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  • 🧘‍♂️ 21 Days Self Healing

    Practice your new Reiki skills! Join this challenge to get a 21-days of self healing practice. You get daily prompts to help you through each days practice.

  • 🧘‍♂️ Self Healing Day 3

    Today focus on your emotions! As you practice your self Healing, pay attention to what emotions come up and what part if the body they are related to. Keep it simple! Start with a quick scan of your entire body and relax each body part as you bring it to mind. Follow your breath as you breathe in and out. Notice what emotions come up as you use the self healing hand positions. When distracting thoughts arise, don’t get discouraged or follow them. Return to the healing . That’s it 👍

  • ✅ Self Healing Day 3 Check

    How was your Self Healing Day 3? Self Healing brings greater personal awareness. Each day you spend healing yourself the more aware you become of your own needs.

  • ✅ Self Healing Day 4 Check

    How was your Self Healing Day 4? Self Healing is a about your health as well as your personal growth. Keep building on success, even if you were only able to practice for 5 minutes today, that’s your foundation for tomorrow!

  • 🧘‍♂️ Self Healing Day 5

    Focus on a blockage you know has been stunting your growth. Before you begin your practice, think of something you wish you would have accomplished already. When you have the blockage in mind begin your practice. Start with a quick scan of your entire body and relax each body part as you bring it to mind. Follow your breath as you breathe in and out. With each hand position, notice what emotions come up. If you don't notice emotions, pay attention to what sensatikns arise and where in your body they occur. When you finish, note your feelings about the blockage after your healing practice. That’s it 👍

  • ✅ Self Healing Day 7 Check

    How was your Self Healing Day 4 today? Your relationship with reiki strengthens though your self healing practice. Everyday that you heal your own wounds, you become a stronger instrument for healing for the benefit of others!

  • ❤️ Adding Metta to Your Practice

    Metta means compassion and goodwill. Spending a few minutes each self healing session developing meets, this adds balance and energy to your practice. Metta isn’t changing the exterior world, the practice instead affects your relationship to the world. First and foremost you send healing and compassiin to yourself. Spend the first few minutes of your self healing practice summoning thoughts of goodwill and compassion. Starting with this session, increase your sitting time, note how long your practice .

  • ✅ Self Healing Day 9

    Each time you practice self healing you open yourself up to expressing yourself more fully! By clearing out unwanted thoughts, healing old wounds and releasing toxic programming, you reflect your authentic self even more clearly!

  • 🧘‍♂️ Self Healing Day 9

    Now you’re getting into the groove! Start each session with a few deep breaths to center yourself. Then spend a few minutes working with metta. Always start with generating compassion for yourself, then direct reiki through out your body with the hand positions! Enjoy!

  • 🧘‍♂️ Self Healing Day 10

    Change is good! Even your self healing practice can benefit from a little reorganization. Try and change something about your routine and see what happens!

  • 🧘‍♂️ Self Healing Day 11

    What are you releasing? Start this session with a few deep breaths to center yourself. Then spend a few minutes working with metta. Generate compassion for yourself, then spread that compassion out to the rest of the world. As you work through each hand position, notice what it feels like to release what needs to be eliminated. Try to only observe rather than judge.

  • 🧘‍♂️ Self Healing Day 16

    Focus on vipassana this week with your self healing. Start each session with enough breathing meditation to calm your mind and then switch to body scanning. As your self healing sessions get longer, you keep getting stronger! 💪

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