-bite too late, that maybe you were right and what you thought about the big kitty was correct after all. That would be a super hard lesson, wouldn't it?! So even if that was a silly example of how caring about what others think can have a very real and practical role in your decision-making, I’m sure you get the idea. Yet, as always, there is a notable caveat to that. At the end of the day, you should NEVER, and I mean never, ever replace someone else's judgment or thoughts for your own inner wisdom. Aside from your personal safety and holistic well-being, taking a discerning approach is ALWAYS wise. But Alysa, what if I want to make changes, I’ve asked my friends, family, guides and goldfish and I still feel lost, unsafe or scared to move ahead? What if I try to make big changes, and I’m still stuck?? Then what, Alysa? Then what?? Well, darling, there are two things I will say to you regarding that. Thing number 1: Most of us, myself included, sometimes spend a lot of time feeling lost, confused and scared. We all either try to hide it to varying degrees of success, or we muddle through. Thing number 2: ADVOCATE FOR YOURSELF! Ask for help! For many people, staying silent and invisible is easier than dealing with what they believe will likely be the harsh criticism, rejection and/or dismissive treatment from those they love. Some people believe the people they are asking for support from will have a negative opinion of them or what they wish to do with their lives. Other times it's a matter of feeling unworthy, and as though asking for anything you’re not “owed’ is going to be a MASSIVE hardship or imposition on the person/s you request assistance from. See, the trouble with this thinking is that sometimes it's true, and sometimes it's not. When thinking this way, again, you are doing a very normal and rational thing. You are assessing risk! If you believe the risk to be too significant, you will likely find yourself standing on the sidelines of your life, longing for that day that ain’t ever gonna dawn. Ouch, oof, truth. If you are still with me, Mystic adventurer, I’d like to invite you into an exploration. Especially if there are things in your life you wish to do but feel you can’t, or if there is an aspect of your identity that you keep hidden. I would like to invite you to think about the nature of permanence! What, what’s that you say, Alysa? Permanence? What the HELL does that have to do with anything? Yes, Mystic, permanence. And, it has to do with everything! As human beings, we often think about our lives from the perspective of absolutes. We look at situations and say to ourselves, I absolutely adore chocolate and absolutely hate butterscotch. I absolutely think that if I tell my friends, I see dead people, they will absolutely think I’m barking mad, and they will absolutely treat me differently or stop speaking to me altogether. Or, I must quit my accounts receivable job to be a successful spiritual practitioner. Welp, I’m here to tell you when you are thinking of things from the perspectives of absolutes, you are in BIG trouble. Because nothing is genuinely absolute, and this is because nothing lasts forever on the physical plane. Therefore, even circumstances, opinions and beliefs are subject to change. This is really good news because as you continue to transform through your own natural evolution, so too does everything (and everyone else) around you. Nothing remains the same because nothing on this plane of existence is permanent. So, while you may have been telling yourself that you shouldn’t care about what others think, and you should adopt an “I don’t give a F*CK” attitude that will empower you with just enough worthiness to embrace your truest self… I’m here lovingly holding up a HUGE sign that says… “WRONG WAY.” You don’t need to do that at all. You need to give plenty of F*cks! Part of caring what others think helps you to remain sensitive, aware, emotionally intelligent… and… dare I say, compassionate. Understanding that transformation, evolution and caring can all coexist is like having a superpower that imbues you with the worthiness, clarity and direction you have been seeking. But there is one rule about using this superpower. Learn what to give your attention to! This, my dear Mystic, is an acquired skill. You will have to consciously sift through self-imposed garbage your WHOLE life. You will have moments where you return to the waiting place and or the lands of confusion and the sandbar of inaction many, many, many times in your life. This is an irrefutable fact of life. Sometimes life circumstances or even people will knock you on your ass, sending you spinning in every direction except for the one that leads you home leads you home. Finding your way back is far easier than you think. It always begins with accepting your humanness, which leads to asking for help. Which means, you, like me, like everyone else, takes a wee bit of bravery and trust. When you can extend those things, transformation is inevitable. If this is the first time we are "meeting" through this blog, WELCOME! Welcome to my world and my blog. This is a place where I share my thoughts, observations, musings and other things. Hopefully, you will browse around and find something useful to you. If you'd like to get to know me better, check out my bio Here It's not ridiculously long, but you will get to know about what I do. If you want to become part of my community (I hope you do), please feel free to join. There are lots of benefits for you to enjoy, and lots of other people that make up a thriving, beautiful, curious, creative and beautiful people for you to meet and connect with. I offer loads of events that you can participate in that will help you grow. Click here for details Lastly, I also offer a Podcast that you can listen to. It's on I tunes, Spotify, pandora, Castbox and a few more. Or you can listen to it right here. I love to talk about all kinds of stuff. Anything that stimulates conversation bends your mind or expands the soul. It's worth a listen... Thanks for reading. All my love. Alysa

