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  • Breathing It All In

    Breathing It All In Using breathwork techniques can be a powerful tool for connecting with your psychic senses. By consciously focusing on your breath and engaging in deep, intentional breathing, you can create a state of calm and relaxation, allowing your mind and body to become more receptive to intuitive information. Breathwork helps to quiet the chatter of the mind, release tension, and balance your energy, creating an optimal environment for accessing and attuning to your psychic abilities. Through the rhythm of your breath, you can deepen your connection to the present moment, heighten your sensitivity to subtle energies, and enhance your ability to receive intuitive insights and messages. Journal Prompt Describe your experience using breathwork for activating the third eye. Reflect on any breathwork techniques you have practiced specifically for this purpose. What were your initial expectations or intentions? Write about any sensations, insights, or shifts in awareness that you experienced during or after your breathwork sessions. Reflect on the connection between breath and your third eye activation. How does conscious breathing support the awakening and expansion of your psychic awareness? Consider how breathwork helps you cultivate presence, balance your energy, and attune to subtle sensations within your body. Write about any specific moments or practices where you felt a profound connection between your breath and the activation of your third eye. Explore the effects of breathwork on your intuitive abilities. How has breathwork influenced your sensitivity, clarity, and receptivity to intuitive information? Have you noticed an increase in your psychic awareness, insights, or synchronicities as a result of your breathwork practice? Reflect on any specific instances where breathwork has helped you tap into your intuition on a deeper level. Consider any challenges or obstacles you may have encountered in your breathwork journey towards activating the third eye. Have there been moments of resistance, discomfort, or uncertainty? How have you navigated through these challenges, and what have you learned from them? Write about any strategies or techniques you have developed to overcome these obstacles and deepen your breathwork practice for third eye activation. Remember to approach these journaling prompts with honesty, openness, and curiosity. Use your journal as a space for self-reflection, exploration, and integration of your breathwork experiences. Allow your writing to flow freely and without judgment, and be open to the insights and wisdom that arise through the process.

  • Activating Your Inner Compass

    Affirmation: "I trust my intuition and inner guidance." Exercise: Take a walk in nature, preferably in a peaceful setting. As you walk, pay close attention to your surroundings and tune in to your intuition. Notice any signs, symbols, or feelings that arise. Trust your instincts and follow any subtle guidance you receive, even if it seems insignificant. Practice being present and receptive to the messages that nature and your intuition may offer. Spending time in nature can be a powerful way to enhance and deepen your connection to your psychic senses. Nature provides a nurturing and harmonious environment that supports the awakening of your intuition and inner wisdom. Here are a few ways in which spending time in nature can help you connect more deeply to your psychic senses: Quieting the Mind: Nature offers a break from the constant stimulation and distractions of modern life. When you immerse yourself in natural surroundings, you have the opportunity to quiet your mind and enter a state of relaxation. This calmness allows your psychic senses to become more attuned and receptive to subtle energies and intuitive messages. Heightened Awareness: Nature is abundant with sights, sounds, and sensations that can heighten your overall awareness. As you engage your senses in nature, you become more present and tuned in to your surroundings. This heightened awareness opens the door to perceiving subtle energies, intuitive insights, and the interconnectedness of all living beings. Amplifying Intuition: Nature acts as a natural amplifier of intuition. The earth, plants, animals, and elements carry their own unique energies and vibrations. By immersing yourself in these natural energies, you align yourself with the wisdom and intuitive intelligence of the natural world. This resonance helps to awaken and strengthen your own intuitive abilities. Symbolism and Synchronicities: Nature is rich in symbols and synchronicities that can speak directly to your psychic senses. As you spend time in nature, pay attention to any signs, omens, or symbols that catch your attention. These can serve as messages or guidance from the spiritual realm, providing insights and answers to your questions. Connection to Elemental Energies: The elements—earth, air, water, and fire—have a profound influence on our psychic and spiritual experiences. Nature allows you to connect deeply with these elemental energies. For example, standing barefoot on the earth (known as grounding or earthing) can help you establish a strong energetic connection and balance. Observing the movement of water or feeling the breeze on your skin can evoke a sense of flow and inspiration. By attuning to these elemental energies, you can enhance your psychic awareness and intuitive abilities. Meditation and Contemplation: Nature provides an ideal backdrop for meditation and contemplation. Find a serene spot in nature where you can sit quietly and focus your attention inward. As you meditate, use nature as a focal point, observing the patterns, textures, and sounds around you. This deepens your connection to the natural world and allows you to tap into the wisdom and energy present in nature.

