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Illuminated Life Blueprint

The tools and insights you need to craft your own path to success with foresight and strategic insight. 


The Illuminated Life Blueprint is a six-month partnership dedicated to uncovering and harnessing your unique potential. Each month, you'll receive two 90-minute sessions tailored to reflect and build upon your personal and professional aspirations. Whether you prefer in-person meetings, phone calls, or Zoom sessions, I provide the flexibility to suit your lifestyle and commitments.



Each session is a deep dive into your life's dynamics, guided by topic-specific Tarot readings that reveal underlying trends and possibilities. Coupled with personalized astrological consultations, you'll gain a clear view of the celestial influences at play, helping you make decisions aligned with the natural flow of your life. My targeted coaching strategies and advice are designed to turn these insights into actionable plans, empowering you to seize opportunities and avoid pitfalls.



Your journey is supported with a suite of personalized resources. After each session, you'll receive a printable PDF, a monthly calendar pinpointing your most critical astrological days, and bespoke guides on topics that matter to you. Included in your monthly PDF is a 6-card tarot reading for ongoing guidance, along with advice on your personal moon phases, solar return, and how to navigate retrogrades and eclipses to ensure you're prepared for every twist and turn on your path.



With the Illuminated Life Blueprint, you're not just reacting to life; you're anticipating and shaping it. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with follow-up support, flexible scheduling, and the knowledge that every step you take is informed, intentional, and illuminated. This is your chance to join the ranks of the successful few who don't leave their futures to chance. Take control with the Illuminated Life Blueprint and illuminate the path to your brightest future.


Lock in your six-month package at a special introductory rate of $2100. CAD


Payment plans available

*** Regular fees apply upon package renewal

Elite Guidance

Illuminated Life Blueprint



Valid for 6 months

12 - 90 min sessions, bi-monthly meetings over 6 Months

Loyalty Rewards One Time Bonus: 150 Pnts

Session focus -You choose the topic, or let the stars decide

Topic Specific Tarot reading

Personalized current astrological consultation

Topic-Specific Coaching Strategies & advice

Goal Setting, Accountability & Tracking

Monthly calendar with your most critical days + advice

Personalized Resources: Guides and more on relevant topics

Personalized 6-card Tarot reading each month (PDF)

Personal Moon Phases with advice (PDF)

Personal Solar Return

Personalized Retrograde, eclipse advice & forecasting (PDF)

Follow-up Support: Email or short call (up to 20 min)

Flexible Scheduling: Priority booking and flexible options

Package Details:


  • Regular Price: $2350 for 6 months - Payment plans available

  • Duration: 90 minutes/session, bi-monthly meetings

  • Format: In-person, phone, or Zoom

  • Loyalty RewardsOne Time Bonus: 150 Pnts


Each Session Includes:


  • Previous session recap 

  • Session focus - You can choose the topic or let the stars decide

  • Topic Specific Tarot reading

  • Personalized current astrological consultation

  • Topic-Specific Coaching Strategies & advice

  • Goal Setting

  • Goal Accountability & Tracking



Post-Session Printable PDF:


  • Monthly calendar with your most critical astrological days and advice

  • Personalized Resources: Guides and more on relevant topics

  • Personalized 6-card Tarot reading each month

  • Personal Moon Phases with advice

  • Personal Solar Return

  • Personalized Retrograde, eclipse advice with forecasting


***  Please allow up to 72 hours after your session for me to prepare your report


Extra Benefits:


  • Follow-up Support: Email or short call (up to 20 min) between sessions

  • Flexible Scheduling: Priority booking and flexible options

Explore Other Packages
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