  • Chakra Meditation To Recharge The Soul

    Chakra meditation helps to strengthen weak chakras and will benefit your health, wisdom and happiness. If you need to recharge your body, mind and soul, then using chakra meditation is an excellent way to revitalize you from the inside out. How to perform a chakra meditation: The first few times you practice chakra meditation, make sure you have an expert to guide you, face to face or use an online video. You need to ensure that your chakras are left more in balance at the end of the meditation than when you started! Start your meditation by sitting cross-legged in a quiet, dimly lit room. Make sure that your spine is straight but not stiff. Close your eyes, then take a deep breath and start to relax. Now, go through each chakra in turn, starting with the root chakra: -Imagine that you are drawing energy up from the earth through the root chakra and that this is building up in the base of your spine. -Then, the navel chakra: feel the concentration of energy building up around your navel and visualize a flow of warm lava out of this chakra center. -Moving on to the solar plexus chakra, let your stomach muscles relax deeply and sense the movement of the energy through your diaphragm. -Next is the heart chakra. Imagine your heart getting stronger with every breath. See and feel a bright light radiating out from this area. -Progressing on to the throat chakra, breathing in with force. Then gradually relax your tongue, shoulders and neck. -For the brow chakra, keeping your eyes closed, focus on your “third eye” (the point between your eyebrows). Endeavour to see this area even though your eyes are close and observe what you are seeing. -Finally, it’s the crown chakra. Visualize a beautiful lotus with a thousand petals blossoming from the tip of your head. As you visualize, see the colour change from deep violet through to a brilliant white light. Done correctly, the chakra meditation can bring you into union with the Spirit. It is a very powerful form of meditation and helps you stabilize your body, bringing a feeling of inner peace and harmony. Alysa is a professional mystic who teaches and works with spiritual seekers from all over the world. Her dynamic personality and passion for the mystic arts are infectious. She loves to bring her wealth of metaphysical knowledge and depth of experience to her clients and students through providing intuitive and spiritual services. Known for her ability to blend fun with professionalism, Alysa offers nearly 3 decades of esoteric experience which includes the co-creation of the Sirian Starseed Tarot & the Seekers Oracle. In her professional practice, Alysa is a master tarot reader & teacher, second-generation traditional western astrologer, numerologist, certified professional past-life regressionist, Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Life coach, published author, artist, and founder of North Star Mystic Academy, which opened in 2019. Alysa lives and works in Ontario, Canada Email: Web address: Classes & Courses: Books by Alysa:

  • 5 Things a psychic is not!