  • Feeling It Out

    Feeling It Out Psychometry, the ability to perceive information through objects, can be a powerful tool to deepen your connection with your psychic senses. By holding an object and tuning into its energy, you can tap into the imprints and vibrations it carries, unlocking hidden insights and intuitive messages. Psychometry strengthens your ability to sense subtle energies, enhances your intuitive perception, and expands your understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. Through the practice of psychometry, you can unlock a world of hidden knowledge and open new pathways to connect with your psychic senses. Journal Prompt Object Impressions: Choose an object for the psychometry exercise and describe your initial impressions upon holding it. What sensations or feelings did you experience when touching the object? Write about any images, words, or emotions that came to mind during the exercise. Symbolism and Meaning: Reflect on the information you received from the object's energetic imprint. Are there any symbols or recurring themes that stood out to you? Explore the possible meanings behind these symbols and how they might relate to the object's history or previous owner. Emotional Resonance: Did you sense any strong emotions connected to the object? Describe the emotions you felt and explore why you think they might be associated with the object. Consider the potential emotional experiences the object may have witnessed or absorbed over time. Object Story: Use your psychometric impressions to create a narrative about the object's journey. Imagine its history, including where it might have come from, who owned it, and any significant events it may have been involved in. Write a detailed story based on the information you gathered. Personal Growth and Intuition: Reflect on your progress with the psychometry exercise. Have you noticed any changes in your intuitive abilities or sensitivity to energy? How has practicing psychometry impacted your personal growth and understanding of energetic connections? Write about any insights or challenges you've encountered during the process. Keep in mind, psychometry is a unique and personal experience, and there are no right or wrong answers. These journal prompts are designed to help you deepen your exploration and understanding of psychometry as you develop your psychic abilities and connection to energetic imprints within objects. Be patient with yourself, and allow the information to unfold naturally through your intuition and observations. Happy journaling!

  • Thank You Message

    Congratulations on completing the 7-day Third Eye Activation Challenge! I am thrilled and grateful to have had the opportunity to guide you on this journey of awakening and expanding your psychic awareness. Your dedication and commitment to your spiritual growth are truly commendable. Thank you for embracing each day's exercise, affirmation, and journal prompt with enthusiasm and an open mind. By participating in this challenge, you have taken a significant step towards deepening your connection with your intuition and unlocking the wisdom of your third eye. To continue on your path of psychic development, I recommend checking out "Essential Psychic Development: A Beginners Guide" (link: This book is a perfect resource for beginners like you. In "Essential Psychic Development," you will find a wealth of knowledge and practical exercises to awaken your inner Seer further. The book is written in a clear and accessible manner, guiding you through fundamental practices and tools for opening your third eye, trusting your intuition, and decoding signs and symbols from your guides and meditations. You'll delve into the differences between Tarot and Oracle Cards, explore the use of a pendulum, and harness the power of crystals to raise your vibration and enhance your psychic and intuitive abilities. With plenty of space for notes and engaging exercises, this workbook will help you develop psychic tools, practice self-protection techniques, learn energy-cleansing methods, and discover your intuitive language. There is a vast universe of knowledge and experiences awaiting you. If you are hungry for more, I offer a range of online classes to support seekers like you in their awakening process. These classes cover various topics, from psychic development to energy healing, and can provide valuable guidance and techniques for your continued growth. I encourage you to stay curious, keep exploring, and nurture your spiritual practice. Trust in the wisdom and insights that arise from within you. Your intuition will guide you along your path, and your spirit guide will offer support and guidance every step of the way. Once again, thank you for participating in this 7-day challenge. I am genuinely grateful to have been part of your journey. May your third eye continue to shine brightly as you embrace the wonders of your awakened consciousness. With heartfelt gratitude and best wishes, Alysa

  • Day 4

    Hello Beloved Seeker, As your journey continues to unfold, I hope you're feeling more in tune with your inner wisdom with each passing day. Today, let's delve into the beautifully creative aspect of our journey – finding connections to your Third Eye Chakra through artistic expression. Your Third Eye Chakra is not just a source of insight and intuition; it's also a wellspring of creativity waiting to be tapped into. Often associated with the color indigo, this energy center is your gateway to enhanced imagination, heightened perception, and artistic brilliance. Remember, creativity knows no bounds, and there are no right or wrong ways to express yourself. Your Third Eye is like a canvas waiting for your unique brushstrokes. Through artistic exploration, you'll strengthen your intuitive connection and bring forth fresh insights and ideas. As you continue to explore the depths of our inner knowing, remember that creativity is a key to unlocking the doors of perception. Embrace your creative self, and let your Third Eye guide you towards a world of inspiration, intuition, and infinite possibilities. With love and indigo-hued creativity,

  • Day 5

    Dear Soulful Seeker of Inner Wisdom, Welcome to Day 5 of our "Awakening The Inner Knowing: Third Eye Activation Journey." 🌟 Today, we delve into the profound connection between the power of the breath and the awakening of your Third Eye. As you may have discovered throughout this journey, your breath is not just a biological function; it is a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. The ancient sages and mystics have long recognized the breath as a key to unlocking inner potential and heightened awareness. The power of the breath and the awakening of the Third Eye are interconnected facets of your inner growth. Embrace this opportunity to become more attuned to your own being. The Breath is a tool that can anchor you in the present moment, quiet the mind's chatter, and pave the way for deeper introspection. As you learn to harness its power, you open doors to profound inner stillness. With love and gratitude,

  • Awakening The Inner Knowing - 7 Day Challenge

    The Third Eye Activation - 7 Day Challenge is a transformative journey that invites you to tap into the power of your third eye and expand your psychic awareness. Over the course of seven days, you will embark on a series of exercises, affirmations, and journal prompts designed to awaken and activate your third eye chakra. Each day of the challenge offers a unique experience aimed at deepening your connection to your intuition and expanding your perception of the world. Through guided meditations, visualization exercises, breathwork techniques, and mindful practices, you will embark on a profound exploration of your inner wisdom. The daily affirmations serve as powerful reminders of your innate psychic abilities and the limitless potential of your third eye. They empower you to trust in your intuition, embrace your gifts, and open yourself to the divine guidance that awaits you. Accompanying each exercise is a journal prompt, encouraging you to reflect, integrate, and document your experiences. Journaling provides a sacred space for self-discovery, allowing you to uncover insights, patterns, and breakthroughs along your journey. Throughout the challenge, you will learn how to work with tools such as oracle cards, crystals, pendulums, and psychometry, further enhancing your intuitive abilities and connection to the spiritual realm. By the end of the 7-day challenge, you will have laid a solid foundation for awakening and activating your third eye.

  • What is the Third Eye

    The Third Eye The concept of the third eye has been present in various spiritual and philosophical traditions throughout history. The third eye is often associated with psychic awareness, intuition, and higher states of consciousness. It is believed to be an energetic or spiritual center located in the middle of the forehead, slightly above the space between the eyebrows. In ancient Indian philosophy and spirituality, the third eye is referred to as the "ajna" chakra. It is considered the sixth primary chakra, associated with intuition, insight, and perception beyond the physical senses. The ancient Hindu text called the Upanishads mentions the third eye as the "eye of wisdom" or "eye of knowledge." Similarly, in Buddhism, the third eye is connected to spiritual awakening and enlightenment. The concept can be found in Tibetan Buddhism, where it is known as the "urna" or "jnana mudra." The urna is often depicted as a small dot or circle between the eyebrows, representing the opening of the third eye and heightened awareness. The concept of the third eye is also seen in ancient Egyptian mythology. The Eye of Horus, symbolized by an eye-like symbol with a distinct shape, represents protection, wisdom, and healing. It is often associated with the ability to perceive beyond the ordinary senses and gain a deeper understanding. It's important to note that the concept of the third eye and psychic awareness is deeply rooted in spirituality, metaphysics, and personal belief systems. Different cultures and traditions may have varying interpretations and practices associated with the third eye. Exploring and understanding these concepts can be a personally transformative journey developing their psychic abilities and expanding their consciousness. In this 7-day challenge, you will explore some practices to help you open your third eye and access your psychic senses. Download the printable companion journal pages here.