    You know the best thoughts are shower thoughts. All kinds of cool ideas just seem to pop up while you’re singing at embarrassingly high pitches, shampooing the squirrels out of your hair. So this morning, while I was in the shower, enjoying 15 minutes of brainlessness, A thought occurred to me. No, don’t worry, it didn’t die of loneliness! For whatever reason, I started thinking about what people sometimes say when you work as a psychic, intuitive or medium. ( or, in my case, a Mystic.) I think most of the time it’s meant harmlessly, but I gotta be honest, sometimes it does feel a bit dismissive when someone says to you something like - “what am I thinking?” or “If you’re psychic, how come you don’t just give yourself the winning lottery numbers?” These are just examples of the most common crap that is said. So, I thought I would mention a few things you can tell people if you work in a spiritual business or if you are someone who isn’t all that sure about how a psychic does their thing. Whatever the case, I just wanted to share with you a few things that a professional psychic is… and a few things they are not. A magic 8 Ball - I know it might be tempting to shake some people when you want a straight answer, but your psychic is not one of them. Intuitive folks don’t have canned answers. In other words, it takes LOADS of energy and many years of learning and practice so that they can access the information that will help guide them. Over the years, I have been practicing intuitive work; I have chosen to continuously educate myself. I firmly believe that one person can never know everything about a tool or technique. Therefore, I continue to study. It is through this study that & people like me can provide excellent services. Additionally, doctors, lawyers, teachers, nurses, psychologists and therapists are all required to engage in continuous learning, and most people feel at ease trusting these folks with their lives. An expert in everything - Not all intuitives, psychics and healers are created equal. Most of us will specialize in a few things, but none of us do it all. I’m a great example of this. I have multiple certificates in several different disciplines. I’m an astrologer, psychic tarot reader, past life regressionist, certified life coach, reiki master teacher, and spiritual mentor. However, for all things I do, there is a ton of things that I don’t. I’m not a paranormal investigator or medium. I don’t work with herbs or spells. However, what I know, I know very well ( see the previous point), and for the things I don’t know, I will likely have someone in my circle to who I can refer you to. This is why I keep a community of expert colleagues in my circle! Cause if I can’t help you, I most likely know someone who can! Right about everything - As much as it would be nice, no one, including your favourite intuitive, is always right. However, because of the nature of psychic work, there is an extra emphasis on accuracy and correctness. If you have ever had a psychic reading, then you will understand what I’m about to say - You have booked time with your psychic, and you are going into the reading with some questions about your life. The answers to these questions are very important to you and will to a greater or lesser degree, impact your decisions. The decisions you make will guide your life in a direction that you hope will bring you happiness. But! Oh yeah, there’s always a but! But what if the advice, prediction or direction you are given is totally wrong? What if your reading sounds good, but nothing ever comes to pass as you had been told? Does that mean all psychics are wrong or fakes? Or maybe it's the intuitive you saw just sucks, and they didn’t do their job. Well, here’s the deal, in most cases, the reader you see is generally extremely concerned with their accuracy. For the folks I teach, and mentor, one of the most consistent issues budding psychics have is being right for the people they work with. They want to be of service so much that sometimes they never work for others for the fear of being wrong. So rest assured, you’re not the only one who wants your reading to be correct! Responsible for your actions - This is a big one! Influence and responsibility are a natural byproduct of giving advice of any kind. However, as a psychic, intuitive or alternative healer, it almost seems as though you are taking twice the risk of helping people through guidance and advice. I believe this is a result of there has been a significant history of fraud and charlatan psychics. As well as the fact that many people think of psychics/ intuitives as nuts, quacks and fakes. I think this largely is due to the fact that the media has played a big role in reporting how science has never proven anything legitimate in terms of how this so-called phenomenon works. So, when giving advice as a psychic or receiving advice, there should be clear communication between those involved that the choices each person makes are his/ her own and that whatever advice you take, you can equally choose to reject it. A satanist, pagan or occultist - Oh boy! Here is a classic example of when people don’t ask enough questions. I can’t tell you how many times people have made the assumption that I practice or follow some sort of religious or particular belief structure that could be defined as ritualistic or religious in some way. I think because there are many unusual-looking symbols and techniques and a long history of these things being kept secret, it is easy to conclude that people who do intuitive work are doing things rather darkly. Additionally, there has been a great defaming visited on psychics by certain mass market religions and industrialized media that shoves a negative image of anyone who practices ancient or pre-Christian beliefs. It sucks; it really does because that only serves to separate us from our ancestral past in all of its intricacies and beauty and doesn’t allow us to fully witness our own collective evolution. As for me, my spirituality is very private and sacred and cannot be defined under a label that would be recognizable as a religion. I personally approach my interaction with creation and the Prime Creator as a co-creation. (I said creation a lot there, didn’t I?) a way in which I affect and am affected by my environment and the experiences that result of this engagement… and that’s just the notes in the margin of a very long and detailed description. So as you can see, many of the labels that apply to some psychic folk do not apply to me, and in the same way, each individual has their own approach to their spiritual beliefs. There is no one size fits all, and to further that statement, it is kinder and more respectful to acknowledge that each person has a unique spiritual path, even if they join others in sharing it. Alysa is a professional mystic, who teaches and works with spiritual seekers from all over the world. Her dynamic personality and passion for the mystic arts are infectious. She loves to bring her wealth of metaphysical knowledge and depth of experience to her clients and students through providing intuitive and spiritual services. Known for her ability to blend fun with professionalism, Alysa offers nearly 3 decades of esoteric experience which includes the co-creation of the Sirian Starseed Tarot & the Seekers Oracle. In her professional practice, Alysa is a master tarot reader & teacher, second-generation traditional western astrologer, numerologist, certified professional past-life regressionist, Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Life coach, published author, artist, and founder of North Star Mystic Academy, which opened in 2019. Alysa lives and works in Ontario, Canada Email: Web address: Classes & Courses: Books by Alysa:

  • How to sabotage your happiness in 5 easy steps

    Have you ever noticed how everything you see is pointing out how much happier you could be? Have you noticed that social media seems to have 1001 ads offering you a new and improved way to be happier, thinner, richer or fitter or sexier or more powerful? Have you noticed that not one of these ads, offers, classes, tips, tricks, hacks or webinars ever teaches you anything tangible...relatable, or usable without you first making some kind of purchase? If you have said yes - or kinda, sometimes, or even maybe - then have I got news for you!!! Oh yeah! I'm gonna share something with you that will change your life FOREVER...maybe. ( I really hope you read that in the Sham-Wow guy's voice!) In order to truly glean all that you can from what I'm about to share with you, I will need your undivided attention for at least long enough to read through this. STEP 1 - You have to keep what you don't like. You shouldn't send it back; nobody likes complainers. Let's say life is like a diner. You go to the diner, you stay a while, and then you leave. Maybe this is your first time at this diner, and you decide to order something you're familiar with... like a basket of fries. You order fries because they are pretty universal. Even if they have slight differences from place to place, you still know what you are getting into for the most part. So, now imagine your order of fries show up... and, um... YUCK. They've been overcooked in old fryer grease. You can't call them burnt, but they sure aren't what you were expecting. Even the taste, colour and smell are off. So you wave over the server, thinking you want to send your order back to the kitchen. But when they get there, you can tell they have had a rough day, and you don't wanna make it worse, so instead of asking for new fries... you ask for more ketchup. So, now you are suffering silently with grody fries and a bunch of ketchup to choke them down with. Not only are you likely to have a tummy ache.... you will probably feel bad because you kept something you didn't want. See, this, my dear, is a prime example of how you can screw yourself over by not advocating for your own happiness. Sometimes, you may have to ask for more, rock the boat, stand up for yourself, or even just send the damn fries back. The trick is to do it in the most mindful way you can. Sometimes things that happen are out of everyone's control, it may not seem like it, but it is a simple cosmic law. Even when you know who is responsible, the highest form of practising unconditional kindness is to ask for what you need, but do so gently... even when you're tempted to rain down hellfire on a deserving participant in your discomfort. Step 2 - SUCK IT UP PRINCESS - Sometimes you have to muscle through the fuckery that life throws at you. You have to greet the garbage life sprawls across your lawn with a stiff upper lip and a can-do attitude. But there are times when you need to be vulnerable. Times in your life where you need to slow down and ask for a little help. But, if you are reading this, chances are you aren't always so good at asking for help. You take what is served to you and "Suck it up" If you can relate to this, then I'm pretty sure you have been told to be tougher enough times that you learned to stop asking for help. I once read something that talked about refusing to ask for help is a "trauma." Step 3. Keep your opinions to yourself - Nobody likes an opinionated big mouth! I mean, isn't life so much better when you keep your thoughts to yourself? I hope you can sense the sarcastic tone in my "voice." Here's the tits, my love - your opinion matters. Don't let anybody convince you otherwise. You wanna know why your thoughts count? Well, it's because they are a unique perspective on what may in ace be a shared experience. I ask for other people's opinions all the time because I know... I KNOW that I don't know everything! Your opinion on a matter if offered tactfully and thoughtfully, could go a long way to improve someone else's life. Just don't forget to educate yourself before offering your opinion. Because uneducated opinions have a nasty habit of morphing into excuses... which are a lot like assholes - they pretty much ALWAYS STINK! Step 4. Stay RIGHT where you are! Nothing kills happiness more than inertia. Sometimes, for whatever reason, we resist change even if we know we need it. It's funny how you can convince yourself you are actually comfortable; you are just afraid. I'm not pointing this out to shame anyone; rather, I'm just sharing an observation. I've made this observation even in myself. There have been one or twelve times when I have stayed in super unhealthy relationships, dissatisfying jobs and even kept exceptionally shitty self "care' routines because I thought I was comfortable.... or safe. When in fact, I was just terrified of what I thought I might lose if I let go of my discomfort and embraced the potential that waited in an unknown future. The minute I abandoned my fear and leapt into the eye of the hurricane, I found the most vital component of the happiness that I was avoiding. Wanna know what that crucial, super-secret sauce is? It's faith! Faith that it's all gonna work out in my favour. If you can trust in yourself and the universe's desire to support you fiercely and unconditionally, then all you need to do is have faith! 5. WORK as HARD as you can, ALWAYS!! - Now, don't get it twisted. I'm not saying you should never rest or that you should forego life's pleasures, grind constantly, or become a workaholic. Not at all. What I am saying is to work at the capacity you are able. Some days I got all kinds of energy and fire. Some days you might need to test me for a pulse. Sometimes I'm inspired, and I move mountains. Other days I'd rather lick the window. What shocks me is that many people are surprised when I disclose that my success has never been contingent on working constantly. Instead, it has been about working CONSISTENTLY. That's what I mean when I say work as hard AS YOU CAN always. Some days you will be able to knock everything off your to-do list like it's your job, and then there will be all the other times when you won't. But if you maintain a consistent and persistent pace, you will find happiness. So I guess if you have read this far then, you have figured out I don't really want you to sabotage your life. What I really want is for you to thrive. To meet your fullest potential - the highest expression of yourself. You can meet your potential and exceed your own expectations! Of this, I am confident! All my love, dear Mystic!

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