  • In You Go With Indigo

    The colour indigo is strongly associated with the third eye and is often used to activate and stimulate this energy center. Here's how the colour indigo is connected to the third eye and some ways you can use it to activate your third eye: Symbolism and Correspondences: Indigo is often considered the colour of intuition, perception, and spiritual insight. It resonates with the energy of the sixth chakra, known as the third eye chakra or ajna. The deep, rich hue of indigo is believed to represent the depth of inner wisdom and the ability to see beyond the physical realm. Stimulating the Third Eye: To use the colour indigo to activate your third eye, you can incorporate it into your surroundings and daily practices. Here are a few suggestions: Visualization: During meditation or visualizations, imagine a vibrant indigo light filling the space between your eyebrows, where the third eye is located. Envision this radiant indigo light expanding and opening your third eye, enhancing your intuitive abilities and perception. Clothing and Décor: Wear or surround yourself with indigo-colored clothing, jewelry, or décor items. This can serve as a visual reminder and energetic support for activating your third eye. Surrounding yourself with indigo in your physical environment can create a harmonious and conducive space for intuitive development. Affirmations and Mantras: Combine the power of words with the colour indigo by incorporating affirmations or mantras that are specifically focused on activating and opening your third eye. Repeat affirmations such as "My third eye is open and receptive to higher wisdom" or chant mantras like "Aum" or "OM" to attune your energy to the frequency of the third eye. Crystals and Gemstones: Work with indigo-coloured crystals and gemstones to align with the energy of the third eye. Some examples include lapis lazuli, sodalite, azurite, and amethyst. You can hold or wear these crystals near your third eye or incorporate them into your meditation or energy practices to enhance the activation of your intuitive faculties. Balancing and Harmonizing: The colour indigo can also help balance and harmonize the energy of the third eye chakra. If you sense any imbalance or blockages in this energy center, spending time in environments with indigo hues or visualizing indigo light can assist in restoring equilibrium and facilitating the free flow of energy through the third eye. Using indigo colour as a tool to activate the third eye is not limited to a specific method or technique. It is a personal and intuitive exploration, and you can adapt and incorporate the colour indigo into your practices in ways that resonate with you. Trust your own guidance and instincts as you work with this powerful colour to open and awaken your third eye.

  • Discovering Wisdom & Insight

    Journal Prompt Reflect on your personal connection to the indigo lotus and its significance in opening your third eye. Write about your thoughts, feelings, and associations with the colour indigo and the symbolism of the lotus flower. Consider the following questions: What does the colour indigo evoke for you? How does it make you feel? Does it remind you of anything specific or carry any personal significance? Explore the symbolism of the lotus flower in various spiritual and cultural traditions. What does the lotus represent to you? How does its imagery resonate with your understanding of inner wisdom and intuition? Imagine yourself as the lotus flower, slowly opening its petals to reveal the radiant light within. How does this visualization make you feel? What emotions or sensations arise as you envision the lotus blooming at the center of your forehead? Reflect on any personal experiences or encounters with the lotus flower or indigo colour in your life. Have you had any dreams, synchronicities, or moments of resonance related to these symbols? How do they connect to your journey of opening your third eye and accessing higher knowledge? Consider how the lotus and indigo colours can serve as reminders or anchors in your daily life. How might you incorporate these symbols or their qualities into your surroundings, intentions, or daily practices to support your connection to your third eye?

  • Embracing My Abilities

    Affirmation: "I embrace my psychic abilities and use them for the highest good." Exercise: Psychometry is the psychic ability to receive information or impressions about an object or person by touching or holding it. This exercise will help you develop your psychometry skills and attune to the energetic imprints embedded within objects. Here's a step-by-step guide: Materials Needed: Several small objects with different textures (e.g., a key, a ring, a stone, a feather, a piece of cloth). A quiet and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Instructions: Choose an Object: Select one of the small objects from your collection to work with for this exercise. It's best to start with an object that you have no prior knowledge or connection to. Relax and Center Yourself: Find a comfortable seated position and take a few deep breaths to relax your mind and body. Allow any tension or distractions to melt away, and focus your attention on the present moment. Clearing and Focusing Your Energy: Hold the object in your hands and take a few moments to clear your energy and establish a connection with the object. You can do this by visualizing a bright white light enveloping the object, cleansing it of any residual energies. Set the intention to attune to the information embedded within the object. Tune In and Observe Sensations: Close your eyes and continue holding the object in your hands. Gently run your fingers over its surface, exploring its texture and shape. Pay attention to any sensations, impressions, emotions, or thoughts that arise as you touch the object. Be open to receiving information through any of your senses. Engage Your Intuition: Trust your intuition and allow your impressions to flow. You may start receiving images, words, emotions, or even past memories related to the object or its previous owner. Don't judge or dismiss anything that comes up; simply observe and record your impressions. Journal Your Experience: Open your eyes and take a moment to process and reflect on the information you received. Write down your observations, including any specific details, images, emotions, or insights that arose during the psychometric experience. Capture your initial impressions and note any connections you feel between the object and the information received. Repeat the Exercise: Repeat this exercise with different objects from your collection. Each time, approach it with a sense of curiosity and openness. Over time, you may notice patterns or themes emerging in your psychometric readings, and your ability to interpret the information may become more refined. Remember, psychometry is a skill that develops with practice and patience. It's important to maintain a relaxed and non-judgmental attitude throughout the exercise. With consistent practice, you can enhance your psychometric abilities and gain deeper insights into the energetic imprints left on objects.

  • Alignment & Trust

    Alignment & Trust Affirmation: "I trust in my innate intuitive abilities and open myself to receiving clear and accurate psychic information." Exercise: Connecting to your spirit guide is a personal and unique experience. Visualization serves as a gateway to establish and strengthen this connection. Practice regularly and remain open to your spirit guide's guidance and support. Trust in the process and honour the relationship you develop with your focus as you continue your spiritual journey. Spirit guides are extraordinary helpers on our spiritual path. With their wisdom, love, and guidance, they assist us in navigating life's challenges, finding clarity, and discovering our true purpose. These benevolent beings provide support, comfort, and direction, offering insights and nudges in alignment with our highest good. Whether through intuitive whispers, synchronicities, or direct communication, spirit guides serve as trusted companions, empowering us to embrace our spiritual gifts, make enlightened choices, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth. Instructions: Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can relax without distractions. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and bring your focus inward. Allow any tension or stress to melt away, creating a calm and receptive state. Repeat the provided affirmation aloud or in your mind. Feel the words resonating within you and affirm your belief in your own intuitive abilities. Close your eyes and visualize yourself surrounded by a vibrant, protective bubble of light. Imagine this light enveloping your entire being, shielding and grounding you. Visualize a blank movie screen in front of you. This screen represents your psychic senses and their ability to receive information. Set an intention to connect with your intuitive senses and be open to receiving psychic impressions. Trust that you are capable of receiving clear and accurate information. Start with a simple visualization exercise. Imagine a peaceful, natural setting, such as a serene beach or a tranquil forest. Visualize the details of the scene—the colours, textures, and sounds. Engage all your senses to create a vivid and lifelike experience in your mind. Now, imagine a person you know well, such as a close friend or family member, appearing in this scene. Visualize their face, their energy, and their emotions. Allow yourself to connect with any impressions, insights, or feelings that arise about this person. Trust your intuitive senses and let the information flow. Take your time to observe and receive any psychic information that comes through. Be open to any sensations, symbols, words, or emotions that may arise during the visualization. After a few minutes, gently release the visualization and return your focus to the present moment. Take a few deep breaths and ground yourself by feeling your connection to the earth beneath you. Reflect on your experience. Write down any insights, impressions, or symbols that came through during the visualization exercise. Notice any patterns or themes that emerged. Trust in the information you received and honor your intuitive abilities. Remember, developing psychic senses takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself and continue to engage in exercises like this one regularly. With dedication and belief in your innate abilities, you can cultivate and strengthen your psychic senses over time.

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